American Indians Committee

Arkansas State Daughters of the American Revolution

Dear Chapter Regent and Chapter American Indian Committee Chairman!

We live in the heart of this country’s original hosts, the American Indians. And we sometimes forget who these people are and what their existing needs are today. I’m thankful to NSDAR for making the book “Forgotten Patriots” available and to include those Native Americans who fought alongside yours and my ancestors during the American Revolution.

Let’s raise the awareness of our ASDAR Chapters and our communities as to American Indians today as well as their heritage. “Where do I begin?” you ask…

  1. Please visit the American Indians Committee website at “”

Click on “committees” and navigate to “American Indians”. Print out all the information available to you and create a binder for easy reference for all your DAR Chapter meetings.

  1. Include the “American Indian Minutes for 2012-2013” to read to your ladies each meeting – saves looking it up every month!
  2. Make sure you include Bacone College and Chemawa Indian school information
  3. Next print the information on “Indian Youth of America Summer Camps”. I have ordered the documentary video about the summer camps and hope to have it available for you at the BOM in August.
  4. When printing scholarships, please note the new deadline date of Feb. 15.
  5. Last but not least…print the MQ page which shows you goals we need to reach this year…and it’s a “short” year for reporting. But we can do it!
  1. Please, dear Chapter Regent, retrieve and take home with you a free packet I plan to have available for your American Indian Committee Chairman. These will be available at the August BOM. We realize that the easier the committee work is, the more likely it is to be accomplished by busy ladies! We plan to have in your packet the following items:
  1. Brochures from Bacone College and Chemawa Indian School
  2. A tipi printout in color to wrap around a pint jar to make it easy to collect pocket change for the NSDAR approved American Indian scholarships–Do this when giving your committee “Minute” at Chapter meetings.
  3. A Native American Heritage Recognition Month (November) Proclamation with blue border on a parchment type paper ready to use …or ready to copy.
  4. A copy of the documentary video on the summer camps per above
  5. A copy of the American Indian Minute page to assist committee chairman who might not have a printer at her disposal
  6. A program I have written called “Today’s American Indian”… based on my 20 years of working with American Indians from over 150 Tribes/Nations and reservations…especially today’s young Natives.

Please contact me with any questions and ideas: Karen S. Hutchcraft, ASDAR American Indian State Chairman; ; 1-870-416-2900; PO Box 1622, Harrison, AR, 72602-1622 - Enjoy this special committee you chair!