Assoc. Prof. Ivan Simeonov, PhD
Tel: (+359 2) 979-36-14
1. Address: Institute of Microbiology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
Research group “Mathematical modeling and computer sciences”
Bulgaria, 1113 Sofia, Acad.G.Bonchev str., bl.26
2. Education:
Date / 03-197711-1981
Degree / Ph.D. on engineering (Automatics)
Institution / Technical University of Sofia (Bulgaria)
Date / 11-1971
Degree / Certificates for stages on Automatic Control
Institution / University of Paris VI and Ecole Superieur d’Electricite (France)
Date / 09-1966
Degree / Diploma in Automatics
Institution / Technical University of Sofia
3. Languages
Language / Reading / Spoken / WrittenEnglish / Excellent / Very good / Good
Russian / Excellent / Very good / Good
French / Excellent / Excellent / Very good
4. Union Memberships:
Member of the Union of Bulgarian Scientists
Member of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians
Member of the Bulgarian Union on Automatics and Informatics
President of the Bulgarian National Society on Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection Member of the International Association of Water Quality since
Member of the European Society for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology
5. Other qualifications:
Senior Research Associate (Bioprocess engineering) in the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences since 1986;
Associate Professor in the Technical University of Sofia since 1988;
Associate Professor in the Technical University of Gabrovo since 2000;
Experience in coordinating and managing biotechnological and environmental projects; Technology and instrumentation evaluation in the field of environment protection; Publishing ; Editor.
6. Present job:
Head of independent scientific research group “Mathematical modeling and computer sciences” in the Institute of Microbiology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS)
7. Number of years in the company (BAS): 23
8. Key qualifications:
Mathematical modeling; Automatic Control; Bioprocess Engineering; Environmental Engineering, Publishing; Editor; Education,
9. Professional Experience:
- Scientific research, education and applications in Mathematical modeling and Automatic Control of fermentation processes;
- Scientific research, education and applications in Bioprocess engineering;
- Scientific research, education and applications in Industrial automation;
- Capabilities of organizing interdisciplinary teams of scientists and experts for solving problems and implementing projects in Bioprocess and Environmental engineering;
- Dissemination of information and education in the environmental protection;
- Public awareness in identification of environmental problems, actions and projects.
- Biogas technologies
10. Working experience:
Date: / 1.07. – 31.07.2005Location / Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes (Paris)
Company / CNRS (France)
Position / Invited Researcher
Description / Scientific research in the field of mathematical modeling, software sensors and control of the anaerobic digestion of organic wastes
Date: / 25.06. – 10.07. and 10.09 – 25.09.2004
Location / Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes (Paris)
Company / CNRS (France)
Position / Invited Researcher
Description / Scientific research in the field of interval mathematical modeling and control of the anaerobic digestion of organic wastes
Date: / 21.04. - 20.05. 2004
Location / Department of biomathematics
Company / University of Turku (Finland)
Position / Invited Researcher
Description / Scientific research in the field of mathematical modeling and extremum seeking control of the anaerobic digestion of organic wastes
Date: / 15.09. - 15.10. 2003
Location / LAAS (Toulouse)
Company / CNRS (France)
Position / Invited Researcher
Description / Scientific research in the field of mathematical modeling and control of biotechnological processes
Date: / 16.09. - 16.10. 2002
Location / LAAS (Toulouse)
Company / CNRS (France)
Position / Invited Researcher
Description / Scientific research in the field of mathematical modeling and control of biotechnological processes
Date: / 01.10.- 30.10. 2001
Company / University of Marseille, France
Position / Invited Professor
Description / Scientific research and education in the field of hybrid and discrete events modeling and simulation
Date: / 01.11.- 30.11. 2000
Location / LAAS (Toulouse)
Company / CNRS (France)
Position / Invited Researcher
Description / Scientific research in the field of mathematical modeling and control of biotechnological processes
Date: From / 11- 1994 (till now)
Location / Institute of Microbiology
Company / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Position / Head of scientific research group
Description / Scientific research, education and applications in Mathematical modeling and optimization, Biogas technologies
Date: From
To(Month-Year) / 08-1981
Location / Central Laboratory of Scientific Instrumentation and Bioautomation
Company / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Position / Head of Department “Environmental Engineering”
Description / Scientific research, education and applications in Mathematical modeling and optimization, Bioprocess Engineering, Biogas technologies
Date: / 02- 2000 (till now)
Location / Department of Automatics
Company / Technical University of Gabrovo
Position / Associate Professor
Description / Courses: Modeling of technological processes, Modeling of ecosystems
Date: From
To(Month-Year) / 09-1988
Location / Faculty of Automatics, French Faculty, Free Faculty
Company / Technical University of Sofia
Position / Associate Professor
Description / Courses: Modeling of ecosystems, Automation of biotechnological processes, Modeling, identification and estimation
Date: From
To(Month-Year) / 1986
Location / Faculty of biology
Company / State University of Sofia
Position / Associate Professor
Description / Course: Modeling and automatic control of fermentation processes
Date: From
To(Month-Year) / 1974
Location / Sofia
Company / Central Institute for Automation
Position / Research and development engineer
Description / Industrial automation
11. Publications: Since 1975: Over 150 scientific and 20 popular papers in Bulgarian and International Journals, Conferences and Congresses.