Year 6- Gold Class

Medium Term Planning- Literacy

Spring Term 2 2010

Literacy P7/L1/L2

Word Level work / Sentence Level Work / Text Level Work / Selected Texts
Objectives and Activities / Objectives and Activities / Objectives and Activities / Range
Listening P8
To identify high frequency words related to familiar texts.
Listening familiar texts. stories, poems. Paired reading. Guided reading.
Listening P7
To predict increasing range of words, signs or symbols in familiar text.
Reading signs/labels around the classroom. Reading familiar books. Paired reading. Guided reading. To recognise words/phrases used in traditional stories e.g. ‘once upon a time…’
Reading 1B
To be able to identify first and last sounds when shown unfamiliar word. Reading text containing unfamiliar words. Playing listening games e.g. Chinese whispers. Using flashcards to identify first and last sounds.
To be able to use phonics to read unfamiliar words.
Revise the known sounds of the letters.
Introduce following sounds e, aa, ee, e, ay. To recognise the letters in a word and say the sound.
Reading 1A
To be able to use dictionary/reference books to find meaning of unfamiliar words.
Read the given wordlist and write the meaning using a dictionary and use them in sentences. / Listening P7
To attempt to predict meaning of new words in the context of an unknown story.
Read new and familiar texts. Discuss new words. Say the words using expressions and gestures. Act out the new words.
Speaking 1C
To structure some phrases and simple statements using recognisable words to communicate ideas.
To make simple sentences/phrases using subject and verb. To speak on a given subject from 30 sec to a minute as appropriate. Playing games of charades to describe what they see. Rearrange a sentence in the right order. To discuss starting of the traditional stories. Make own starting sentences.
Reading 1B
To be able to recognise the capital and small letters of the alphabets.
Writing 1A
To be able to start a sentence with capital letter and end with a full stop.
Find the capital letters in the sentences. Match the capital letters to their corresponding lower case letters. Rewrite the sentences using capital letters in beginning and ending with a full stop.
Reading 1C
To expect written text to make sense and check for sense if it does not.
Daily reading. Fill in the blanks choosing appropriate words.
Writing L2C
To add question marks to questions.
Explore different beginnings of the sentences. Discuss different types of sentences. Discuss the use of who, what, why, when, how, etc. Read texts with question marks. / Speaking L1B
To describe story settings and incidents and relate to own experiences and that of others.
Group discussion on the poems, stories, non-fiction. Discussing events of everyday life/current events. Making mind maps for different topics.
Speaking L1C
To contribute suggestions to group story, where appropriate, writing short contributions and attempting spellings based on letter sound correspondences. Making up group stories. Enacting the group stories. Describing the characters in the story. Writing the names of the characters and making a list of their characteristics.
Speaking P8
To retell a story in correct sequence. Discuss the characters in a traditional stories.
Discuss the hero, heroine, good characters, bad characters, etc of the story. Discuss their characteristics.
Writing L2C
To use story structure to write about own experience in same/similar form.
Explore beginning, middle and ending of a familiar story. Describe the structure of the story. Paired reading. Group discussion. Rewrite a familiar event. / Fiction
It’s the weather
Red Riding Hood.
The three pigs.
Interactive big books online – The sun and the wind.
Four friends

Evaluation and Assessment (level descriptors pupils are working towards)

P 7 Pupils show an interest in the activity of reading. They predict elements of a narrative, eg when the adult stops reading, pupils fill in the missing word. They distinguish between print or symbols and pictures in texts. They understand the conventions of reading, eg following text left to right, top to bottom and page following page. They know that their name is made up of letters.
P 8 Pupils understand that words, symbols and pictures convey meaning. They recognise or read a growing repertoire of familiar words or symbols, including their own names. They recognise at least half of the letters of the alphabet by shape, name or sound. They associate sounds with patterns in rhymes, with syllables, and with words or symbols.
Level 1 Pupils use their knowledge of letters, sounds and words to read simple texts with meaning. They comment on events or ideas in stories, poems and non-fiction. Level Descriptor: Level 1 A Pupils use phrases and simple statements to convey ideas, making some choices of appropriate vocabulary. Some words are spelt conventionally. Pupils make some use of full stops and capital letters. Letters are clearly formed, correctly orientated and sit on the line.
Level 2 Pupils read simple unfamiliar texts accurately. Their independent reading shows they can read ahead and make use of expression and intonation to enhance meaning. In responding to stories, they identify and comment on the main characters and how they relate to one another. They express opinions about events and actions and comment on some of the ways in which the text is written or presented.