Weekly Current Event Activity
Directions: Students will complete a weekly current event writing activity that will enhance their knowledge of key events, leaders, countries, and cultures of the world. This activity will ask students to make connections between the modern world and the historical world we are discussing in our class. Students will follow the template provided. Students will have two full weeks to complete the assignment. Students must have the completed template on the Friday the assignment is due. All late assignments will be assessed starting at a 92 and based on your effort will receive a grade in both Language Arts and Humanities accordingly. (YOU CANNOT RECEIVE AN A FOR THE ASSIGNMENT IF IT IS LATE!) Students may use the following sources to complete the activity; internet articles, periodicals (newsweek, time, etc…), newspaper, video streams. All events must be within 30 days!! The Current Events may include international, national or local news stories. The current event cannot be about sports or pop culture, it must be a news story. Students are not permitted to use Wikipedia!!!!. This activity will be worth 30 points in both Language Arts and Humanities and will count as a FORMAL grade in each.
Current Event Template
*Student work MUST follow this format exactly!!!
Current Event Topic/Title:______
Current Event Source:______
Current Event Date:______
Directions for Section I: Concepts for Humanities
Students will choose an article that fits the criteria of the assignment and using the Language Arts/Humanities template will write out how the event connects with the concepts of humanities using CHEGG. Students will fill out the template with information that shows true connection to each concept on the lines provided for section I. All concepts have to be applied in some capacity to receive credit for the assignment. Students must show real evidence from the current event for each concept.
Directions for Section II: Language Arts Connection
*Mr. Milligan do you want to clarify for the kids in this section what your expectations for the assignment will be
Directions for Section III: Writing Summary of Current Events
Students will organize their thoughts they laid out on the front page of the template and put into paragraph form a summary of the current event that follows the concepts of CHEGG and implements the connections Mr. Milligan is asking in the writing. The summary is in YOUR OWN WORDS!! This summary needs to show both Mr. Milligan and I that you have meet the criteria for each discipline and must follow proper paragraph format and flow. Points will be deducted if holes or gaps are found within your writing.
*Students please remember that the article that you are choosing is giving you enough content to fulfill this assignment, choosing to watch a quick 30 second video on YouTube or any other site will not be enough to complete this activity successfully! Also, current events that exceed the 30 day time frame will not be accepted for this assignment, you will have to complete a re-do and this will count as a late grade.