ICT Integrated Algebra 1A

Mrs. T. Bell-Groucher & Mrs. P. Pardonner

Phone: (845)298-5100 ext. 50534

Email: District Website:

Course Description

This is the first year of a two year program that prepares you for the NYS Common Core Algebra exam at the end of your second year. You must pass both courses (1A & 1B) as well as the common core exam in order to fulfill your mathematics graduation requirement.

Instructional Materials/Resources

Scientific Calculator (A graphing calculator is preferred but not required. TI-84/TI-84 Plus recommended), 3 Ring Binder or folder for this class only, Pen (blue or Black) and a Pencil.

The textbook is Big Ideas Math Algebra 1: A Common Core Curriculum by Ron Larson and Laurie Boswell. The online Textbook can be found at Each student will be able to access online materials.

Units of Instruction Aligned with Common Core Curriculum Standards

Unit 1 – Solving Linear Equations Unit 2 – Solving Linear Inequalities Unit 3 – Graphing Linear Functions

Unit 4 – Writing Linear Functions Unit 5 – Solving Systems of Linear Equations Unit 6 Exponential Functions and Sequences


This course will provide a solid foundation for further study in mathematics by helping students develop computational, procedural, and problem-solving skills. To be good at mathematics, students must learn to translate real-life situations to mathematical models and obtain solutions; and Algebra will help students develop this skill.

Course Objectives

Students will assume responsibility for their learning by:

1. Keeping an acceptable notebook consisting of notes taken in class, homework,handouts and graded

papers. You should be in the habit of saving all notes, quizzes and tests as they will help you prepare for

quizzes, tests, midterm and final exam.

2. Coming to class prepared with the required materials every day (pen or pencil, and notebook/folder).

3. Completing all assignments and turning them in on time as home practice is necessary.

4. Reviewing class notes daily/practice (examples include doing homework, reading notes, re-visitingexamples

from class), and seeks tutoring when necessary.

5. Always putting forth your best effort and keeping a positive attitude towards learning.

Classroom Procedures

  1. Students are expected to arrive on time, enter class quietly and complete the warm-up activity.
  2. Homework is assigned on a daily basis except Fridays. Students are responsible for each day’s work. Homework must be complete, in pen or pencil, and neatly. Students should be ready to go over homework after the warm up activity.
  3. We expect only polite, courteous, mature behavior from you. This is a learning environment where disruptive, insubordinate behavior will not be tolerated. Respect is a must in my classroom. You must respect not only the teachers but your fellow classmates. Likewise, we will give you the respect you deserve.
  4. During teacher led activities, listen actively.
  5. During group work, contribute wisely.
  6. Do not leave your seat without permission during classroom instruction.
  7. Raise your hand and be recognized before speaking during classroom discussions.
  8. Write down the homework assignment and make sure directions are understood before leaving class.
  9. Electronic devices and hats are NOT allowed in class. Earbuds should not be seen.


Quarterly grades are calculated using a point system. Your average will be based on total number of

points earned (do-now, daily homework assignments, weekly quizzes, unit tests, classwork,etc.)divided

by total possible points, and then multiplied by 100. The points of the assignments will vary based on the

length of the assignments. The difference between tests and quizzes will be determined by how much information

is covered in each.


In addition to quizzes and unit tests, students will take a midterm which will be a district wide exam at

the end of the 2nd marking period as well as a district final exam at the end of the year. The final exam will

represent 20% of the overall average as it is considered the 5th marking period.

Homework/Make-Up Work

Homework will be assigned every night except Fridays and checked at the beginning of each class in a variety of ways: student working on board, collection, or checking for completeness.

Sometimes, time will be given at the end of class to begin assignments, but this is generally not enough time to complete the assignment. It is expected that the assignment will be completed by the beginning of the next class period. Daily completion of homework assignments is expected and required for success.

Doing your homework will help your gradeby earning points and preparing you for tests and quizzes. We go over homework immediately after it has been checked.

Behavior Guidelines

  1. Cooperate with your teachers and peers.
  2. Respect the rights and property of others.
  3. Carry out your student responsibilities. Any behavior that interferes with the learning of self or others will not be allowed and will be dealt with accordingly and consistently. All rules and policies in the handbook will be upheld.


Any infraction of the rules stated above or in the student handbook will be addressed.

A warning will be given. If any further action is necessary, it will usually occur in the following order: 1. Verbal Warning 2. Student Conference 3. Parent Contact 4. Referral


Verbal Praise/Written Praise

Catcher coupons (can be used to add 2 pts on a test/quiz or used as 1 free homework pass)

Extra Help

We strongly encourage you to speak with us the minute you begin to have difficulty. The content of this course builds upon itself, so if you are having difficulty with the present material and do not ask for help, you will be severely hindered in learning the future material. We will be available after school every Thursday from 1:50 – 2:40pm. If we need to reschedule, an announcement will be made in class. Please attend as you deemed necessary. Additional free resources: the learning center, and

Please check our website which can be found through the RCK webpage for important information and to keep up with homework assignments.

Parents please feel free to contact us at any time if you have any questions or concerns about your child’s progress via phone or email.

Class: ICT Integrated Algebra 1A Teacher: Mrs. T. Bell-Groucher

Mrs. P. Pardonner

Student Information

Please print all information neatly and sign below, verifying that both you and your parent/guardian have read the course outline.

Student Name:______ID #:______

Guidance Counselor:______Textbook #:______

Name of Parent(s)/Guardian: ______

Phone #: (H/C) ______(W)______

Best time and way to be reached: ______

Parent/Guardian Email (s): (Please print clearly)



Parent/Guardian Signature:______Date: ______

Student Signature:______Date: ______

Academic Concerns:



***Signing above indicates that you have reviewed the course syllabus (separate sheet) and that the information listed here is correct. Together we can help to make this a successful year for your child!

Contact Log:

Date / Reason / Phone or Email