West Virginia Northern Community College
The Library
Acquisitions List
June 2016
NON-REFERENCEBF/1028.5/.U6/S35 / Mrs. Wakeman vs. the antichrist: and other strange-but-true tales from American history. Robert Damon. 2014. WH.
D/104/.D28 / Vanished kingdoms: the rise and fall of states and nations. Norman Davies. 2012. WH.
D/107/.C288 / Inglorious royal marriages: a demi-millennium of unholy mismatrimony. Leslie Carroll. 2014. WH.
D/202.8/.R67 / The third horseman: a story of weather, war, and the famine history forgot. William Rosen. 2015. WH.
D/1060/.R46 / The United States of Europe: the new superpower and the end of American supremacy. T. R. Reid. 2005. WH.
DA/533/.M983 / An elegant madness: high society in Regency England. Venetia Murray. 2000. WH.
DB/85/.C7 / The fall of the House of Habsburg. Edward Crankshaw. 1983. NM.
DL/65/.R6413 / The Vikings. Else Roesdahl. 1998. WH.
DS/655/.F735 / A history of the Philippines: from Indios Bravos to Filipinos. Luis Francia. 2014. WH.
DS/682/.S26/J66 / Honor in the dust: Theodore Roosevelt, war in the Philippines, and the rise and fall of the America’s imperial dream. Gregg Jones. 2012. WH.
DT/269/.C35/M55 / Carthage must be destroyed: the rise and fall of an ancient civilization. Richard Miles. 2012. WH.
F/27/.A75/W66 / The Lobster Coast: rebels, rusticators, and the struggle for a forgotten frontier. Colin Woodard. 2005. WH.
F/1410/.W573 / Penguin history of Latin America. Edwin Williamson. 2009. WH.
F/3429.1/.M3/A43 / Turn right at Machu Picchu: rediscovering the lost city one step at a time. Mark Adams. 2012. WH.
G/420/.C65/C672 / The journals of Captain Cook. James Cook. 1999. WH.
G/1030/.B7 / A history of the world in 12 maps. Jerry Brotlon. 2014. WH.
GT/2853/.U5/G66 / Anything that moves: renegade chefs, fearless eaters, and the making of a new American food culture. Dana Goodyear. 2013. WH.
GV/867/.S53 / Baseball as a road to God: seeing beyond the game. John Edward Sexton. 2014. WH.
HC/106.7/.P52 / Bad money: reckless finance, failed politics, and the global crisis of American capitalism. Kevin Phillips. 2009. WH.
HD/9198/.G72/R67 / For all the tea in China: how England stole the world’s favorite drink and changed history. Sarah Rose. 2011. WH.
HV/6517/.P475 / The girls of murder city: fame, lust, and the beautiful killers who inspired Chicago. Douglas Perry. 2011. WH.
HV/7911/.M3884/R54 / Pinkerton's great detective: the rough-and-tumble career of James McParland, America's Sherlock Holmes. Beau Riffenburgh. 2014. WH.
JZ/1242/.K575 / World order. Henry Kissinger. 2014. WH.
LB/2353.7/.T35/A85 / ATI TEAS study manual for the Test of Essential Academic Skills. 2016. NM, WE, WH.
ML/3534/.B38 / Season of the witch: how the occult saved rock and roll. Peter Bebergal. 2014. WH.
PS/3560/.O3746/A46 / Flyover lives: a memoir. Diane Johnson. 2014. WH.
SF/429/.P58/D53 / Pit bull: the battle over an American icon. Bronwen Dickey. 2016. WH.
T/803/.D6/E54 / Eiffel's tower: the thrilling story behind Paris's [sic] beloved monument and the extraordinary World's Fair that introduced it. Jill Jonnes. 2010. WH.
During the month of June 2016 the library received:
Books:New Books: 30
Total Vols: 30