St Michael’s Academy Bulletin

Week Commencing: 16 May2016

The Week Ahead
Lower School / Upper School
  • 18th Y4 St Ives Residential Depart
  • 20th Y4 St Ives Residential Return
  • 23rd Sports Day
  • 23rd Sports Day

St Ives Residential
DEPART - 18 May @ 8.00am RETURN - 20 May @ 6pm approx. Staff will be sending us regular up-dates and photos which we will upload to the gallery part of our website. or scan QR code.
London Residential
The payment for the year 6 residential trip to London needs to be paid in full by 27 May 2016. We currently have £2,635.00 outstanding for this trip. If payment in full is not made by 27 May then this trip will be cancelled as the academy does not have the money available to cover any shortfall.
Cricket Club

Unfortunately, due to lack of interest it is no longer feasible to run two separate cricket clubs for lower school and upper school. Therefore from THIS WEEK onwards:
THERE WILL BE NO UPPER SCHOOL CRICKET CLUB ON TUESDAY. Instead the children that usually attend this club are invited to the club run by the sports coach after school (3:30 – 4:30) on Wednesday.
Bikeability – Year 6 Only
We have been lucky enough in conjunction with Somerset County Council Road Safety to arrange a BIKEABILITY Cycle Training Level 2, which will take place during school time on 23 and 24 June.
The ‘’BIKEABILITY’course has been designed to give the next generation the skills and confidence to ride their bikes on today’s roads. It will introduce them to cycling as an everyday activity, an alternative mode of transport, which brings a healthier lifestyle. If you would like your child to take part they must have a roadworthy bike and helmet for use for the duration of the course.
Places are limited to 12 pupils. Please complete the expression of interest form attached if your child would like to take part in the Bikeability training. If successful the registration forms will be send home for you to complete. Forms need to be returned to school by Friday, 20 May 2016
Health Week – Week Commencing 23 May 2016
For the duration of health week the children can come to school in their PE Kit as during the week there will be lots of activities.
Pen Mill Academy have a vacancy for a cleaner if anyone is interest or knows anyone that may be. Please contact Karen Underhill at Pen Mill for more information.
Y3 Woodlands Trip
As part of the year 3 'mountains' topic this term we have arranged a trip to Woodland Adventures near Bath due to all ofyour support.
Tuesday, 28 June / DKS CLASS
Monday ,4 July / COLE CLASS
Tuesday, 5 July
The children will spend the day talking about survival and participating in team building activities such as den building and fire building. For the trip children will need a packed lunch and suitable clothing; old clothes and trainersthat can get a bitmuddy, please also bring a raincoat in case of bad weather. A packed lunch will be provided for those who are in receipt of Free School Meals.
Please make sure on the day your child is going that they come into school at 8:15amso they areready to leave at 8:30am. We will be returning to school at approximately 3:45pm for the children be picked up. The cost of the trip is £22 however if your child is in receipt of free school meals/pupil premium then this trip can be covered by your funding.
Please complete and return the attached slip by 17 June 2016. We are aware that this trip is a lot of money and if we do not receive enough payments these trips will be cancelled.
What’s Been Happening in …………..Jennings Class
Year 5 have been making the most of the recent good weather by organising not one, but two off-site trips to enhance our learning!
Abbey Hill Steam Fair
On Friday 29th April, Jennings class were lucky enough to visit the Abbey Hill Steam Fair. The day had strong cross-curricular links covering everything from History to Science to Nature to Maths (even if the Maths part of the day was working out how many pieces of fudge they could buy with their remaining money). Over to Jennings to tell you about some of their favourite parts of the day:
“I really enjoyed the Parrot Rescue Centre. There were hyacinth macaws with no feathers, ring-necked parakeets and red parrots perched on cables.” Matthew Ayres
“All of my group got the chance to go on a massive steam engine with an enormous hook. The wheels were about the height of me and the width of 5 of us standing. The machine ran on coal.” Jen Morgan
“We were lucky enough to see a man show us a falcon display, it was amazing. The falcon flew really fast and it landed on top of a high tower, looking down at us all.” Annabel Eke
“We had already been watching the peregrine falcons in class on a webcam but then we got to see one in real life. It was a bit of a coincidence. We had already learnt that they were the fastest animal in the world, it was amazing to see them in action.” Georgia Feast
“I loved all the fabulous models of boats, planes and tanks.” Charlie Hughes
“We went to Bugfest and I held a stick insect and touched a cockroach. It felt really weird when the man put a bearded dragon on my head. I held a python and I held a boa constrictor (which are both snakes). One wrapped around my hand.” Ben Rhoden
“We had so much fun wandering around all of the stalls. We went to the craft tent, which everyone loved, and there were rings, lucky dips, models and more.” Chloe Green

“I bought two bags of PICK-N-MIX! And I ate it all up.” Riley Sirl
Sketching at Ninesprings
The following Friday, as part of Year 5’s ongoing Rivers project, Jennings class ventured down to Ninesprings to make sketches of the middle course of the River Yeo and its surroundings. The weather was beautiful and it was very calm and peaceful, which made perfect conditions for sketching.
Year 6 Transition
As part of the transition process for the children in year 6 moving on to secondary school
in September, we have organised a few visits from the staff and students at Buckler's Mead Academy. This will allow the children to meet members of staff in the year 7 team and become familiar with the new rules and routines they can expect at secondary school.
Friday 20th May 2016at 1.00pm:Jon Davis (Year 7 Co-ordinator), BMA support staff and students will be in toprovide presentations to the Year 6 children.
Friday 20th May 2016 from 3:30 – 4:30pm and Wednesday 22nd June from 3:30 – 4:30pm: Jon Davis
(Year 7 Co-ordinator)andSue Parry (Year 7 Learning Mentor) will be available at the end of the school day to meet with parents and answer any questions/queries you may have about your child joining Buckler's Mead Academy.
We will update you with any further events planned nearer the time.
Mrs Marklew
Sports Day – 23 May @ Fiveways

Our Sports day is on Monday, 23 May atFiveways School. The informal sports day will begin at 9.30am and will include all the throwing and jumping activities. The formal sports will begin at 1.15pm and will include all the races. Please ensure your children are sent to school in the appropriate clothing. This is school tee shirt, shorts and trainers plus joggers and a top. It is fairly early on in the year and the weather may be changeable. They will also need a packed lunch and plenty to drink for the day. Children in receipt of FSM will have their packed provided for them.
You are very welcome to attend all or part of the day and have lunch with your children if you would like to. Please can I remind you that we will be guests of Fiveways school and we can only hold our sports day there because of the kindness of Mr Collis. Thank you to all of you who respect that. Can I remind you that there is no smoking, alcohol or parking on the Fiveways site and children are not allowed to play on the specially modified play equipment?
Our catering team are making cakes and snacks also providing drinks on the day to sell to those coming to watch and support the children taking part in sports day.


Year 3 Woodlands Trip

I give permission for my child: ______to take part in the Woodlands Trip with their class on the date below: (Please tick box)

Tuesday, 28 June /  DKS CLASS
Monday ,4 July /  COLE CLASS
Tuesday, 5 July

I enclose:

 £22.00 to cover the cost of this trip

 I would like to claim FSM/Pupil Premium/Service Child Funding for this trip.

Signed: ______Date: ______


BIKEABILITY – Expression of Interest – Y6 only

I would like my child: ______in ______Class to take part in the Bikeability Course on 23-24 June. I understand that places are limited and confirm that my child has a roadworthy bike and helmet.

Please return this form by 20 may 2016.

Signed: ______Date: ______
