Extended GLCEs Cross-Referenced to Participation Level Curriculum

STRAND: Reading

Domain: Word Study (WS) HS Standard 2.1: Strategy Development - all

Michigan Core Curriculum EGLCE/EHSCE - Benchmarks / Participation Curriculum
Elem./MS: R.WS.e4.P.EG01a, R.WS.m7.P.EG01a
HS: EHSCE.P.2.1.3b
Elem: Use simple visual and/or auditory cues to recognize familiar words paired with pictures and/or objects.
MS: Use simple visual, auditory and/or word configuration cues to recognize familiar words paired with pictures and/or objects.
HS: Use sound cues and structural cues to recognize frequently encountered words paired with pictures and/or objects.
(e.g., safety, self help, daily living, community, etc.). / PE 6 XVI B6 13. Uses visual and/or auditory cues to recognize familiar words paired with pictures and/or objects (e.g., safety, self help, daily living, community).
PE6 XVI B2 2. Identifies objects/pictures.
PE6 XVI P2 6. Identifies/recognizes pictures in a book/magazine.
PE6 XVI B5 6. Responds to pictures/word labels in environment and obtains information.
PE6 XVI B6 1. Matches/recognizes or reads survival words/icons.
PE6 XVI B6 2. Matches/recognizes or reads common signs (home, school, community).
Elem./MS: R.WS.e4.P.EG02a, R.WS.m7.P.EG02a
HS: EHSCE.P.2.1.3c
Elem: Use semantic and/or syntactic cues to recognize familiar words paired with pictures and/or objects (e.g., select an object or a picture that is paired with a word).
MS: same (e.g., match an object and/or picture accompanied by more than one word to make a choice).
HS: same (e.g., use pictures accompanied by a key word in a phrase or short sentence to demonstrate understanding of sequence for familiar tasks.
/ PE 6 XVI B6 14. Uses semantic and/or syntactic cues to recognize familiar words paired with pictures and/or objects in context (e.g., match an object and/or picture accompanied by word, phrase or sentence.)
PE6 XVI B2 2. Identifies objects/pictures.
PE6 XVI B2 13. Recognizes letter to sound/sound to letter.
PE6 XVI B2 6. Identifies/recognizes pictures in a book/magazine.
PE6 XVI B6 1. Matches/recognizes or reads survival words/icons.
PE6 XVI B6 2. Matches/recognizes or reads common signs (home, school, community).
PE6 XVI B6 8. Reads and follows simple picture directions.
Elem./MS: R.WS.e4.P.EG03a, R.WS.m7.P.EG03a
HS: EHSCE.P.2.1.6a
Elem: Recognize frequently encountered and personally meaningful words paired with pictures and/or objects (e.g., restroom, danger).
MS: Recognize an increasing number of frequently encountered and personally meaningful words paired with pictures and/or objects (e.g., stop signs, restroom, danger, pedestrian crossing, etc.).
HS: Recognize frequently encountered and personally meaningful words paired with pictures and/or objects in daily contexts (e.g., stop signs, restroom, danger, pedestrian crossing). / PE6 XVI B5 6. Responds to pictures/word labels in environment and obtains information.
PE6 XVI B6 1. Matches/recognizes or reads survival words/icons.
PE6 XVI B6 2. Matches/recognizes or reads common signs (home, school, community).
Elem./MS: R.WS.e4.P.EG04a, R.WS.m7.P.EG04a
HS: EHSCE.P.2.1.6b
Elem: Identify frequently encountered words paired with pictures and/or objects associated with familiar environments (e.g., school, home).
MS: same except add: and contexts (e.g., school, home, doctor/dentist office, restaurants, etc.).
HS: same except add: contexts, and vocations (e.g., school, home, doctor/dentist office, restaurants, and vocations such as assembly, laundry, sorting). / PE6 XVI B6 15. Identifies frequently encountered words paired with pictures and/or objects associated with familiar environments, contexts, vocations (e.g., school, home, doctor/dentist, restaurants,
and vocations such as assembly, laundry, sorting).
PE6 XVI B2 2. Identifies objects/pictures.
PE6 XVI B5 6. Responds to pictures/word labels in environment…
PE6 XVI B6 2. Matches/recognizes or reads common signs (home, school, community).

Domain: Domain: Fluency (FL)

HS Standard 2.1: Strategy Development – 2.1.3a

Michigan Core Curriculum EGLCE/EHSCE - Benchmarks / Participation Curriculum
Elem./MS: R.FL.e2.P.EG03a , R.FL.m2.P.EGAA
HS: EHSCE.P.2.1.3a
Understand basic concepts of text messages
Elem: (e.g., appropriate page turning or visual attendance to the need for page turning, one-to-one correspondence between word read and word printed on the page).
MS: (e.g., directionality, differences between letters and words, words and sentences).
HS: (e.g., print/picture conveying a message, concepts of first, middle, and last part of word, sentence, story). / PE6 XVI B2 13. Uses concepts about text (title; page turning; 1-to-1 correspondence between word read and printed word; directionality; differences between letters/words/sentences; print/picture convey message; first, middle, last part of word/sentence/story).
PE1 I E 3. Turns pages of book.
PE6 XVI B3 7. Looks at/reads books for enjoyment/interest.
PE6 XVI B5 1. Explores board books.
PE6 XVI B5 2. Explores adapted books.

Domain: Narrative Text (NT)

HS Standard 3.1: Close Literary Reading – 3.1.9a, 3.1.3a

HS Standard 3.2: Reading and Response – 3.2.1a

Michigan Core Curriculum EGLCE/EHSCE - Benchmarks / Participation Curriculum
Elem./MS: R.NT.e4.P.EG01a, R.NT.m7.P.EG01a
HS: EHSCE.P.3.1.9a
Elem. & HS: Identify human experiences depicted in classic and contemporary literature from around the world.
MS: add - as they relate to personal experiences / PE6 XVI B4 5. Identifies text elements (…human experiences, etc.).
PE6 XVI B5 9. Reads/listens to a variety of narrative text (fiction, poetry, folktales, fairy tales, fantasy, etc.).
Elem./MS: R.NT.e4.P.EG02a, R.NT.m7.P.EG02a
HS: EHSCE.P.3.2.1a
Differentiate between two types of narrative text genre (e.g., stories, poetry, songs). / PE6 XVI B5 11. Differentiates between different types of narrative text genre (stories, poems, songs).
PE1 I E 12. Recites/sings familiar nursery rhyme/poem/song.
PE6 XVI B5 5. Listens to simplified stories, rhymes, nursery rhymes, finger plays, etc.
PE6 XVI B5 9. Reads/listens to a variety of narrative text (fiction, poetry, folktales, fairy tales, fantasy, etc.).
Elem./MS: R.NT.e4.P.EG03a, R.NT.m7.P.EG03a
HS: EHSCE.P.3.1.3a
Answer simple questions such as, who, what, or where, related to simple story elements in narrative text.
Elem: (e.g., characters, setting).
MS: (e.g., motivations, conflict, setting, story sequence).
HS: (e.g., character motivations, conflict, setting, story sequence). / PE6 XVI B4 5. Answers simple questions such as, who, what, or where, related to simple story elements in narrative text: (e.g., characters, motivations, conflict, story sequence, and human experiences).
PE1 I E 11. Responds to simple questions about the story.

Domain: Informational Text (IT)

HS Standard 2.1: Strategy Development - 2.1.6c

HS Standard 2.3: Independent Reading – 2.3.3a

HS Standard 3.2: Reading and Response – 3.2.5a

Michigan Core Curriculum EGLCE/EHSCE - Benchmarks / Participation Curriculum
Elem./MS: R.IT.e4.P.EG01a, R.IT.m7.P.EG01a
HS: EHSCE.P.3.2.5a
Identify different types of informational/functional text.
Elem: (e.g., recipes, books, posters, calendars).
MS: (e.g., magazines, personal correspondence, textbooks, reference texts, product labels, newspapers).
HS: (e.g., magazines, personal correspondence, textbooks, reference texts, internet/websites). / PE6 XVI B5 12 Identifies different types of informational/ functional text, (e.g., recipes, books, posters, calendars, magazines, personal correspondence, textbooks, reference texts, product labels, newspapers).
PE6 XVI B5 7. Reads classroom charts/notes…
PE6 XVI B5 10. Explores nonfiction text and biographies.
PE6 XVI B6 5. Matches/recognizes/reads calendar words/ symbols.
PE6 XVI B6 9. Reads and follows recipes…
PE6 XVI B6 11. Identifies information from newspapers or reads newspapers.
PE6 XVII A2 7. Accesses and utilizes internet with assistance.
Elem./MS: R.IT.e4.P.EG02a, R.IT.m7.P.EG02
HS: EHSCE.P.2.1.6c
Answer simple questions regarding basic informational/functional text.
Elem: (e.g., awareness of daily schedule, calendars).
MS: (e.g., awareness of daily schedule, calendars, dictionary, phone directories).
HS: (e.g., awareness of daily schedule, calendars, dictionary, phone directories, manuals, websites). / PE6 XVI B4 8. Answers simple questions regarding basic informational/functional text (e.g., awareness of daily schedule, calendars, dictionary, phone directories, manuals, and websites).
Elem./MS: R.IT.e4.P.EG03a, R.IT.m7.P.EG03a
HS: EHSCE.P.2.3.3a
Elem: Use text features such as pictures to help find information within text (e.g., a communication system, posters, audio aids).
MS: Use text features such as pictures and/or headings to help find increasing amounts of information within text (e.g., a communication system, simple recipes, how-to books, audio aids).
HS: Use text features such as, pictures, headings, and/or subheadings to help find increasing amounts of information within text (e.g., a communication systems, simple recipes, how-to books, audio aids). / PE6 XVI B5 13. Uses text features such as pictures and/or headings to help find information within text.
PE6 XVI B2 6. Identifies/recognizes pictures in a book/magazine.
PE6 XVI B5 8. Explores pictorial or illustrated text.
PE6 XVI B6 9. Reads and follows recipes…

Domain: Comprehension (CM)

HS Standard 2.1: Strategy Development – 2.1.7a

HS Standard 2.2: Meaning Beyond the Literal Level – 2.2.2a

HS Standard 3.1: Close Literary Reading – 3.1.5a, 3.1.6a

Michigan Core Curriculum EGLCE/EHSCE - Benchmarks / Participation Curriculum
Elem./MS: R.CM.e4.P.EG01a, R.CM.m7.P.EG01a
HS: EHSCE.P.2.2.2a
Elem: Use words, pictures, personal knowledge, and/or experience to draw conclusions about text.
MS: Use words, pictures, personal knowledge, and/or experience to draw conclusions about age appropriate text.
HS: Use words, pictures, personal knowledge, and/or experience to draw conclusions and make predictions about age appropriate text. / PE6 XVI A4 – Increases Vocab. & Uses Lang. Effectively-many
PE6 XVI B2 6. Identifies/recognizes pictures in a book/magazine.
PE6 XVI B3 5. Predicts/confirms content in a book.
PE6 XVI B3 6. Identifies objects associated with content of text.
PE6 XVI B3 9. Links prior knowledge to text.
PE6 XVI B4 4. Makes predictions about text prior, during and after reading.
PE6 XVI B5 8. Explores pictorial or illustrated text.
PE6 XVI B6 – Reading (Functional Reading) - many
Elem./MS: R.CM.e4.P.EG02a, R.CM.m7.P.EG02a
HS: EHSCE.P.2.1.7a
Identify significant details from age appropriate narrative text:
Elem: (e.g., character gender, story location, text purpose).
MS: (e.g., character gender, story location, story ending).
HS: add informative/functional text (e.g., character gender, story location, text purpose). / PE6 XVI B4 5. Answers simple questions such as, who, what, or where, related to simple story elements in narrative text: (e.g., characters, motivations, conflict, story sequence, and human experiences).
PE6 XVI A4 – Increases Vocab. & Uses Lang. Effectively-many
PE6 XVI B2 6. Identifies/recognizes pictures in a book/magazine.
PE6 XVI B3 5. Predicts/confirms content in a book.
PE6 XVI B5 9. Reads/listens to a variety of narrative text (fiction, poetry, folktales, fairy tales, fantasy, etc.).
PE6 XVI B6 11. Identifies information from newspapers or reads newspapers.
Elem./MS: R.CM.e4.P.EG03a, R.CM.m7.P.EG03a
HS: EHSCE.P.3.1.5a
Elem.: Demonstrate understanding that characters from a story are like people within and across texts (e.g., they make choices, have thoughts and feelings).
MS: Demonstrate understanding that stories have universal themes within and across texts (e.g., friendship, bravery, fairness).
HS: Demonstrate understanding of similar characteristics between texts (e.g., character attributes, universal themes, perspective). / PE6 XVI B5 14. Demonstrates understanding that characters from a story are like people within and across texts.
PE6 XVI B5 15. Demonstrates understanding that stories have universal themes within and across texts.
PE6 XVI B5 16. Demonstrates understanding of similar characteristics between texts (character attributes, themes, perspective).
PE6 XVI B5 9. Reads/listens to a variety of narrative text (fiction, poetry, folktales, fairy tales, fantasy, etc.).
Elem./MS: R.CM.e4.P.EG04a, R.CM.m7.P.EG04a
HS: EHSCE.P.3.1.6a
Identify key ideas using words, pictures, and/or symbols from content area text (e.g., main ideas from science and social studies lessons). / PE6 XVI B3 11. Identifies key ideas using words, pictures, and/or symbols from content area text.
PE1 I E 11. Responds to simple questions about the story.
PE6 XVI B3 6. Identifies objects associated with content of text.
PE6 XVI B5 10. Explores nonfiction text and biographies.

Domain: Metacognition (MT)

HS Standard 2.3: Independent Reading – 2.3.6a

Michigan Core Curriculum EGLCE/EHSCE - Benchmarks / Participation Curriculum
Elem./MS: R.MT.e4.P.EG02a, R.MT.m7.P.EG02a
HS: EHSCE.P.2.3.6a
Elem.: Use simple processes to convey meaning (e.g., creating lists, using familiar communication systems).
MS/HS: Use processes to construct and/or convey meaning (e.g., creating lists, using familiar communication systems). / PE3 VIII E - Develops alternate communication skills. - many
PE6 XVI A4 – Increases Vocab. & Uses Lang. Effectively – many
PE6 XVI A5 7. Engages in group discussions…
PE6 XVI C4 9. Composes a note, message, greeting cards, etc. (using picture/symbols, drawings, writings, or technology).
PE6 XVI C4 12. Contributes to a class writing project (using picture/symbols, drawings, writings, or technology).

Domain: Critical Standards (CS)

HS Standard 2.3: Independent Reading – 2.3.8a

Michigan Core Curriculum EGLCE/EHSCE - Benchmarks / Participation Curriculum
Elem./MS: R.CS.e4.P.EG01a, R.CS.m7.P.EG01a
HS: EHSCE.P.2.3.8a
Elem./MS: Assess personal work based on predetermined criteria (e.g., content).
HS: Assess personal work based on predetermined criteria (e.g., content, production, presentation). / PE6 XVI C4 13 Assesses personal written work based on predetermined criteria.
PE1 VI C 8. Evaluates quality of work – checks against model and corrects.

Domain: Reading Attitude (AT)

HS Standard 2.3: Independent Reading – 2.3.7a

Michigan Core Curriculum EGLCE/EHSCE - Benchmarks / Participation Curriculum
Elem./MS: R.AT.e4.P.EG01a, R.AT.m7.P.EG01a
HS: EHSCE.P.2.3.7a
Be enthusiastic about accessing text (e.g. selecting a variety of age appropriate text for reading, listening, viewing enjoyment). / PE1 I E 7. Selects book for individual to read to him/her.
PE1 I E 8. Selects book to look at during unstructured activity
PE1 I E 10. Attends to story presented to group.
PE6 XVI B2 3. Attends to story read by others.
PE6 XVI B3 7. Looks at/reads books for enjoyment/interest.
PE6 XVI B5 - Reading (Text Structure) – many


Domain: Writing Genres (GN)

HS Standard 1.3: Purpose and Audience –1.3. 2a

HS Standard 1.4: Inquiry and Research- 1.4.2a

HS Standard 3.2: Reading and Response – 3.2.2a

Michigan Core Curriculum EGLCE/EHSCE - Benchmarks / Participation Curriculum
Elem./MS: W.GN.e4.P.EG01a, W.GN.m7.P.EG01a
HS: EHSCE.P.1.3.2a
Elem./MS: Create personal work (e.g., drawings, emergent writing).
HS: Create a personal narrative (e.g., drawings, emergent writing). / PE1 I F 2. Draws with crayon or marker.
PE6 XVI C4 3. Uses stamps, stickers, etc. to convey an object or thought.
PE6 XVI C4 4. Pretends to draw or write, assigning meaning to picture or text.
PE5 XVI C4 5. Writes daily (dots, scribbles, letters, words, pictures).
PE 5 XVI C4 8. Composes a note, message, greeting cards, etc. (using picture/symbols, drawings, writings, or technology).
Elem./MS: W.GN.e4.P.EG02a, W.GN.m4.P.EGAA
HS: EHSCE.P.3.2.2a
Use poetic language.
Elem: (e.g., identify rhyming words).
MS/HS: (e.g., identify rhyming words, rhyme with given words). / PE6 XVI B5 17. Identifies rhyming words or rhymes with given words.
PE1 I E. 12. Recites/sings familiar nursery rhyme/poem/song
PE6 XVI B5 5. Listens to simplified stories, rhymes, nursery rhymes, finger plays, etc.
Elem./MS: W.GN.e4.P.EG04a, W.GN.m7.P.EG03a
HS: EHSCE.P.1.4.2a
Elem./MS: Contribute to class list and/or graphic organizer in preparation for a class activity (e.g., a descriptive list about a school project or event).
HS: Create a personal list or graphic organizer by selecting from a group of pictures in preparation for completing a writing project (e.g., describing an event and/or likes/dislikes). / PE3 VIII E - Develops alternate communication skills. – many
PE3 VIII K - Identifies/makes choices among objects. - many
PE6 XVI B2 2. Identifies objects/pictures.
PE6 XVI A5 7. Engages in group discussions…
PE6 XVI C4 11. Contributes to a class writing project using pictures, symbols, drawings, writings, or technology.

Domain: Writing Process (PR)