S.O.A.R. Background Research Portion Evaluation Rubric
Student Name: / Score:
This analytic rubric is used to verify specific tasks performed when producing the research portion of your project, which will be in a technology format. If the task has been successfully completed, all points are awarded. No points are awarded if the task is not complete.
Category / Scoring Criteria / Points / Student
Evaluation / Teacher
10 points / Technology based (PowerPoint, Prezi, Digital Presentation App, Digital Story) / 10
5 points / Research portion (technology based portion is turned in on time) / 5
15 points / Topic 1: Driving Question
Option 1: Driving question, hypothesis, and problem are present and clear.
Option 2: Driving question and topic are present and clear.
Option 3:Driving question, topic, and general community need arepresent andclear.
Option 4: Testable question, hypothesis, and IV/DV are present and clear. / 10
The student explains why he/she chose the topic and what they hoped to learn. / 5
Report of
40 points / Topic 2: Factual Information about the topic
Option 1: 5 Facts about the problem and 5 facts about the previous solutions
Option 2: Facts about the topic, what branch of Science is involved,and 3 Scientists that are involved with this topic
Option 3: Facts about the topic and facts about why this is a community need.
Option 4: Facts about the topic & how the study is scientifically related / 10
Topic 3: Scientific Relevance
All options address the following:
  • Student explains what is already known about the topic.
  • Student explains what scientists have already made discoveries about the topic or researched/are researching the topic.
  • Student explains why or how this topic is essential to the scientific community.
/ 10
Topic 4: Application
All options address the following:
  • Student explains how his/her topic is used in the world today
  • Student explains why or how this topic in seen or used in our daily lives
  • How may this topic be used in the future?
/ 10
Research correctly referenced within text
(parenthetical/paraphrase in APA format) / 10
10 points / Topic 5: Student explains how he/she will advance their own personal understanding of the topic. In other words, student explains how researching this topic is important in his or her life or in the future? / 10
10 points / A single reference page is provided in APA format. This is the last slide of your presentation.
Minimum 5 references required!!!
Title of the last slide: References / 10
10 points / Presentation demonstrates an effort to produce a professional technology presentation that is free of grammar, spelling, and typing errors. / 10
Total Points / 100