Dalby and District
Swimming Club Inc.
Information Booklet
2017/18 Season
Welcome to the 2017/18 season of Dalby and District Swimming Club Inc. The aim of our club is to encourage swimmers to improve their times and technique, but most of all to enjoy their swimming. Throughout the year swimmers have the opportunity to participate in weekly club nights, and a variety of carnivals, including our own Dalby Open.
We hope you all enjoy the fun and activities of our club and join the wonderful band of parents who support us each year. We thank the volunteers for their continued support.
A great way for parents and caregivers to get involved in our swimming club is to attend committee meetingson the third Monday of each month inthe Club House at the Dalby Aquatic Centre. Meetings start at 6pm.*
Club Aims and Objectives
- To provide a club that caters for swimmers of all ages and abilities.
- To encourage and foster swimming as a healthy and safe form of sport for both recreational and competitive swimmers
- To encourage parents to take an active interest in their children's activities and to become involved in all aspects of the running of club nights, monthly meetings and club activities.
- To organise and run club swims, club championships and to promote carnivals.
- Most importantly to have fun!
General Rules
- Club commences at 5.45pm for a 6pm start each Thursday.Anyone arriving prior to this time and wanting to swim must pay pool admission fees.
- Children under the age of 12 must be supervised by a parent or guardian.
- All Children, including swimmers, must be seated in the Grandstand unless swimming, marshalling or at the BBQ.
- Due to safety reasons,out of bounds areas include the indoor pool, toddler’s pool, play area and all grassed areas within the pool grounds.Swimmers who do not comply with the rules may run the risk of losing any points accumulated during that week’s swim.
How can Parents help?
For Swim Club night to run smoothly, parents are needed to take on active roles around pool deck. Assistance is required with time-keeping and the BBQ. Time keeping involves using semi-automatic timers and hitting one button when the swimmer in that lane completes their race. Your willingness to help and assist on the night is greatly appreciated.
Find us on Facebook at
*During the off-season, meeting times are subject to change.
Swimmers Responsibilities
- Pack the necessary equipment: togs, goggles, cap, towels, warm clothes. Club shirts, shorts and swimming caps are available for purchase. See a member of the committee for information and order dates.
- Nominate each week. Nominations are to be completed online. A link to the nomination page will be published on the club’s website and Facebook page each week. Nominations must be submitted before 6pm on Wednesdays. Please do not message the Club’s Facebook page to nominate.
- Listen when being called to marshalling. If you do not report to marshalling when directed, you will not be guaranteed a swim for that event.
- Late nominations will be accepted on the night, BUT points will not be allocated for those swims.
- DO NOT ask for your time at the end of your swim. If you do this at a carnival, you may be disqualified. Return to grandstand as soon as your swim is finished.
- DO NOTsit on the lane ropes as this will damage them.
Club Nights
Four strokes are swum each night: 12.5m, 25m, 50m & at least one distance event; weather permitting. The night’s program is as follows:
- Freestyle events (12.5m, 25m, 50m)
- 12.5m backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly (These events rotated each week)
- Scheduled distance event (see Page 4 for specific information)
- 25m and 50m backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly (These events rotated each week)
The purpose of club nights is for swimmers to complete against their own times for point, NOT competing against other swimmers. This is to encourage all members to try and improve on their personal best times and abilities.
Club nights ARE NOT designed to provide coaching for swimmers. Parents wishing for their child/children to receive coaching are recommended to consult directly with Micheal Wise and the Swimwise staff.
Progression Times
In order to encourage the continued development of swimmers time standards have been created this season. To progress, a swimmer needs to meet or better the time standard for that distance.
Freestyle12.5m to 25m / 16 seconds
25m to 50m / 25 seconds
12.5m to 25m / 22 seconds
25m to 50m / 29 seconds
12.5m to 25m / 20 seconds
25m to 50m / 27 seconds
12.5m to 25m / 20 seconds
25m to 50m / 30 seconds
Calendar of Club Night and Distance* Events
October 12October 19
October 26
November 2
November 9
November 16
November 23
November 30
December 7
January 11
January 18
January 25
February 1
February 8
February 15
February 22
March 1
March 8
SUNDAY MARCH 11 / 100m Freestyle
100m Breaststroke
100m Backstroke
100m Butterfly
200m Individual Medley (Henschell Family Trophy)
No distance event
200m Freestyle (Collins/Hansen Trophy)
No distant event
Christmas Breakup – Fun Night (no points awarded)
There will be a 4 week break over Christmas
800m Freestyle* (min qualifying time 16.00) Shortened Club Night
400m Freestyle* (min qualifying time 8.00) Shortened Club Night
No distance event
200m Backstroke*
200m Breaststroke*
200m Butterfly*
200m Freestyle*
200m Individual Medley*
Fun Night
* The distance events are sponsored by Swimwise and will contribute to the Male and Female Long Distance Champions for the 2014-15 season. Awards will be presented to the Junior (12 and under) and Senior (13 and over) distance champions at the annual awards night. To be eligible for awards, swimmers must compete in at least FOUR (4) distance events and meet minimum time qualifications where stated.
^^Club Championships
To be eligible to compete in the championship events, a swimmer must comply with the following rules:-
- Be a financial member of the Club.
- Have attended and swum at least two (2) strokes (25metres or over) over six (6) Club nights (regardless of ‘rained out’ nights) prior to FEBRUARY 15, 2018. For new swimmers, joining after January 1, 2018, the number of Club night attendances required is reduced to three (3).
- These events are swum based on the age of the swimmer on the day of the event. Distance Championship trophies will be classified as the age of the swimmer on the day of the Club Championships (March 11, 2018).
- To be eligible for Age Champion, swimmers MUST participate in the Club Championships.
Carnival Information
- Throughout the season, swimmers have the opportunity to compete at a variety of carnivals. Carnival details will be emailed to all who have nominated to receive carnival emails on initial swimmer registration. If you wish to receive emails please email the Carnival Coordinator.
- All carnival competitors must wear the club uniform (club shirt, shorts and Dalby swimming cap). If you do not have a club uniform, please see a member of the committee for next order placement.
Wet Weather Policy
- A decision will be made at 5.00pm on club night to determine if the club night will be cancelled. A message confirming cancellation will be posted on the club’s Facebook page. To avoid confusion, please ensure you have liked the club’sFacebook page to receive updates. If you do not have your own Facebook account, you can still access the Club’s page via a search engine such as Google.
Points System
- Swimmers must be timed in a stroke before receiving points in events of that stroke (i.e. first swim is a time trial). You must be nominated to receive points each week.
- If a faster time than your previous best time is recorded, this becomes your official BEST TIME.
- The Club official record shall at all times be the basis of Club Awards.
- Any swimmer may attempt 12.5m, 25m or 50m of any stroke. However, they may only swim once for each stroke in a night, except for the distance events. The Club discourages swimmers continually swapping between 12.5m, 25m and 50m events.
Rules for Eligibility for Non-Championship Distance Events
- At the beginning of the season, each 50m swimmer must have a 50m time recorded in each stroke before attempting 100m of that stroke.
- After that, swimmers may compete in either 50m or 100m events on the program.
- See club night calendar for details regarding Championship Distance events.
Trophy Points
Awarded as follows:
1 pointMore than 2.59 seconds slower
2 points1.6 to 2.59 seconds slower
3 points0.6 to 1.59 seconds slower
4 points0 to .59 seconds slower
5 points0.1 to 0.59 seconds faster
6 points0.6 to 1.59 seconds faster
7 points1.6 to 2.59 seconds faster
8 pointsMore than 2.59 seconds faster
Club Committee
President / Sarah Hemmings/ 0429 625 391
Vice President / Micheal Wise
/ 0400 633 519
Treasurer / Nadia Bosman
Secretary / Jodie Biggar
/ 0438928193
(Club Membership) / Amanda Bliesner
/ 0433855569
Club Night Coordinator
(Nominations) / Amanda Bliesner
/ 0433855569
Carnival Coordinator / Donna Nothdurft
/ 0439 141 898