Counselor’s Note

Students don’t forget to check with Mrs. Maupins for scholarship opportunities. New ones come in often and many of the due dates are early March and April. The more applications you send in the more opportunities you will have to obtain money for college. Drop by the counselor’s office grab an application and apply! “Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.”― Benjamin Franklin

Current Scholarships

  • Provost Leadership Award

Due March 1st

  • Life Lessons Scholarships Due (Special consideration See Mrs. Maupins for details) March 1st @4pm
  • Northwestern Oklahoma State University President’s Leadership Class Scholarship Due March 7th $2750
  • Bartlesville OU Alumni Association Due April 1st $1000
  • Jennifer Ballew Scholarship Due April 22nd
  • 2016 Hamilton Award (Juniors Only)
  • Daybreak Rotary Club Scholarship Due March 14th $5000
  • OU Scholarship Opportunities up to $6000 in scholarships. (Special criteria applies see Mrs. Maupins Soon!)
  • Edward’s Law Firm Scholarship Due December 2016 (Must fill out online) $1500

Unique Scholarships

  • Chick and Sophie Major Memorial Duck Calling Contest
  • Asparagus Club Scholarship for business or food management degrees
  • Anti-Bullying Scholarships

Additional Information & Reminders

  • 9th & 10th Grade students don’t forget to sign up for Oklahoma’s promise to help pay for college.
  • NOC College Opportunity for those interested in becoming an Athletic Trainer.
  • TU Tech Academy opportunity See Mrs. Maupins for details.

Character Trait

February –Fairness

Demonstrating impartial, unbiased, and equitable treatment of others.Taking turns, sharing, and listening to what others have to say.

Thoughts to Consider:

  1. How do you know when something is unfair?
  2. What does treating people fairly mean? Does fairness mean everyone gets the same amount, like an equal piece of a chocolate bar?
  3. Does fairness mean enforcing the rules for everyone, even if it means losing a game? Is it possible to treat everyone fairly?
  4. What does it mean to be open-minded?
  5. What does it mean to be impartial?
  6. Is it possible to be fair without considering everyone who will be affected by your decision? Give an example.
  7. What does intolerance have to do with unfairness?
  8. Most people think fairness requires us to treat people equally. What does it mean to treat people equally?
  9. Can you think of a situation in which it might be right to give someone a special advantage? Are there ever good reasons to give unequal consequences for the same offense?
  10. Agree or disagree: It's an unfair world, and nothing I do is going to change that.

"It is reasonable that everyone who asks justice should do justice." - Thomas Jefferson

Student Highlights

Congratulations to the Academic Team for making it to State!!

Important Dates


-12th Basketball Homecoming

-23rd Parent Teacher Conference

-24th 8th Grade writing test

-25thParent Teacher Conference



-2nd Half day

-10thTriCounty Tech Application Day

-14th – 18th Spring Break

-25th Good Friday

-28th State Testing Begins

-29th Junior ACT Testing


-6th Half day


-19th Last Day of School

-19th Graduation