Tests to skin.
- Name all layers of epidermis:
a)Corneal layer, glassy layer, grantilar layer, spinous and basal layer;
b)corneal layer, dermis, subcutaneous tissue;
c)corneal layer, glassy layer, basal layer;
d)corneal layer, grantilar layer, spinous layer, basal layer, dermis.
- What is the more often skin reaction of the newborn and infant children?
b)blistering (bullous) reaction;
c)necrotic reaction;
- Name the place for assessment of skin elasticity:
a) the anterior surface of
- Name all layers of skin:
a)Corneal layer, glassy layer, grantilar layer, spinous and basal layer;
b)corneal layer, grantial layer, spinous layer, basal layer, dermis.
c)epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous tissue;
d)epidermis, dermis, basal membrane.
- Name the reason of low bactericidal function of skin in infants:
a)thin epidermis and dermis, immature basal membrane;
b)a little amount of fibrous structures;
c)good developing of blood vessels network
d)skin pH=6.1-6.7.
- What are the peculiarities of epidermis of newborn children and infants?
a)melenocytes don’t produce melanin until 6 month;
b)melenocytes produce melanin after child’s birth;
c)Glassy layer is absent;
d)Glassy layer is present and enough developed.
- Name the reasons of low protective function of skin in infants:
a)thin epidermis and dermis, immature basal membrane;
b)a little amount of fibrous structures;
e)good developing of blood vessels network;
c)skin pH=6.1-6.7.
- What are the peculiarities of epidermis of newborn children and infants?
a)melenocytes don’t produce melanin until 1 year;
b)grantilar layer is thinner, consists of 2-3 lines of cells;
d)Glassy layer is present and enough developed;
e)Corneal layer is poorly developed, thin.
2.What are the reasons of high thermoregulative functionof skin in infants?
a)thin skin;
b)a well developed superficial vessel network;
c)poor developed muscles of the hair bulbs;
d)physiological vasodilatation of the vessels.
- What are the peculiarities of epidermis of newborn children and infants?
a)corneal layer has only 2-3 lines of flatten corneal cells;
b)grantilar layer consists enough keratogliadin protein;
c)corneal layer is friable and puffy;
d)Glassy layer is present and enough developed.
- How many times is the respiratory function of skin in infants more intensive than in adults?
a)by 4 times;
b)by 6 times;
c)by 8 times;
d)by 10 times.
- What are the peculiarities of dermis in newborn and infant children?
a)papillary layer is well developed;
b)papillary layer is absent in premature infants;
c)dermis has embryonic structure;
d)dermis has a lot of fibrous structures.
- When does excretion function of sweat glands start?
a)1 month;
b)2-3 months;
c)3-4 months;
d)5-6 months.
1.What are the peculiarities of dermis in newborn and infant children?
a)papillary layer is poorly developed;
b)dermis is poor with cellular elements and has a lot of fibrous structures;
c)elastic fibers are absent in dermis;
d)basal membrane is good developed.
2.What glands provide excretion function of skin?
a)sweat glands;
b)sebaceous glands;
c)thyroid gland;
d)all of them.
- What is the reason of easy separation of epidermis from dermis in infants?
a)poorly developed basal layer of epidermis;
b)poorly developed basal membrane;
c)absence of elastic fibers in dermis;
d)Well-developed basal membrane.
- What vitamin does skin synthesize?
a)vitamin A;
b)vitamin D;
c)vitamin C;
d)vitamin E.
Wright answers.
No 1: 1-a; 2-b;
No 2: 1-c; 2-d;
No 3: 1-a+c; 2-a+b+c;
No 4: 1-b+f; 2- all;
No 5: 1- a+c; 2- c;
No 6: 1-b+c; 2-c;
No 7: 1-a+c; 2-a+b;
No 8: 1- b; 2-b.