University of Business in Wroclaw

Faculty of Management and Economics, Field of study: Management

Subject name:
Field of study:
MANAGEMENT / Level of study[HW1]:
II cycle - MBA
Language of study:
English / Profile:
practical / Name of program module[HW2]:
Form of crediting the course:
[HW3]exam / Year of study:………….…I………………..
Semester of study: ………II……………..... / No. ofECTS points[HW4]:
Form of study / Form of classes / No. of hours
Lecture / Exercises / E-learning / Lab. / Project/
workshop / Seminar / Outdoor classes / Foreign language course
Full- time[HW5]
Part-time / 10 / 10 / 20
Person in charge of the course (e-mail[HW6]):
Prof. Dr. Paul Pronobis ()
Dr. Matthias Demmer ()
Profound understanding what taks managerial accounting embraces and how it is applied in the corporate environment. The following learning objectives are pursued to help students to evaluate information, think critically, solve problems and make accounting data relevant for the decision-making:
CO1. / Evaluate the role of managerial accounting in society and organization
CO2. / Advance understanding of managerial accounting frameworks, measurement issues and corporate steering strategies
CO3. / Controlling today: modern trends in controlling (esp. Business Partnering) as well as the influence of digitalization on controllers’ tasks and skill set
1.[HW7]Video resources:
What tasks do controllers have:
What do we think of managers:
Assuring management rationality:
LO1 / Student knows the role of Managerial Accounting: tasks of Controllers, basic technical terms, the cycle of corporate steering (cost analysis, planning & budgeting, reporting etc.)
LO2 / Student has knowledge about Cost-Volume-Profit: cost structures, break-even calculation, target-costing
LO3 / Student is familiar with the corporate steering framework: how managerial accounting helps to translate business strategies into operational excellence
LO4 / Student has been introduced to the principal agencytheory and has the ability of the its practical implication
LO5 / Student has skills related to rational decision making based on key financial and performance indicators, de-biasing techniques and target setting
LO6 / Students is able to perform Predictive Analytics: how time series analysis boosts the efficiency of planning and budgeting processes, algorithm based business analytics


University of Business in Wroclaw

Faculty of Management and Economics, Field of study: Management

No. / LECTURE / No. of hours
F / P[SJ9]
L1 / The Role of Managerial Accounting: tasks of Controllers, basic technical terms, the cycle of corporate steering (cost analysis, planning & budgeting, reporting etc. / 2
L2 / Cost-Volume-Profit: cost structures, break-even calculation, target-costing / 2
L3 / Becoming a Business Partner: how managerial accounting works in modern multi-national corporates / 2
L4 / Controlling and Digitalization: the impact of digitalization on controllers’ tasks and skill set / 2
L5 / Predictive Analytics and Big Data: how the new data economy revolutionize planning and forecasting / 2
TOTAL: / 10
FORM OF GRADE[SJ10]: proactivity / written exam
No. / EXERCISES[HW11] / No. of hours
F / P
Ex.1 / Practical Exercises requiring Course Participation / 5
Ex.2 / Group Exercises preparing for the Final Exam / 5
TOTAL: / 10
FORM OF GRADE[SJ12]:participation / group exercises
Lecture with multimedia presentation and videos
Teamwork project
Case studies, analysis of events, discussion
Form of activity / No. of hours[HW14]
Full-time / Part-time
Contact hours with the lecturer[HW15] (including consultation hours, exams etc.) / 24
Familiarization with the indicated literature / 16
Preparation for[HW16]exercises / 15
Preparation for[HW17]exam / 20
G. F. Dominiak, J. G. Louderback:Managerial accounting, 5th ed., PWS-KENT Publishing Company, Boston 1988.
P. M. Fischer, W. J. Taylor, J. A. Leer: Advanced accounting, 3rd ed., South-Western Publishing Co, Cincinnati 1986.
P. E. Fess, C. S. Warren: Accounting principles, 15th ed.,South-Western Publishing Co, Cincinnati 1986.
R. Hilton: Managerial Accounting 9th ed., McGraw Hill Higher Education, New York 2011.
Learning outcome[HW19] / The reference of the given outcome to the outcomes defined for the whole degree program[HW20] / Course objectives[HW21] / Program contents[HW22]
LO1 / F2_K06,F2_S01 / CO1 / L1, Ex.1, Ex.2
LO2 / F2_K06 / CO1, CO2 / L2, Ex.2
LO3 / F2_S03 / CO2 / L3, L4, L5, Ex.1
LO4 / F2_K06, F2_S01 / CO3 / L3, Ex.
LO5 / F2_S03 / CO2, CO3 / L5, Ex.1, Ex.2
Learning outcomes / For grade 2 / For grade 3/ 3,5 / For grade 4/ 4,5 / For grade 5
LO1-5 / Lack of expected learning outcomes
<50% / Achievement of learning outcomes with ignoring some important aspects or serious inaccuracies
> = 50-69% / Achievement of expected learning outcomes without taking up some of the less important aspects
> = 70-89% / Achievement of expected learning outcomes with covering all relevant aspects
> = 90%
Didactic materials for the course can be published on the e-learning platform or forwarded in an electronic form.
Basic literature for the course is available in the Library of the University of Business in Wroclaw.
Plan of studies and the assumed learning outcomesareprovidedto students on the e-learning platform and available in the Didactic Office. Syllabuses are presented to the students by the lecturers at the first class and are available in the Didactic Office.
Schedule of classes is published on the e-learning platform and on notice boards in the premises of the University.
Schedule of exams and on the announcements related to the organization of academic year are available on the notice boards, in the premises of the University, in Virtul Dean’s Office (e-Dziekanat) in the folder „Rector’s Ordinances” and on the e-learning platform.
Exam dates are agreed between the lecturer and the foreman and submitted to the Didactic Office.
Lecturers’ consultations can have a form of direct or electronic contact (lecturers’ e-mail addresses are available to students).
For 3.0/E grade / 50%-59% of the total number of points
For 3.5/D grade / 60%-69% of the total number of points
For 4.0/Cgrade / 70%-79% of the total number of points
For 4.5/Bgrade / 80%-89% of the total number of points
For 5.0/Agrade / 90%-100% of the total number of points
Final grade[AS23]
(total number of points in %) / 20% participation and proactivity shown during the class
30% group exercises
50% written exam
Signature of MBA Program Director


[*]specified in the Resolution no. 4 of the Senate of the University of Business in Wroclaw of24.05.2016 on the learning outcomes for the field of Management

[HW1]I cycle or II cycle

[HW2]Choose appropriate: general, major, specialization

[HW3]Exam or graded credit according to plan of studies

[HW4]According to plan of studies

[HW5]Number of hours according to plan of studies

[HW6]Name and surname, academic title, e-mail address available for students

[HW7]What subjects should be completed according to degree program before realization of the present course

[HW8]Max 6 min 3 effects in accoradance with thelearning outcomes approved for the field of study

[SJ9]F – full time program, P– part-time program

[SJ10]Enter the form of verification of the assumed learning outcomes

[HW11]Enter the appropriate, e.g. Project, Laboratory, etc.

[SJ12]Enter the form of verification of the assumed learning outcomes

[SJ13]Examples are listed, enter your own – appropriate for the course

[HW14]1 ECTS point = 25 h

[HW15]No. of hours of classes realizedwith students

[HW16]Enter appropriate: excercises,lecture, project, etc.

[HW17]Enter appropriate: exam, graded credit, etc.

[HW18]3 positions available in WSH library

[HW19]Outcomes defined for the given subject

[HW20]Reference to the field effects (e.g F2_K01, etc.) assumed for the given field and level of study

[HW21]Course objectives defined for the given course, e.g. CO1, CO2

[HW22]Program contents, e.g. L1,Ex1

[AS23]Please enter here the percentages adequate for the given course