Bridgett Stang: Habitat Member

  1. How long have you been a Habitat Member?

--2.5 years

  1. What is your major?

--Advertising/Public Relations

  1. What year are you?


  1. What other student organizations are you involved in, and do you use their websites often?

--Spotlight Productions (no website yet)

--Student Ambassadors (I use this website to check tour openings)

--Transitions Leaders (will have a website via BB soon)

  1. How often do you use the current Habitat site?

--have never used it

  1. If the site was improved how much do you think you would use it?

--I would use it often to check current information, and use it for communication with other members

  1. Do you think members would use the website to check information? If so, what information would they most likely want to see on the site?

--If they had info for members such as upcoming build dates, contact info, discussion boards, and group photos

  1. Do you feel prospective members of Habitat have enough information to make a valid decision if they should join or not?

--absolutely not. I think some students don’t even know that GVSU has a Habitat chapter and it’s critical to our organization and how much we can accomplish. If more people joined, we would have more opportunities to fundraise for more money and thus get more build dates.

  1. How easy do you feel the current navigation is?

--I haven’t even checked it out. I know that the site needs a lot of work!

  1. How complete do you feel the information is?

--I’ve heard it needs a lot of improvement.

  1. How visually appealing do you feel the current site is?

--Again, I hear it’s pretty bland.

  1. What would you most like to see changed on the site?

--Stimulating visuals (fun photos of the group and our accomplishments), Quality info such as how to get involved, when and where our meetings are, when our builds are, fundraising opportunities/ideas, discussion board…and more!

  1. How beneficial do you feel a well-organized and functioning website would be to your organization?

--I think it would benefit us greatly. Especially if the website we’re to be linked off of other pages such as GVSU Volunteer and Service, Facebook, Myspace, and all of us members could put it in our personal profiles.

  1. Do you feel it is important to have branding to the national Habitat Organization? (branding = tying in GVSU Habitat to the national organization; maybe using their logo on your site)

--Definitely. I think it would increase the awareness among students at GVSU who do not know that GVSU has a chapter. There are plenty of people I have met that have participated in Habitat outside of GV and they are surprised to find out that we have our own chapter here!

  1. In designing your website did you consider looking at any other college’s Habitat sites? If not, do you think that would have been helpful?

--I am not involved with designing the website. However, I do feel it is convenient to scope out other sites for ideas.

  1. What Habitat are you affiliated with? Do you feel it is important to brand to this site?

--I have only participated in GVSU habitat.

  1. How well do you feel the Habitat site is compared to other student organization websites?

--I actually have never checked out other sites.

  1. What would your ideal Habitat site look like?

--A place where people in the GVSU community can see how committed the GVSU Habitat members are and learn about opportunities for them to join us in our efforts.

  1. Any additional comments?

--A new innovative website will definitely benefit us and hopefully we will see an increase in our roster for the years to come!