April 11, 2016
The regular meeting of the Harvard Board of Education began at 7:30 p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Mike Nierman. Also present were Janet Hachtel, Shirley Doupnik, Sharon Portenier,Dr. Don Gerlach and Glen Becker.Superintendent Michael Derr, Principal Brent Williamson and Assistant Principal Neil Riley. Notice of the meeting was given in advance by publication.
Items included in the consent agenda were the meeting agenda and its changes, the minutes from the March 14, 2016 regular meeting, the treasurer’s report, and the Aprilbills.
The treasurer’s report showed the following: Balance on hand February 29, 2016, $972,752.79. Deposits forMarch $262,393.19. Withdrawals: Payroll $147,420.83 and expended $281,389.51. April draw: General Fund $132,070.53 and Special Building $2,020.98.
The bills were:
Gerlach made a motion to remove the minutes from the consent agenda, motion failed due to no seconded.
It was moved by Portenierand seconded by Doupnikto approve all items on the consent agenda. Hachtel-Yes, Doupnik-Yes, Nierman-Yes, Portenier-Yes, Gerlach-No, Becker-Yes.
Mr. Derr read a letter from Sharon Portenier and after 13+ years she is stepping down from the board. Ms. Mendoza shared information on the ELL program and the ELPA21 testing. She also shared with the board about upcoming FDL group activities along with Mr. Guinyard and Mrs. Boyd. Adi Ramirez and David Reazola were present as Student Council representatives and gave updates on plans for next years activities.
Mr. Williamson gave an enrollment update and talked about Spring Activities. He read some comments from the District Speech judges about how well Harvard ran the competition. He also shared a donation from a former graduate for our shop and library.
Mr. Riley talked about State testing and gave a review of the Math Club year.
Mr. Derr gave an update on the budget year and the cash flow. He dH H iscussed our HVAC control program and potential legislation. He gave an update on staffing and contracts for next year. He proposed to the board that we enter into contract with Kaitlyn Forbes, Blake Bunner and Tami Clay for the 2016-2017 school year. He read a resignation from Traci Parr. He talked about changes in the affordable care act and gave an update on State Aid. He shared two supportive cards from the musical.
Mr. Nierman shared the Facilities/Transportation committee report. They are looking at long range financial plans and how some potential projects/bonds could fit into the pictures. He also shared about a proposed bus for next year.
During new business and after discussion it was moved by Doupnik and seconded by Hachtel to approve a contract with Kaitlyn Forbes for the 2016-17 school year. Motion carried 6-0.
Motion was made by Becker and seconded by Niermanto approve a contract with Black Bunner for the 2016-2017 school year. Motion carried 6-0.
Motion was made by Nierman and seconded by Doupnik to approve a contract with Tami Clay for the 2016-2017 school year. Motion carried 6-0.
Motion was made by Portenier and seconded by Gerlach to accept resignation from Traci Parr with thanks for her 6 years of service to HPS. Motion carried 6-0.
Motion was made by Nierman and seconded by Doupnik to approve buying a bus not to exceed $28,000.00 Motion carried 6-0.
Motion was made by Becker and seconded by Doupnik to approve the school calendar for the 2016-2017 year as presented. Motion carried 6-0.
Motion was made by Gerlach and seconded by Nierman to accept resignation from Sharon Portenier to take place after the May 2016 board meeting with many thanks for her years of service to HPS. Gerlach-Yes, Portenier-abstained, Becker-Yes, Nierman-Yes, Doupnik-Yes, Hachtel-Yes.
There being no further business it was moved by Doupnik and seconded by Gerlach to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. Motion carried 6-0. Next regular meeting will beMonday,May 9, 2016 at 7:30 p.m.
Stephanie Williamson, Board Designate