Buchanan County Career Technology and Higher Learning Center

Lisa Osborne, Instructor / Practical Nursing I / Week of: 11-14 to 11-18
Monday 11-14 / Tuesday 11-15 / Wednesday 11-16 / Thursday 11-17 / Friday 11-18
Competencies / 8357-49 client education
8357-11 safety
8357-4 self-representation
8357-34 role of pn student / 8357-74 A&P urinary / 8357-74 A&P urinary / 8357-74 A&P urinary
8357-72 A&P reproductive m/f / 8357-72 A&P reproductive m/f
TSWBAT / Twin Valley students visiting classroom. Demonstrations of A&P of the human body, use of sharps and handling, use of PPE, demonstration of VS using doppler and pulse ox, use of stethoscope demonstrated at the apex of the heart for student to try at home. Prizes of disposable stethoscopes and PPE sent with students—questions asked by visitors and interest in program noted / Quiz diagrams kidney, nephron
Lecture chap 27 renal
Description and explanation of RAA, ADH, ANP, erythropoietin, renal A&P, regulation of BP/electrolytes/volume, lab values (BUN, creat, Sp Grav, norms/abnorms), renal failure, dehydration, age related changes. / Continue lecture chap 27 renal system from yesterday with intense review of materials covered, instruction of some advanced ideas in medicine, understanding of basic A&P renal system, finalize the chapter
Test chap 27 tomorrow / Test A&P urinary chap 27—structure and function of renal system
Go over diagrams for chap 28/29 for quiz on structure of m/f reproductive
Discuss A&P of reproductive system—general questions
Quiz diagrams tomorrow chap 28/29 reproductive / Quiz on 4 diagrams m/f reproductive—identify major structures of reproductive systems
Lecture 28/29 m/f reproductive
Define and explain A&P of both male and female reproductive systems, fertilization, disease processes, etc.
Test Monday 11-21 chap 28/29 reproductive systems A&P
Procedure / Observation of students with visitors / Testing
Discussion / Testing
Discussion / Testing
Discussion / Test
Materials / Anatomical models, injectables, IVs, pulse oximeter, stethoscope, vacutaner equip, PPE, etc / Book
Focused review
Routine assigned book/workbook homework / Book
Review / Book
Review / Book
Assessment / Evaluation of observation in participation and enthusiasm 8357-74 / Quiz on chap 27 diagrams renal system
Q&A in class after lecture--review / Q&A—intensive focused review / Test chap 27 renal A&P entire content test with NCLEX and definitions/multiple choice question test combo
Q&A / Quiz diagrams chap 28/29
Q&A in class after lectura--review
Withdrawal of use of book and notes when testing by A&P with no book after chap 21 with notes being reduced each chap and final will be in chap 28/29. Note taking improved significantly. / Teaching note taking
Defining priority material for study
Importance of using medical terminology including prefix/suffix/root and abbreviations / Verbally covered upcoming plans due to malfunction of printer to print lesson plan—using via computer only. / Printer working, publish lesson plan today and work on next week.

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