Guidelines for the Enrolment of Overseas Students Aged Under 18 Years

1. Authority and commencement

The Guidelines:

•are issued pursuant to section 4.5.1(3) of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (ETRAct)

  • commence 1 July 2018.

2. Definitions

In the Guidelines, unless the contrary intention appears:

CAAW letter means a Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare letter issued where the Principal Executive Officer (PEO) of the education provider has undertaken responsibility under the Migration Regulations for approving the accommodation, support and general welfare arrangements for a student who has not turned 18 (who will not be residing with a parent orDepartment of Home Affairs approved relative in Australia).

Child Safe Standards means the Child Safe Standards made under section 17(1) of the Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005.

CEO VRQA means the Chief Executive Officer (Director) of the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority or the person for the time being acting in or performing the duties of that position.

Education providermeans a registered school or another education or training organisation or institution approved by the VRQA under section 4.5.1 of the ETR Act as suitable to provide a specified course to students from overseas.

ETR Act means the Education and Training Reform Act 2006.

Homestay accommodation means the provision to an overseas student of board and or lodgings by a host family either voluntarily or for a fee.

National Code means the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018.

Registered school means a school registered under Part 4.3 of the ETR Act.

Overseas studenthas the same meaning as in section 1.1.3 of the ETR Act.

3. Minimum age of 13 for enrolment of an overseas student in homestay accommodation


  • entering an agreement or arrangement for the provision of homestay accommodation to an overseas student, or
  • issuing a CAAW letter to the Department of Home Affairs in circumstances where homestay accommodation will be provided to an overseas student,

an education provider must be satisfied, after making all reasonable enquiries, that the student will be at least 13 years of age at the time of commencing the homestay accommodation.

The Guideline in paragraph 3 does not applyduring the period the overseas studentis or will be living:

  • in a boarding facility for students which is part of or owned by a registered school
  • with a parent or close family relative (aunt, uncle, grandparent or sibling aged over 21 years of age approved as suitable by the Department of Home Affairs) as part of the student’s visa approval
  • during any period or circumstances exempted by the CEO VRQA.

4. Compliance with Child Safe Standards

The Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2006 requires that an education provider must comply with the Child Safe Standards.

Where an education provider has issued a CAAW letter to enable the enrolment of an overseas student aged under 18, the education provider must ensure that all of the education provider’s arrangements to provide or approve appropriate accommodation, support and general welfare for the student, including any service provision by third parties, meet the Child Safe Standards.

Consistent with standard 5.3.2 of the National Code, the provider must ensure that any adults involved in or providing accommodation and welfare arrangements to the student hold a valid Working with Children Check.

5. Education provider CAAW responsibility non-delegable

Where the education provider has issued a CAAW letter accepting the responsibility for approving the accommodation, support and general welfare arrangements for a studentwho is under the age of 18, the provider must not delegate, outsource or contract out that responsibility.

6. Training for student coordinators

Where an education provider offers enrolment to overseas students aged under 18 years, the education provider must demonstrate that the education provider’s overseas student coordinator/s and support staff have received training in:

  • the Child Safe Standards
  • the education provider’s policies and procedures for managing emergency situationsand critical incidents
  • policies and procedures for verifying that the student’s accommodation is appropriate to the student’s age and needs
  • theEducation Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS Act), the National Codeand any VRQA Guidelines for the Enrolment of Overseas Students Aged Under 18 Years issued from time to time.

7. Student accommodation minimum standards

Where the education provider has issued a CAAW letter accepting the responsibility for approving the accommodation, support and general welfare arrangements for an overseas studentunder the age of 18, the provider must ensure that the student’s accommodationis appropriate to the student’s age and needs including the matters below.

Where the approved accommodation is in a homestay:

  • the education provider has appropriate processes for recruiting and screening homestay families
  • the provider has obtained a copy of a valid Working With Children Check for every person 18 years and over residing in the home
  • the home provides a separate bedroom for the studentthat is appropriate to the age and needs of the student
  • the homestay provider is given appropriate information regarding their responsibilities and emergency contact details for both the education provider and the parents of the student
  • the education provider has documented processes to verify that the accommodation is appropriate to the student’s age and needs prior to placement, and at least every six months
  • verifying the suitability of homestay accommodation includes a site visit (unless the particular homestay has been verified by a site visit in relation to another student in the previous three months).

Where the approved accommodation is in a registered school’sboarding facility:

  • the boarding facility meets the Australian Standards Association (ASA) Standard AS 5725:2015Boarding Standards for Australian Schools and Residences
  • the education provider has documented processes to verify that the accommodation is appropriate to the student’s age and needs prior to placement, and at least every six months.

8. Provision of a Student Safety Card to students aged under 18

Education providers enrolling overseas students aged under 18 must provide each student with a Student Safety Card at the time of commencement of the course which includes:

  • for any student on a CAAW letter in homestay accommodation, the homestay accommodation provider’s address, home telephone number and mobile numbers
  • the education provider’s contact details, including 24/7 contact details for the education provider’s international student coordinator and general emergency contact information
  • a statement that “(name of education provider) is regulated by the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA). Students can contact VRQA at

VRQA Guidelines for the Enrolment of Overseas Students Aged Under 18 Years – April 20181