eIRB #____
Telephone Recruitment and Screening Script Template
Hello, my name is ______. I’m calling from Oregon Health & Science University about a research study. Am I speaking to ______(name of recruit)?
If “no,” wait for recruit to pick up, arrange to leave a message, or ask for a time to call back.
If “yes”:
I got your phone number from ______(describe contact source). Is this a good time to talk? I expect this phone call will take about ____ minutes.
Arrange to call at another time, if appropriate.
I’m calling about a research study of ______(describe condition being studied) called ______(study title). The purpose of this research study is to learn more about ______(state study purpose).
I’m calling to see if you are interested and if you might be eligible to participate. If you agree, I will ask you some questions to see if you can be in the study. If it looks like you might be eligible, we will ask you to come into the clinic, where we will discuss the study with you in more detail, and you can decide if you want to participate.
Before we go on to the questions, let me tell you a little bit about your rights as a research subject.
The main risk of answering my questions today is loss of confidentiality. However, we will do our best to keep your information confidential by ______(Describe confidentiality measures taken. For example, “keeping it coded and on password-protected computer.” If you will destroy the record of the phone call if the subject is not eligible, state this.).
You don’t have to answer these questions, and you can choose to stop at any time without penalty. If you have questions about the study, you can call us at ______(phone number). If you have questions about your rights as a research subject or research-related injuries, you can call the OHSU Research Integrity Office at 503-494-7887.
May I go ahead with the eligibility questions?
If no, thank the individual and end the call.
If yes:
I’m going to give a list of things that would PROHIBIT you from being in the study. Please do not indicate if these things apply to you until the end of the list. When I’m finished with the list, feel free to ask questions or tell me if you do NOT have any of the following. (Note: listing exclusion criteria this way is preferable because it limits the personal information you collect to the minimum necessary for determining eligibility. It may not be appropriate for all studies. If necessary, you may be more specific or ask the subject to confirm that they meet certain criteria.)
(List exclusion criteria)
If any of those things are true for you, you cannot participate in the study. Does it look like you might still be eligible?
If yes: Document eligibility response and make appointment, if appropriate.
If no:
Thank you for your time.