Multicultural Center
Cross Cultural Retreat
September 25-27, 2009
Please rate your level of awareness on the following issues as a result ofattending the Cross Cultural retreat.
- Overall diversity Issues
(Not very familiar) (Very Familiar)
- Communication Skills
- Your role in community enhancement
- Effects of Stereotypes
- The impact your decisions have on your community and others
- Specific ways to create change in your community/campus
(Not very familiar) (Very Familiar)
- How to relate to others
- Similarities and differences between different cultures and ethnicities
- Similarities and differences between people of different economic backgrounds
- Similarities and differences between genders
(Not very familiar) (Very Familiar)
- Gay and lesbian issues
- Understanding your own identity and what you stand for
- The factors that contribute to social oppression
- Do you feel the information discussed this weekend will impact the way you view diversity? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(Not At All) (Very Much)
- Do you feel this retreat was helpful in increasing your knowledge of effective communication techniques? ❏Yes ❏No
- How comfortable do you feel applying techniques learned at the retreat to your life? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(Not At All Comfortable) (Very Comfortable)
- How do you rate your overall concern for diversity issues at CSUDH as a result of attending the retreat? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(Not At All Concerned) (Very Concerned)
- How much do you feel this retreat has helped you to be more sensitive to issues of diversity? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(not at all) (Very Much)
- In what ways do you feel that you, and the MulticulturalCenter, can further educate others around campus about issues of human relations and community development (i.e. activities, groups, presentations, etc.)? ______
Demographic Information
Please provide us with some background information on yourself. The information you provide is completely confidential and is only used to assess the effectiveness of the retreat. Thank you.
Gender:❏Male❏FemaleAge: ______
Ethnicity: ❏African American ❏Chicano/Latino/Hispanic
❏Asian/Pacific Islander❏Native American/Indian
❏Caucasian/White❏Other: ______
University Status:
Have you attended the CSUDH Cross Cultural Retreat in the past? ❏Yes ❏No
If yes, which year(s)? ______
If yes, did you participate in any retreat follow-up events on campus (i.e. diversity chats, reunion)? ❏Yes ❏No