Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held.
on the 14th September 2016
Present Mrs L Herniman took the chair, Mr G Hookway Mr J Ayre, Mr A Chamings Mr B King Mr R Petherbridge Mrs S Montague Mr N Hopkins, Mrs A Snell (Clerk)
Apologies: Mrs C Pedlar and PCSO Brown
In Attendance: Cllr A Boyd Cllr Morrish and Mr Edmonds
Cllr Herniman welcomed the speaker Mr Toby Russell from the Devon Air Ambulance to discuss the proposed night landing site on the Recreation Field, the cost will be £5872.50 plus VAT this is a quote from MAT Electric’s , part of Mr Russel’s role is to suggest possible funding and avenues to explore. It was suggested to publicise the project in the parish magazine as it is a very large expense and money will have to be raised. The installation cost is £1200 which can be undertaken by the community but MAT Electric’s have to install the final fix of the remote connection, the actual situation of the column has yet to be decided. This project can be minuted in a Parish Plan, or part of an S106 in any future development.
Mr Russell will write an overview to put in the Parish magazine and website to publicise the project.
Cllr Herniman thanked Mr Russell for attending.
Time for Public Participation
Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any personal or prejudicial interest, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.
1).i. The minutes of the meeting held on 13th July were agreed and signed.
2). Clerks report i. The Tithe Map, a further invoice has been received from Icam so it was agreed to pay it, and to ask for the digital copies of the map that have been sent to the Devon Records Office, it was agreed to hang the map on the hall wall, Cllr King has offered to make a frame ii. Comments brought forward regarding the possible DAAT night landing site, as it is a large amount of money parishioner interest is essential so it was suggested to ask Mr Russell to attend the Autumn Show on Saturday the 29th October to promote the project, all in agreement. Iii. The next Deep Moor Liaison meeting is to be held on 11th October, Cllr Chamings volunteered to attend. iv. Sign for Recreation Field, a quote has been received of £65 plus VAT for a “No cycling or scooters on or around the play area”, this one is vandal proof, so it was agreed to go ahead, and to order a similar quality one “No dogs by order of the Parish Council” for the front gate.
3). Chairman’s Report, i. The Nursery Close query is still ongoing; but a tenant is moving and the Parish Council have not been informed, a request is to be put to Devon and Cornwall Housing to ask if this would be possible ii. The dog bin in Kingscott has still not been replaced, communication is underway with TDC, but Cllr Morrish was asked to help as it has taken so long.
Iii. The defibrillator has not got an electricity connection a quote has been obtained from Mr M Cook of £250, it was agreed to ask Mr Dave Glass to see if he could dig the trench to connect the supply.
4).Highways i. A large pot hole has appeared on the road at Higher House, two lorries have gone in the ditch between Ward Farm and Old Bellevue Lodge it was suggested to ask Mr N Browne at Deep Moor to erect two reflectors at the site to deter others.
5. County/ District Councillors items. Cllr Boyd has funding available that has to be allocated by January.
Health provision is being discussed on Monday the 19th at DCC. Cllr Morrish said he also has money that can be applied for. The Boundary Commission are out to consultation at present, for MP’s constituency’s and the District Council areas, if what is proposed is agreed St Giles will become part of Dartmoor and West Devon Central for the constituency. TDC are to keep the 36 Councillors, Cllr Morrish will still be the councillor but St Giles will be joined with High Bickington, Dolton, Dowland, Merton Clinton and Huish and
the area will be shared with Cllr Lock and known as Three Rivers and Two Moors, this is all out to consultation the reason being to get the electoral numbers in areas more similar. Cllr Morrish reported to the meeting that there are large changes to come in the refuse and recycling departments for Torridge and North Devon. Cllr Morrish also reported that the accounts for TDC have been signed off with a surplus of £1.3 million so he will be surprised if there is a rise in Council Tax next year. But he did say TDC may be deploying some of its assets in the future, so no rise in the TDC council tax may give the PC an opportunity to raise the precept to cover any assets that it may be able to obtain. In the future Government funding will stop and local councils will have to raise money through Council Tax and business rates.
i) Approve and sign the following cheques: -General Account,
366 / Tower mint / £92.64367 / Icam, digitisation of map / £336.00
368 / Plandscape / £152.14
369 / Clerks Salary / £350.00
370 / Office expenses / £32.74
371 / Wicksteed / £54.00
ii. A letter has been received from CAF Bank saying from October they will be charging £5 a month for the use of their current accounts, so it was agreed to amalgamate the two accounts held as there is only a balance of approximately £1500 in the second account, all in agreement.
`7. Planning P C recommendations TDC
ACB/DCC/3848/2016 / County Matter Planning Application Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (England and Wales) Regulations 2011. The construction and operation of a Resource Recovery Centre comprising a permanent new waste transfer station building and a 2MWe solar farm together with an extension of thelifetime of the existing non hazardous and asbestos
waste landfill, recycling facility and green waste composting until the 31st December 2030 and
associated new internal access roads, office,
weighbridges and weighbridge office, associated
surface water attenuation features and other ancillary development at Deep Moor Waste Management
Facility at Deep Moor Landfill Site, High Bullen,Torrington,EX38 7JA
1/0413/2016/FUL / Extension to front, Petitor, Kingscott / Passed
FUL / Replacement of temporary structure with permanent events building, RHS Rosemoor / Passed
1/0525/2016/FUL / First floor extension above garage, Moorlands, Pound Meadow, High Bullen / Passed
i. There is a TDC Planning information session on Thursday 22nd September at St Giles Hall from 2-4pm, Cllr Herniman and Cllr Hookway have been booked in, Cllr Hopkins, Cllr Petherbridge, Cllr Ayre and Cllr Chamings will also be booked in.
ii. The Footpath queries that have been sent to DCC have still not been answered so more enquires will be made and a further request will be made for a footpath map of the parish.
9. Police Report, no report has been received.
10. Recreation Field Report, the Wicksteed report was discussed nothing serious was detected but a few spare parts will be ordered, in the near future the swing seats need to be replaced.
11. Correspondence i. The DALC Annual Report has been received.
Date of next meeting–: Wednesday 12th October 8.00pm in the Parish Hall, for the Parish Council meeting,
….………………….. Chairman ……………………..……Date
Forthcoming meetings: Wednesday 9th November