TIJ 1O Flash Lesson 3


1.  Find an image and copy the file into the folder you have created in My Documents.

2.  In flash, click file>import to library. Import the image.

3.  Your image is in your library. If you do not see your library, choose window and library.

4.  Drag the image out of your library onto your stage. Lock your layer.

5.  Create another layer

6.  Set your stroke colour to black to outline your character or image.

7.  Click on the line tool. Draw a line between two points. For example, the side of the body.

8.  Click on your selection tool. Now, mouse over the line and notice what your mouse does. It changes to a bend line or a corner.

9.  Mouse over the middle of the line until your mouse changes to a half circle. Click and drag and your line will bend. Bend it until it matches the outline of the drawing that you are tracing.

10.  Continue to use the line tool to outline your cartoon or image, bending the line as you go. Be sure that ALL your lines are connected to each other (for filling in colour).


1.  When you have a complete shape or traced outline, you can fill your shape with the paint bucket. Remember, that all of your lines don’t have to be the same colour, but they all need to connect. If your lines don not connect, your shape will not fill with colour.

2.  If your shape doesn’t fill, click on the white arrow then click on your shape. You will be able to see nodes marking each point. If you notice two nodes very close together, your shape probably has a hole in it (remember to use your magnifying glass if you need it). Click on the nodes and drag it closer to the other. This is also true for straight lines and end points. Everything must connect.

The example below includes layers that are blocked for viewing in order to demonstrate the final tracing and filling of colour.

Lesson 3 assignment.

1.  Create a completed traced drawing of the following cartoon. Right click on image below and choose ‘Save as image’ and save into your flash folder.



View FishFlash file in common drive



2)  Add a layer (good idea to lock other layers), rename BUBBLE 1

3)  Using your oval/circle draw tool, draw a bubble (selection outline colour and fill)

4)  Select the bubble by clicking on the 1st frame, right click on the bubble and choose convert to symbol. Choose movie clip option. You will notice that your stage has changed.

5)  Go to your selection tool arrow. Double click on the first frame of bubble and choose create motion tween

6)  Click on frame 60 (as an example) and insert a keyframe

7)  Right click on layer 1 and add a motion guide. Using the pencil tool, draw a line from the center of the object to the end of the desired motion.

8)  Click on the last keyframe of bubble layer (not the guide layer you created) and move the object to the end of the drawn line.

9)  Click on scene

10)  Play

Overall view (see common drive for flash file to play)

Evaluation and Assessment:

Categories / 50 – 59%
(Level 1) / 60-69%
(Level 2) / 70-79%
(Level 3) / 80-100%
(Level 4)
*demonstrate an understanding of the core concepts, techniques and skills to produce a product in flash / Demonstrates limited knowledge and understand of techniques and skills required / Demonstrates some knowledge and understand of techniques and skills required / Demonstrates considerable knowledge and understand of techniques and skills required / Demonstrates thorough knowledge and understand of techniques and skills required
*demonstrate problem solving to technical steps (analysing and interpreting information, reasoning, evaluating solutions, forming conclusions / Used processing skills and creative thinking processes with limited effectiveness / Used processing skills and creative thinking processes with some effectiveness / Used processing skills and creative thinking processes with considerable
effectiveness / Used processing skills and creative thinking processes with a high degree of effectiveness
*demonstrate the ability to follow instructions to produce a final flash product
(transfer of knowledge and skills in familiar contexts and new contexts) / 1)Applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts with limited effectiveness
2) transfers knowledge to new contexts with limited effectiveness / 1)Applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts with some effectiveness
2) transfers knowledge to new contexts with some effectiveness / 1)Applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts with considerable effectiveness
2) transfers knowledge to new contexts with considerable effectiveness / 1)Applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts with a high degree of effectiveness
2) transfers knowledge to new contexts with a high degree of effectiveness