Board of Trustees of John Wood Community College
Counties of Adams, Pike, Hancock, Calhoun,
Schuyler, Brown, Morgan, Scott, Cass
And State of Illinois
May 21 2014
Date: 05.21.14 Board of Trustees MeetingRE: Regular Meeting Minutes
Location: Student Administrative Center, 1301 South 48th Street, Quincy IL 62305
1. Call to Order/Appointment of Assistant Secretary
The 05.21.14 Board of Trustees meeting was called to order in the Board Room, at the Student Administrative Center at 7:00 p.m. by Mr. James Gay, Board Chair. Mr. Gay appointed Ms. Benz assistant secretary.
2. Roll Call
Ms. Benz called roll:
Mr. Terwelp / x
Mr. Lambkin / x
Mr. Hagmeier / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Ms. Green / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Sims / x
Mr. Gay / x
Voice Vote
Attendees: Ms. Mary Arp, Dr. David Schachtsiek, Mr. Michael Elbe, Dr. David Shinn, Mr. Lou Barta, Ms. Jennifer Kelty, Ms. Joyce Miller-Boren, Mr. Randall Egdorf, Mr. Gary Shupe, Ms. Pam Foust, Ms. Barb Woodyard, Mr. Caeleb Weitnauer, Mr. Martin Nall, Mr. Seth Wolfmeyer, Ms. Stephanie Dearwester, Ms. Courtney Zanger, Ms. Kari Wolf, Mr. Chad Lentz, Ms. Harlee Flesner, Mr. Kurt Schuster, Ms. Peggy Scarbough, Ms. Jeannie Yingling, Ms. Alicia Chapman, Ms. Tayler Huber, Ms. Ashley Hibbert, Mr. Steve Eighner, Ms. Tracy Orne, and Ms. Leah Benz
3. Introductions
3.1 Phi Theta Kappa – Jamie Morrell, sponsor
· Brent Mansfield
· Ashley Hibbert
· Chad Lentz
· Taylor Huber
3.2 SGA Officers – Alyssa Hummel, sponsor
· Martin Nall, president
· Kurt Schuster, vice president
· Seth Wolfmeyer, secretary
· Harlee Flesner, treasurer
· Caleb Weitnauer, activities chair
Mr. Fischer acknowledged the outgoing students and encouraged the incoming students to continue the great work as leaders of their fellow student body.
3.3 New Employee
· Chantese Shaw, Advisor Upward Bound was absent.
4. Special Report
5. Consideration of Items from the Floor
6. Public and/or Employee Comment
7. President and Committee Reports
7.1 ICCTA/West Central Region Report - Mr. Reginald Coleman, ICCTA representative, Mr. Jerry Hagmeier, alternate. Mr. Coleman reported the annual ICCTA meeting is June 5-7 at the Springfield Illinois Hilton hotel. On Friday, June 6, ACCT is presenting a two part session on a governance institute for student success for trustees and presidents. Mr. Coleman and Mr. Elbe are attending the annual meeting. Mr. Gay and Mr. Fischer are attending the ACCT presentation only.
Mr. Fischer is researching Board development opportunities. He has been in contact with ICCTA. Discussion was held also on bringing speakers to the Board for board development.
7.2 Board Executive Committee Report - Mr. James Gay, Mr. Larry Fischer, Ms. Jeanetta Green. The Executive Committee met on Friday, May 9 in room C251 at 8:30 a.m. Present were Mr. James Gay, Mr. Larry Fischer, and Ms. Jeanetta Green, trustees; Mr. Mike Elbe, president; and Ms. Leah Benz note taker.
The Executive Committee discussed a grant award notification from the Illinois Terrorism Task Force and Illinois Emergency Management Agency, Pittsfield Education Center, vacant vice president for Instruction and Student Services, tuition proposal, and a recommendation to the nursing program.
7.3 Board Curriculum Committee Report - Mr. Dene Lambkin, Mr. Reginald Coleman. The Curriculum Committee met on Tuesday, May 20, 2014 in room C244 at 11:15 a.m. Present were Mr. Reginald Coleman and Mr. Dene Lambkin, trustees; Mr. Mike Elbe, president; Dr. David Schachtsiek, Vice President for Instruction; Mrs. Pam Foust, Dean of Career and Technical Education; and Ms. Nici Woodyard note taker. Curriculum items discussed included additions and changes in the areas of Logistics and Manufacturing.
An update was provided on the Truck Driver Training program. Currently administration is considering reducing the size of our current fleet (12 trucks and 12 trailers) and exploring the options of donations or grant money to fund the cost of simulators. Discussions are being held on offering other types of training such as school bus training or senior citizen bus transportation. The college is also working with Central High School to offer dual credit TDT course for the high school seniors.
7.4 Board Finance Committee Report - Mr. Randy Sims, Mr. Jerry Hagmeier. The Finance Committee met on Wednesday, May 14, 2014 in room C241 at 3:30 p.m. Present were Mr. Larry Fischer, and Mr. Dene Lambkin trustees; Ms. Mary Arp, Vice President for Finance and Business Services; Mr. Mike Elbe, president; and Ms. Jenny Venvertloh, note taker. Bills for payment and financials were reviewed and recommended for approval. A more detailed, descriptive expenditure
report was requested.
Tuition increase recommendation for 2014-2015 fiscal year was to increase $6.00 in tuition and $3.00 in fees. Discussion was also held on a recommendation for an increase in nursing fee ranges.
7.5 Board Personnel Committee Report - Mr. Larry Fischer, Ms. Jeanetta Green. No meeting.
7.6 Student Trustee Report - Mr. Seth Terwelp In March students were offered ways to distressed prior to finals. The Student Government Association sponsored a bus to the Cardinal game. Student Government Association members also assisted with “Kids on Campus” event. The final event for the year was the annual year-end banquet which was held at Tony’s Too.
7.7 Administration Report - Mr. Mike Elbe
8. Consent Agenda
8.1 Consent business agenda items approved
8.1.1 Request approval of 04.16.14 regular and minutes
8.1.2 Request approval of the bills for payment/Board Finance Committee
8.1.3 Request approval of monthly financial statements for April
8.1.4 Request approval of trustee travel expenditures for April
8.1.5 Request approval of the new curriculum items as presented
MOTION: Approve the consent agenda items
Moved by: Mr. Coleman
Seconded by: Mr. Lambkin
Mr. Terwelp / x
Mr. Lambkin / x
Mr. Hagmeier / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Ms. Green / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Sims / x
Mr. Gay / x
Voice Vote
8.2 Grant Items (all grants below were presented for approval with one motion/second)
8.2.1 MOTION: Request authorization to apply and accept funding from the Illinois Terrorism Task Force and Illinois Emergency Agency RE: Amount Received: $33,327
8.2.2 MOTION: Request authorization to accept funding from Dollar General Literacy Foundation RE: Amount Received: $10,000
8.2.3 MOTION: Request authorization to submit a grant application to Higher One Financial in the amount for $2,500-$3,500
Moved by: Mr. Hagmeier
Seconded by: Mr. Sims
Discussion: Grant items 8.2 & 8.3 were additional items included in the table folder.
Mr. Terwelp / x
Mr. Lambkin / x
Mr. Hagmeier / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Ms. Green / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Sims / x
Mr. Gay / x
Voice Vote
8.3 Personnel Items
8.3.1 MOTION: Request authorization to employ new staff and faculty, accept resignations, retirements, and implement status changes as presented
Moved by: Mr. Sims
Seconded by:
Discussion: Mr. Sims request item 8.3.1 to be moved to closed session.
Mr. Terwelp
Mr. Lambkin
Mr. Hagmeier
Mr. Fischer
Ms. Green
Mr. Coleman
Mr. Sims
Mr. Gay
Voice Vote
9. Business Items
9.1 MOTION: Request adoption to approve a tuition increase of $6.00 for in-district tuition, $6.00 for out-of-district and out-of-state tuition, $6.00 for on-line tuition, and a $3.00 institutional support fee.
Moved by: Mr. Lambkin
Seconded by: Mr. Sims
Discussion: Based on a review of anticipated revenue for fiscal year 2015, the changes in tuition and fees were noted in the above recommendation. The total in-district tuition will go from $123 to $129; out-of-district and out-of-state from $233 to $239; on-line tuition from $123 to $129; and institutional support fee from $10 to $13. Projection increase was based on less state funding and credit hours.
Ms. Terwelp / x
Mr. Lambkin / x
Mr. Hagmeier / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Ms. Green / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Sims / x
Mr. Gay / x
Voice Vote
9.2 MOTION: Request authorization to bring back the 2nd year of the A.D.N. program as part of our nursing program on the John Wood Community College campus
Moved by: Mr. Hagmeier
Seconded by: Mr. Lambkin
Discussion: In March 2011 JWCC and BRCN approved a Consortium Agreement to have BRNC provide the second year of instruction for our Associate Degree in Nursing program. This agreement’s intent was to be only temporary. Since this 2011 agreement, JWCC nursing faculty revised the curricular content for our entire A.D.N. program. The agreement allowed for a termination clause by either party. Administration, with support from Blessing recommended that the 2nd year A.D.N. program be brought back to JWCC campus. Following the appropriate state board approvals, Administration plans to implement this recommendation beginning with the 2015-2016 academic year.
Mr. Terwelp / x
Mr. Lambkin / x
Mr. Hagmeier / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Ms. Green / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Sims / x
Mr. Gay / x
Voice Vote
9.3 MOTION: Request authorization to approve the nursing lab/program fee ranges, effective fall 2014 semester
Moved by: Mr. Coleman
Seconded by: Mr. Hagmeier
Discussion: Administration requested approval to program fee ranges for the P.N. Certificate (1st year of the A.D.N. program) Also requested was a lab fee range for NUR 118, NUR 158, NUR 108, NUR 128, NUR 148 so that all the NUR courses within the first year of the A.D.N. program will have consistent ranges over both years.
Mr. Terwelp / x
Mr. Lambkin / x
Mr. Hagmeier / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Ms. Green / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Sims / x
Mr. Gay / x
Voice Vote
9.4 MOTION: Request authorization to enter into a lease agreement for the Pittsfield Education Center 2014 semester
Moved by: Mr. Sims
Seconded by: Mrs. Green
Discussion: The Pittsfield Education Center lease is for a three-year period from September 1, 2014 through August 31, 2017. A provision is included for an early termination of the lease with a six month buyout. The College will occupy 8,400 square feet of our current facility. Estimated cost in utilities is $20,000. Renovation costs, which will be done in-house at an estimated cost of $12,000.
Mr. Terwelp / x
Mr. Lambkin / x
Mr. Hagmeier / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Ms. Green / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Sims / x
Mr. Gay / x
Voice Vote
10. Discussion items
10.1 Calendar of Events
11. Notices and Communications
11.1 Thank You to Pittsfield Education Center
12. Other Items
13. Closed Session
13.1 A closed session will be necessary to consider the appointment, employment, discipline, performance, or dismissal of employees of the public body, and to consider collective bargaining matters and the lease of real property for the use of the public body.
Moved by: Mr. Coleman
Seconded by: Mrs. Green
Mr. Terwelp / x
Mr. Lambkin / x
Mr. Hagmeier / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Ms. Green / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Sims / x
Mr. Gay / x
Voice Vote
8.3.1 MOTION: Request authorization to employ new staff and faculty, accept resignations, retirements, and implement status changes as presented
Moved by: Mr. Sims
Seconded by: Mr. Coleman
Discussion: The Board approved the personnel items as presented out of closed session.
Mr. Terwelp / x
Mr. Lambkin / x
Mr. Hagmeier / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Ms. Green / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Sims / x
Mr. Gay / x
Voice Vote
Motion: Request authorization allowing the president to take non-renewal action of employment as discussed in closed session
Moved by: Mr. Sims
Seconded by: Mr. Coleman
Mr. Terwelp / x
Mr. Lambkin / x
Mr. Hagmeier / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Ms. Green / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Sims / x
Mr. Gay / x
Voice Vote
14. Adjournment
14.1 MOTION: Adjourn the May 21, 2014 Board of Trustees regular meeting
Moved by: Mr. Coleman
Seconded by: Mr. Lambkin
Mr. Terwelp / x
Mr. Lambkin / x
Mr. Hagmeier / x
Mr. Fischer / x
Ms. Green / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Sims / x
Mr. Gay / x
Voice Vote
15. Approval:
Approved the 18th day of June 2014, at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of Community College District No. 539, meeting at the Student Administrative Center, in the city of Quincy, Illinois at which ______voting members were present, constituting a quorum by a vote of ___ayes and ______nays.
3 / 2014 May JWCC Board regular minutes