Instructor: Christy Chauvin

Office: N/A

Office Hours:N/A

Class Meeting Day & Time:


Office Phone:


Blackboard Site: myTulane.blackboard.com

Class Location: Law School, WH357


Course Description

ACCN 3010 emphasizes the role of accounting information in management decision-making for profit- seeking organizations. It develops the importance of information to decision-relevance through the study of traditional cost accounting, managerial economics, operations research, and the behavioral sciences.

Course Prerequisites: ACCN 2010, CDMA 1201 Pre- or Co-req

Course Goals

This course is designed to teach you the uses of accounting information for both planning and control of business organizations, which help managers achieve organizations’ strategic objectives. A major goal of the course is to develop your understanding of the relevance of accounting to internal management, from the procedures used to generate accounting data through to the types of analyses required to effectively use the information for managerial decision making. The topics of the course, especially opportunity costs, relevant costs, and other analysis techniques, are directly and immediately relevant to not only your professional careers, but also your personal success.

Student Learning Objectives

As the result of this course, students should be able to:

· Understand how costs flow through organizations, and how costs are accumulated and reported

· Use these costs and associated revenues to make decisions about the best level of operations

· Prepare a budget

· Compare actual results to budgeted results and evaluate performance

· Use the costs for decisions regarding outsourcing, pricing, selling or processing further

· Evaluate the results of these decisions

Course Material

  1. Text: Introduction to Managerial Accounting, Seventh Edition, by Brewer, Garrison, Noreen(McGraw-Hill). Available at Tulane bookstore. Text is optional
  2. Connect homework code for the text. Code is mandatory
  3. Professor Chauvin’s website for lecture materials –


This course follows the faculty approved grading guidelines of a maximum class average GPA in the range of 2.700 to 3.000 for core classes and a maximum class average GPA in the range of 3.000-3.333 for business elective classes. Please note the stated average class GPA range is a maximum average range and the class average GPA range could be lower.

The grading scale for the course:

If you have a question about a grade, please address is within three (3) business days after the test or the grade will remain.


  1. Bring a simple calculator, scantron, pencil, and eraser. Scratch paper provided.
  2. Tests can only be taken with a basic four-function calculator. No exceptions. I will confiscate a calculator that does not meet this requirement. You cannot use your phone as a calculator.
  3. There will be four (4) versions of the test. Make sure you write your version number and color on your scantron to be sure your test is properly graded.
  4. Be sure your phone is off and put away in your bag. Ringing or vibrating phones are distracting to test takers and may result in a loss of points.
  5. Your book bags, purses, keys, phones etc. must be placed either at the front of the room or along the walls.
  6. Make sure you put your name on the test and circle your answers. When your test is returned with the key to the test, you will want to review your circled answers in relation to the key to determine what you answered incorrectly.
  7. You may ask me questions about the wording of a question only during an exam.

Tests:Exams and quizzes will consist exclusively of multiple choice questions with four answers or true/false questions. All materials discussed in class, whether in the text or not, will appear in examinations. All material in the lecture notes is considered when preparing tests.

Curves are earned on your tests by participating in class, including in-class assignments.

Test Make-ups:Make-up exams will not be given. If something comes up that causes you to miss your first test (athletic event, illness, death in the family, court date, car trouble, etc.), a comprehensive final exam will be given on the last test day in lieu of you first and second test. If you miss both tests, you will receive a “zero” for your test grade.

Test Copies:Test copies will be maintained by me. During the class following a test, we will proceed with the lecture. After the lecture, copies of your tests will be given to you along with the answer key once you provide me with an id. You will be given time to review both. When you return both the test and answer key, I will return your id.

Extra Credit:There is no extra credit available for this course unless assigned by me.

Grade Notification:My aim is to post grades generally within two days of your tests or the due date of a project.

Class Attendance

Attendance is expected. Attendance will be taken for administrative purposes. If you do miss a class, you are expected to obtain the lecture materials from Blackboard (BB) or my content delivery site NumberKnowledge.com (NK). NK is desktop, iPad, and phone friendly.

Attendance Policy:You are expected to be in class on time and stay for the entire class. Entering and leaving while class is in session is distractive to other students. This or other distractive behavior forfeits any curve or participation points you might otherwise have earned. Additionally, continuous late arrivals will affect your participation grade. If you must leave early, please send me an email. Try to leave during the class break.

Statement about Academic Integrity

This class will be conducted in full accordance with Tulane’s policies about academic integrity including, but not limited to, the Code of Academic Integrity and the Code of Student Conduct.

Freeman Educational Norms and Expectations

This class will be conducted in full accordance with Freeman’s Educational Norms and Expectations. Please read the Norms and Expectations, which can be found at

Disruptive Behavior:Disruptive or disrespectful behavior is not allowed in class and will not be tolerated. I define any such behavior. Any instances will require a meeting between us. You must meet with me before you return to class or you will be asked to leave class until we have met. Disruptive behavior will affect your overall grade.

Learning Disabilities

Under the Americans with Disability Act and the Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, if you have a disability, you may have the right to an accommodation; however, the right is contingent upon you taking certain steps. You should review the steps that you need to take, as well as Tulane’s policy concerning accommodations at

Any student with a disability, in need of course or examination accommodation, should request an accommodation through the University’s Office of Disability Services (ODS) located in the Mechanical Engineering Building. At the beginning of the semester, please provide me with a copy of your approved ODS accommodation form. I am committed to working with ODS to ensure that I provide you with all approved accommodations. If you do not deliver the approved accommodation form to me, I will not know that ODS approved your accommodation and I will have no basis to provide those accommodations.

Discrimination and Harassment

Tulane University recognizes the inherent dignity of all individuals and promotes respect for all people. As One Wave, Tulane is committed to providing an environment free of all forms of discrimination and sexual harassment, including sexual assault, domestic and dating violence, and stalking. If you (or someone you know) has experienced or experiences gender-based violence, know that you are not alone. Learn more at onewave.tulane.edu

Strictly Confidential / Mostly Confidential
Except in extreme circumstances, involving imminent danger to one’s self or others, nothing will be shared without your explicit permission. / Conversations are kept as confidential as possible, but information is shared with key staff members so the University can offer resources and accommodations and take action if necessary for safety reasons.
Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) | (504) 314-2277 / Coordinator of Violence Prevention | (504) 314-2161
Student Health Center | (504) 865-5255 / Tulane University Police (TUPD) | (504) 865-5911
SAPHE Hotline | (504) 654-9543 / Office of Institutional Equity | (504) 862-8083

Specific Course Policies

Class Supplies:Simple calculator, mechanical pencil, a white polymer eraser, and notebook. You may use a laptop or iPad device to read your notes in class but not a phone. I have little patience with phones during class so if I see yours I will give it back to you after class.

Teaching Style:There are pre-lecture notes following by pre-lecture assignments. These are meant to introduce you to the topic before class so aid in your absorption of lecture material during class. During class, we will review the lecture notes and reinforce the concepts with in-class problem solving from homework assignments. Problem solving is required for all students and you are graded on your participation. Post-lecture assignments are comprised of your homework and resources such as YouTube videos prepared by me are provided to review the more complicated aspects of the lecture materials.

This class structure has been proven to be a very dynamic, rich, interactive environment within which to learn and aids in your retention of the material. Mistakes are inevitable with new material so make them while we are learning and not on a test. You will find accounting is learned more by doing than by listening.

Pre-Lecture: There are pre-lecture assignments in NK. Generally, these are videos and questions provided by the book publisher designed to introduce you to the lecture topic and prepare you for class. The pre-lecture assignments are to be completed before class and are part of your homework grade.

Lecture: These are in-depth notes with embedded homework examples. We will work homework assignments together. Your homework problems are algorithmically determined and, thus, the numbers will change but not the basic setup. In addition, your participation grade affects the curve you will receive on any test. Non participation will result in the loss of a curve.

Post-Lecture: These are YouTube videos prepared by me.

Homework:There is a link in BB and NK to sign up for the class. Be sure to sign up for the correct section. There are also links to trouble shoot any registration problems. These problems must be addressed with Connect.

You can attempt each online homework unlimited times but can check your work only three times. Only your highest attempt will count. Homework, assignments and projects are due when indicated. Late submissions are not accepted unless there is documented case with Connect or with your internet provider.We are on an accelerated schedule and life events will occur. To avoid losing points in such a short time frame, you can submit your work late but will lose 5% of your grade each day you late. The only extensions you should expect will be if there is a documented Connect or internet problem. Please do not wait until the due date to try to complete the homework. The link to sign up for homework is in BB and NK.

No late submissions after July 22.

If you are having any difficulty with a particular problem, send me a screen snip so I can help you quickly. Screen snip instructions are in BB and NK.

Connect Practice Sets: In addition to homework, there are practice sets that mirror the homework assignments. These will not close until the end of the semester. Use the practice sets to study for tests.

Communication:The best way to reach me is by email which is forwarded to my phone. Additionally, there is a twitter account for each class. There are instructions in BB and NK to sign up for twitter. If I need to contact the class quickly, I will tweet to the class twitter feed.

Cell Phones:Absolutely no cell phone usage is allowed during a class session. If a cell phone is in use or on your desk during class, I will confiscate it and return it to you at the end of class.

Please see schedule of due dates next page

A.B. Freeman School of Business -Summer 2016
Monday/Wednesday Course Schedule
BSM Summer Session II
Monday, June 20 – Friday, July 22
Monday, June 20
Wednesday, June 22
Monday, June 27
Wednesday, June 29
Monday, July 4 / July 4th Holiday
Wednesday, July 6
Monday, July 11
Wednesday, July 13
Friday, July 15 / Make up day for July 4th
Monday, July 18
Wednesday, July 20
Final Exam
Friday, July 22, 1:00p


Campus Resources:

Strictly Confidential / Mostly Confidential
Except in extreme circumstances, involving imminent danger to one’s self or others, nothing will be shared without your explicit permission. / Conversations are kept as confidential as possible, but information is shared with key staff members so the University can offer resources and accommodations and take action if necessary for safety reasons.
Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) | (504) 314-2277 / Coordinator of Violence Prevention | (504) 314-2161
Student Health Center | (504) 865-5255 / Tulane University Police (TUPD) | (504) 865-5911
SAPHE Hotline | (504) 654-9543 / Office of Institutional Equity | (504) 862-8083