( To be submitted for Hospital )

I………………………………………, son of ……………………………., aged…………., resident of…………………………………………………………………………, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under :

1.  That the deponent is the member of the Managing Committee of……… ……… ……………………………society/Director of……………………………..…………… ……………………. Pvt. Ltd. Company/ ………………………………………., sole proprietor of ………………………………..……………..……………………./Partner of M/s………… …………………………(partnership firm)

2.  That the deponent has been authorized by the said society /company vide a Resolution of the Managing Committee/Board of Directors/Partners of M/s………………………………….to depose the present affidavit for and behalf of the allottee concerned.

3.  That the Delhi Development Authority vide its letter no……………………… dated……………….had allotted land measuring……………………………, located at…………………….(hereinafter called and referred to as “The Allottee” for brevity) M/s…………………………………………………… for the purpose of …………………………………………………………..

4.  That the allottee is using the land for the purpose for which the land was allotted as per terms and conditions of allotment for running a Hospital only and nothing else.

5.  That the hospital has to provide free services to the poor patients to the extent of 10% of indoor strength and in respect of outdoor patients, this free ship would be to the extent of 25%. These patients would be treated free whether indoor or outdoor and would be entitled for free medicines from the hospital. However, these medicines would be of generic nature and not the branded ones, the list of which is communicated. These facilities would start from the commencement of Hospital.

6.  That the allottee has not sold or transferred or otherwise parted with the possession of the whole or any part of the said land allotted to it or building thereon.


That the allottee has sold/transferred/parted possession with………………….. portion of the allotted land and building in accordance with permission granted by the DDA vide letter no………………………….dated………………………..

7.  That allottee has not sublet any part of the premises as stipulated in the terms and conditions of allotment/lease deed.

8.  That the total area sublet by the allottee does not exceed 25% of the total build up area. The permission was granted by DDA vide letter no………………… dated ………………….

9.  That the allottee has sublet the aforesaid portion of built up space with prior permission of DDA only for service organization like banks or organizations of similar nature or organizations which have been set up under statute such as Companies Act, 1956, Indian Trust Act, etc., or institution which have the requisite permission of Reserve Bank of India and subject to the following conditions:

i)  That they will not run shops, restaurants, hotels, any industrial or manufacturing activity causing noise or pollution or disturbing the environment of the area in any way.

ii)  That the income received on account of subletting would be ploughed back to the institution for creating assets.

iii)  That the subletting charges would be required to be paid on an annual basis in advanced.

iv)  That the allottee is also abiding by all other provisions also relating to the policy of subletting.

v)  That the allottee has not utilized the premises for the purposes of a residence of the functionaries of the organization of an area exceeding 15% of the built up space subject to a maximum of 150 sq.m.

vi)  That the construction and user on the plot is as per sanctioned plan and applicable law, rules and regulations.

vii)  That the allottee is abiding by all terms and conditions as contained in the allotment letter and lease deed the applicable laws, rules and regulations.



I, the above named deponent, do hereby verify that the contents of my aforesaid affidavit are true to my knowledge, no part thereof is false and nothing material has been concealed there from.

Verified at New Delhi on this ……………….day of June, 2003