Delegate Council
APSE, is only as strong as its’ Chapters. It is the state Chapters that make APSE grow and remain a viable and effective national organization. Recognizing this,the Delegate Council was formed as a sub-structure of the Chapter Development, to serve as the communication conduit between state Chapters and national APSE.
Purpose: The purpose of the Council is to serve as an intermediary between national APSE and state Chapters by providing two-way communication.It is understood that actions taken at the national level have implications at the state level and it is critical that the Chapters receive timely and accurate information.
Conversely, it is equally important for national APSE to understand the accomplishments and challenges of the state Chapters. The Delegate Council members, given the close association with the Chapters in their respective regions are well suited to provide information to national APSE.
Therefore, the Delegate Council is charged to:
- Ensure that state chapters are “heard” by the national organization;
- Ensure state chapters receive timely and accurate information from the national organization;
- Enhance the feeling of being part of a network of states belonging to an organization larger than each individual state;
- Facilitate Chapters being connected to other Chapters to share and learn;
- Provide or secure technical assistance to help the state Chapter achieve their goals;
- Facilitate join ventures between states within a region to promote Chapter, as well as national APSE goals.
To better ensure that these goals are met, the Delegate Council Chairperson represents the Council on the APSE board and is well positioned to serve as the pivotal communication point between the two entities. Additionally, the Delegate Council is responsible for the Leadership Summit held yearly at the national Conference. This is one more way to generate and facilitate open communication between national APSE and its’ state Chapters to:
Structure: The Council is made up of five members, each representing the state Chapters in a geographic region of the United States.The states are distributed as follows:
- Bryan Dague—Northeast Region- Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts,New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont
- Deborah Goins—South Atlantic/Gulf Coast Region - Alabama, Washington DC, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia
- Chaz Nickolaus—Great Plains Region -Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Wyoming
- Heidi Maghan—Midwest Region -Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Tennessee, Wisconsin
- Jaimie Laitinen—Western Region -Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington