CMPS_120 Frequently Asked Questions
1. Where do I obtain the text?
University Bookstore in theUnionBuilding or buy it Online.
2. Some students find the text a bit pricey.So 2 or more get together to buy one copy of the text, sharing it among themselves.
3. Some students prefer to rent an electronic version from (see External Links).
4. Some students rely on the Voice Video Notes (seeexternalLinks) and the PowerPoint slides (Course Documents).
5. Some students use the tutorials found on and books in the public domain on the Internet.
6. Most of the time, the Book Store in the Union Building runs out of the text book very quickly.
7. Decide how you are going to handle the textbook question very quickly as you need to get started as soon as possible.
8. Where is my project? The path to find the file is below:
C:\Documents and Settings\Username\My Documents\Visual Studio\Projects\name
Wherename is the name you gave to the project
9. How do I zip and email you my project?
A simple way to zip and e-mail a project is:
Move down the path until you get to name you gave to the project, right click on it, and select “zip and e-mail” from the menu, double click on it, which brings up a letter form, which you can then attach the zipped file, then click on send
10. What do I put in the subject line of the project I am emailing to you so that I will get credit?
120-project number (01, 02, 03 … 08)-your name (LastFirst)
For example, Jane Doe in section 90NT,emailingproject 01 would put in the subject line of the project being emailed:
If you do not follow the above convention, you will lose points.
11. How many projects may I submit peremail;
One, otherwise, you will lose points.
12. May I work with another person on a project?
Certainly, but you cannot turn in one project for two people.There must be a separate copy for each.
13. What is a good way to do the project?
Spend more time on designing than on coding.
14. How do I get a software copy of Visual Basic Express?
It comes with the text.
15. When are projects graded?
Within 48 hours of submission.
16. What if you don’t see a grade?
Then you have to fix it, which usually means, re-doing the whole thing and resubmitting it.You either get full credit or no credit based on your program submitted.
17. When do you respond to email?
I check my email on a daily basis but it may take 48 hours to get a response because of the volume of emails.
18. What if I need help with my program?
If you need help on something, there may be a tutor available during certain hours in the Majors Lab Rm. 125 Fayard Hall. Please make sure that you get his available lab hours. You may email to check for the lab and tutoring hours.
19. Who is taking this course?
Be sure to introduce yourself in the Discussion Board, in the forum entitled, "Introduce yourself."
20. PowerPointslides are on Course Documents
Data files come with the text
21. Where and when do I seek help?
The rule-of-thumb is that if you are stumped for more than 30 minutes, it is time to ask for help by posting arequest for information on the Discussion Board. Most likely someone else has encountered the same problem, and will respond.
Also, as mentioned in the answer of question 18, you may seek help from the tutor.
22. What if a project does not load into Visual Basic with a double click?
It seems like the project did not open when you click on the list of available projects. It really does open but it doesn't show anything but the start page....
Just display the solution explorer VIEW > SOLUTION EXPLORER, then click on the form you want to display.
This problem seems to happen when one of two things happen:
a. You close all display tabs in your project before you closed VB
b. You closed the project via the File >Close menu command, which closes all display tabs in the current project.
c. You may wish to select WINDOWS > Reset Windows Layout
VB seems to remember the last display configuration when exiting so if you closed all the tabs prior to exiting then it doesn't show the tabs upon your return.
The work around is to save your project then click the X in the upper right while you have some form/code tabs open....
Next time you open your project by double clicking, you should see your last viewed display tabs.
23. Where do I get a program to zip/unzip files?
From the Internet, but be sure not to pay anything for it … there are plenty of free programs to do this.But first check to see that you don’t have WinZip already as many computers come with it.The problem with WinZip is that it is not free.There is a trial version you can use for 45 days, but after that, you have to pay.
** Check External Links for the one recommended by our Lab Manager.It is found in all of the Department’s Labs.
24. What is the Project File layout in Visual Basic?
Assume you have a project named Directions
Bin File Folder
My Project File Folder
Obj File folder
Directions.vbroj VB Project File
Directions.vbproj.userV Project User Options File
Form1.Designer.vb VB Source File
Form1.resx .NET Management Resource File
Form1.vb VB Source File
25. How do I view line numbers?
Errors referencing line numbers are not very useful unless the line numbers can be viewed
Tools > Options > Text Editor Basic > Editor > Line Number