Policies and Procedures
Mrs. Waldeier
WELCOME! This is going to be a great year!
Class Materials:
Everyday, you will be expected to have:
A writing utensil (pen or pencil)
Biology composition notebook
Student agenda
I will follow school policy. Please quickly and quietly sign the tardy sheet when you walk into the class. If you have a reason for the tardy, talk with me about it after class.
Class time is valuable and I expect you to go to the restroom before or after class if possible. I understand that special circumstances do arise, and in these situations, I will permit a student to use the restroom; however, you must wait until I am done giving notes or instructions (this mean you must wait until after bellwork and daily instructions, etc). Please be respectful of this privilege. If a student violates this privilege, he/she will not be allowed to use the restroom for the remainder of the semester. Violating this privilege includes going somewhere other than the restroom, being noisy in the hallway, habitually needing to go to the bathroom, etc. YOU MUST SIGN IN AND OUT.
Class Dismissal:
Class is dismissed by Mrs. Waldeier, NOT the bell. The class will be dismissed only if all cleaning requirements are complete, I have stopped talking, and all students are in their seats.
Class time is very important. If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to make up the work. Be sure to check for your make-up assignments on the biology board when you come back. In addition, it is YOUR responsibility to turn in any work that was due during your absence (you have until the date marked on the assignment to receive full credit). Make- up assignments must have the “We missed you” form attached in order to receive full credit. These assignments will be placed in the box on my desk.
Make-up tests:
You have up to one week to make up a test, then it will be a zero. Make-up tests will be done during after school tutoring sessions, NOT DURING AAA.
There will be no make-ups for some labs. If the absence was excused, you will receive an “excused” for any lab points missed, butyou are still responsible for the information that was covered during your absence. If you are absent the block BEFORE a test, you are still responsible to take the test on the test day. PLEASE STAY AWARE OF ALL UPCOMING TEST AND LAB DATES.
Grading policy:
All late work, missing work, or missing test grades will be entered as a zero in the grade book, REGARDLESS of why it is late or missing. Once you make up the missing work, the proper grade will replace the zero.
45% of overall grade: Class work & homework
45% of overall grade: Tests, Quizzes, and Projects
10% of overall grade: Final exam (it will be cumulative for that semester)
**Cheating or plagiarizing will result in a zero for that task.
Late Work:
Homework is assigned for a reason. It will be very difficult, if not impossible, to keep up with this class if you do not complete homework on time. All assignments are due on the designated date at the beginning of the hour. When the papers are collected, there will be a “last call” for assignments. Any work submitted after the last call has passed will be considered late. Only completed assignments will be accepted.
All late work must be submitted with a “Late Work Submission Request Form”. This form must be completely filled out and signed by a parent in order to receive partial credit for the assignment (up to 50%). No late work will be accepted after the unit assessment has been given.
Food & Beverage policy:
- No food or drinks are permitted in the lab area.
- Food and drinks are okay at your desk on non-lab days only.
- Bottled water is encouraged. Studies show that increased water intake increases maximum brain function.
Cell Phone & I-POD’s:
- Cell phones are to be turned off or placed on silence when entering the room.
- No cell phones, games, iPods, pagers, etc are to be seen during class time. If I see or hear them, I will take them.
- 1st offense: I take it and put it on my desk
- 2nd offense: I take it and it goes to the office
- 3rd offense: I take it, it goes to the office, and the office logs the entry. Student will be issued a detention and parent must come in to pick up the phone.
- You are REQUIRED to keep a biology notebook and will be given a “notebook” grade.
- Notebooks must follow the proper format and will be graded using a rubric.
- You are responsible for keeping your notebook updated with notes, labs, and activities. If you miss a class, you must get notes from a friend or from the “class notebook”.
Contacting Mrs. Waldeier:
Please feel free to contact me before or after school in room 18 (west campus).
A great way to contact me is by email at .
This is going to be an extremely exciting year. It will be filled with things that are fun, but also things that will challenge you. If something seems too challenging, I am more than happy to help you. If you don’t understand something, please ask for help.
I have read and understand the above policies:
Student signature: ______
Parent signature: ______