Sept.16, 2013
Welcome Garth Maijala our new SIPE Representative!!
- Review Minutes – Jeff Dixon
- Worker Compensation – Cyndie Clark
Review the WC & Accident Summary Report for current year.
- Budget Review – Jeff Dixon
Review ending budget 2012-2013. Carry over into this fiscal year is $14,226.79.
- Business– Jeff Dixon
Purpose/Objective for today’s meeting:
Discuss safety incentive programs to implement for 2013 -2014.
- SIPE Safety Quiz
(204) Quizzes were completed in May and (153) Quizzes were completed in June. Miner’s gift cards were sent out to (50) winners for each of those months. The September quiz was sent out on September 11, 2013.
Do we want to continue issuing (50) $10 Miner’s Gift Cards each month to winning participants as incentive for completing quiz?
- Incentive Program Idea for next year – Cyndie Clark
(Tabled from last meeting)
“I have an idea for an incentive program. I’d like to break up the schools and sites into groups: K-6, Middle Schools and High Schools and business offices.
Have you ever seen the signs that show “how many days without an accident” that some business have posted? My idea is kind of like that. I can order signs for all schools/sites and have them placed in the break room or somewhere visible to the employees. The school/site with the least amount of accidents gets to have all their employees names put in a drawing for one of 3 prizes, or 2 or 1, whatever is affordable. Top prize could be something like an ipad, a $100 gas card, Dinner certificates, for example. I could keep track using my monthly reports since all injuries are reported to me anyway. This would keep the work off the sites other than updating the signs with accurate info so it’s visible to staff. I can promote it at the benefits fair in August and at every presentation I do at the sites at the beginning of the year, teachers orientation etc. “
- SIPE “2013 Best Safety Bulletin Board Contest - Information flyer provided
- Ideas for recruiting new committee member
- Safety Requests – Jeff Dixon
- Curriculum - $226 – (2) Floor Desk Mats – Tom Butler and Hillery Dixon
- Student Services –$700 (2) CP 200XLS Two-Way Radios or
(2 -PR 400 Radios $850) Matching Funds
Needed at AGHS in room 938 - Moderate/Sever SDC
To insure communication for staff and back-up for safety of staff.
- Student Services – AED Pads Cynthia Ravalin to present
- Open Forum