Measuring in 1 Dimension – Length (Distance)
Carpenter’s Square
Today in Hawai‘i, like all over the US, Americans use 2 systems of measurement. Builders often use Standard (also called Imperial or US). Scientists’ favorite system of measurement is called Metric.
You need to know how to measure to do many jobs in Hawai‘i. Builders, interior decorators, set designers, fashion designers, architects, farmers and scientists are just a few. Many use both US and Metric measuring systems and tools like these: tape measures, rulers, carpenter squares, framing squares and combination squares.
Tape measure / Framing Square / Combination SquareA) US LINEAR MEASURING PRACTICE: Use a ruler with inches to extend the line below to 6 inches. Then do each question. (Note: student planners have rulers in the back pages!) (6 points)
1. Draw a long vertical line to show every inch & number them (1st one is done for you). Use the symbol ” to show inches.
How many one inch (1”) lines do you have? ______
2. Now, using a different colored pencil, draw a shorter line to show every ½ inch … these marks go in between every inch.
How many half inch (½“) lines do you have? ______
CHECK YOUR PROGRESS: Does your ruler look like this?
1” 2” 3” 4” 5” 6”
½” ½” ½” ½” ½” ½”
3. Using another color next, draw an even shorter line in between every ½ inch line and write ¼” & ¾” at those lines.
How many ¼” & ¾” lines do you have all together? ______
4. Next, using another color, draw very small lines in between every ¼ inch line and write 1/8” then 2/8” & 3/8” and so on at those lines.
How many 1/8” lines do you have all together? ______
5. Finally, using another color, draw tiny lines in between every 1/8 inch line. These are called 1/16th” lines.
How many 1/16” lines do you have? ______
B) METRIC LINEAR MEASURING PRACTICE: Use a metric ruler to draw a line that is 15 centimeter long in the space below. (4 points)
6. Write the number of each centimeter above each line up to 15. Use the abbreviation cm beside each number.
7. Next, divide each centimeter with a shorter line using a different color. These lines show where half a centimeter, or 0.5 cm, is. Write the measurements at every half cm like this … 0.5cm, 1.5cm, 2.5 cm
8. Finally, draw 4 tiny lines between each half centimeter mark. These lines each show 1/10th centimeters, called millimeters (also mm). You do not need to write anything above these lines.
How many millimeters are in each centimeter you drew? ____ mm
BONUS: go to to see jobs that use these math skills and write or tell the teacher or class about it!
DIRECTIONS: Use a ruler to draw the perfect house or bedroom in the space below. Label each room and/or object your draw. Draw for 10 minutes then do the questions below. (10 points)
1. Measure 4 rooms or objects in your drawing using the US system.
a) ______is ______long
b) ______is ______long
c) ______is ______long
d) ______is ______long
2. Now convert (change) these measurements to metric.
a) ______is ______long
b) ______is ______long
c) ______is ______long
d) ______is ______long
BONUS: Which system do you think is better? Why?
How did measuring get started? Who invented feet and inches and such? Why do we need it?
Look at the history of these words:
FOOT – the linear measurement of 1 foot being 12 inches has been around for over 1,000 years. It was spelled “fot” back then.
HAND – long ago spelled “hond,” the linear measure of 4 inches is just as old as “foot”, but now is used only to measure horses
YARD – this word was spelled “gierd” over 1,000 years ago meaning “stick” and was first a measure of 5 meters. By the year 1377 it was the linear measure of 3 feet we still use today.
Can you tell by reading the history of these words how they came to be used? How about these ancient Hawaiian words for measuring?
ANANA – The distance from longest finger tip to finger tip with arms
outstretched (same as a fathom in western ocean measurement)
MUKU – From finger tips of one arm to the elbow of the other arm
IWILEI – The length of one arm from collarbone to finger tip
With a partner, try using your feet, hands and arms as units of measure to measure the distance from one end of your classroom to the other.
Step 1: Estimate first! How many units long is your class?
Write this for each unit of measurement – feet, hand, arms.
Step 2: Measure! Write down how many units long your class is for
each unit of measurement.
Body Part (Unit Of Measurement) / My Estimate (of length of classroom) / My Measure (of length of classroom)FOOT
BONUS: make a tape measure on paper or cardboard with your foot or hand as the unit of measure. Explain if this is as good as a ruler.
Did you know that in science 200 years ago it was thought we could tell who was the nicest, smartest or might become a criminal, based on how your head looked?
Craniometry was the study of the skull size, weight and shape, and Physiognomy was the study of facial features – both of these pseudosciences claimed to be able to predict a person’s traits or intelligence. Another one was called Phrenology, which is the study of the bumps on your skull.
These old sciences were proven wrong, but they did lead scientists to explore the idea that certain brain areas have specific functions.
However, these old ideas have also shown us how science is often used to test a theory a scientist likes and wants to prove is true, even when the results of his experiments aren’t correct. Phrenology was used long ago to “prove” the white race was better than others – and it was even used again just in the last decade by a researcher who wanted to “prove” the oriental race was the smartest. Both were wrong, of course! Race and the shape of your head have zilch to do with how akamai you are!
The important lesson to remember is that scientists and researchers can create tests that give the results they want when they tell us how to read their data. Sometimes, the scientists know they are fooling us, but sometimes they don’t – they are letting their feelings and beliefs fool them into seeing what they want to see, not what is really there.
The best way to know the truth is to TEST the THEORY YOURSELF!
Go ahead – try out the activities on the next page!
STUFF YOU NEED: spool of string; box of hats from the
drama class; tape measures
Work with a partner. Take a hat from the hat box and guess how many inches it is around the hatband. Write your answer down & translate it into metric, too.
Next, look around the class for someone’s head (or something else that’s round) whom you think has the same CIRCUMFERENCE of the hat you chose. Write down the name or object you choose.
Choose a unit of measure (American, metric or one you invent). Make sure it’s flexible (like a tape measure, your hand, string). Compare the circumferences of your hatband and the head or object you thought would be the same. Take turns doing the measuring twice to make sure you get the right answer – and measure precisely from one spot to another! Write your data down.
Write your circumference data on the board along with your classmates. Work as a group to put all the data into the same unit of measure. Calculate the differences between each student’s hatband and the head or object they estimated would be closest to it.
The smartest people in your class today are the ones who came closest to estimating which head or object has the same circumference as the hatband of the hat they chose!
BONUS! Repeat the estimation activity above with irregularly shaped objects (use string to measure a TV, basket, backpack, etc.)
§ Guest introduces self, occupation, education
§ Guest shows various rulers and measurement tools used in job
§ Demo tape measure
o gets student volunteers to measure a chalkboard’s two hypotenuse lines (from corner to corner across middle) … if measures are same, the chalkboard must be “square” … explain this term
o gets student volunteers to measure both vertical sides of a door to confirm it is “square” … measures should be same
§ Demo carpenter’s square
o gets students to confirm door is square using carpenter’s square … if edges are flush with door, it is square
o explain how this tool helps with layout stage of construction
§ Demo framing squares
o get students to draw a “cut line” with this tool on a 2” x 4” … explain how this prevents mistakes, requires exact measures
o draw a roof truss diagram on chalkboard to show that angles must be measured … get students to measure the angle of the drawing using this tool
§ Demo combination square
o explain this tool is used for finishing carpentry (rather than planning stage) … ask students what all parts of ruler might be used for (note: 45° & 90° angles, 1 foot ruler and level)
o get students to compare window frame measures in the room using the slide … all should be same (this tool speeds up the work) … ask students to try find objects in the room having 45° and 90° angles …. get students to use level (and larger one) to find objects in the room that are not level
§ erect and take apart a free standing wall using all tools & guest “hands off” expertise (can do on floor without nails to save time and reduce possibility of injury)
1 HOUR PROJECT IDEA (do in two 30 MIN classes):
§ build a small shelving unit & decorate with painted angled lines using all tools, chalk and plum lines, and guest expertise
NOTE: wood must be pre-cut!
DRAFT: Science in Hawai‘i: Nā Hana Ma Ka Ahupua‘a – A Culturally Responsive Curriculum Project
Adapted in part from Reshaping Mathematics for Understanding Measurement by CRDG, UH-Mānoa, 2003. Also retrieved May 16, 2006 & adapted from: &