Institute of Education

PGCE Secondary Drama Pathway

Subject Knowledge Profile



Drama Subject Knowledge Profile


·  Audit of degree content, qualifications and experience relevant to Drama subject knowledge.

·  Review of Drama Subject Knowledge Profile – where you, your mentor and tutor will set and evaluate subject knowledge targets throughout the year.

·  Drama Subject Knowledge Profile – areas of knowledge in Drama and Education.

·  ICT in Drama Teaching

Audit of Subject Knowledge from Degree, Qualifications and Experience

Degree: University:

Review of degree content relevant to Drama subject knowledge:
e.g. modules completed
Other qualifications relevant to Drama subject knowledge:
Previous experience relevant to Drama subject knowledge:
e.g. youth theatre group, TIE company

Target Setting and Review of Subject Knowledge Profile

Induction Week - Review of Suggested Work discussed on interview to be completed prior to the start of the PGCE.

Suggested work / Comments on aspects achieved

Target Setting and Review of SKP

Review date / Target / Tutor/Mentor or Trainee Comment
Sept - with
Tutor (JLS)
Nov – with Tutor (JLS)
Dec - with Mentor PT1
Feb – with Tutor (JLS)
April – with Mentor PT2
June – with Mentor PT2

Drama Education Pedagogy

I understand the approach to T&L / I know how to use the pedagogy / I know how to use it creatively in planning and teaching / Evidence from prior study or experience and/or
school teaching experience
Peter Slade
Brian Way
Dorothy Heathcote
Gavin Bolton
David Hornbrook
Jonothan Neelands
Andy Kempe
Michael Fleming
Helen Nicholson
Michael Anderson
David Davis

Drama Conventions in Education

I Know what it is / I can use it in my teaching / I use it creatively in my teaching / Evidence from prior study or experience and/or
school teaching experience
Prepared roles
Teacher in role
Hot seating
Thought tracking
Overheard conversations
Role on the wall
Freeze Frame / Still image
Forum Theatre

Theatre Practitioners

I know the theory / I can teach the
theory / I can creatively
teach the theory / Evidence from prior study or experience and/or
school teaching experience
Antonin Artaud
Bertolt Brecht
Gordon Craig
Peter Brook
Jerzy Grotowski
Others e.g.
Frantic Assembly, Forkbeard Fantasy, Forced Entertainment

Theatre Genres/Periods

I know the theatre history / I have taught the genre / I have planned and taught the genre creatively / Evidence from prior study or experience and/or
school teaching experience
Ancient Greek/Roman
Mysteries and Moralities
Physical Theatre
Commedia Dell’ Arte
British Realism
Theatre in Education
TV Drama
Political Theatre
Other e.g.
Kabuki, Kathakali

Formal Curriculum Requirements

I know the requirements / I use the requirements in planning and teaching / I creatively build the requirements into my planning and teaching / Evidence from prior study or experience and/or
school teaching experience
Drama in the N C for English.
§  Key Stage 3
§  Key Stage 4 -(specifications)
Literacy and phonics
Maths/Numeracy Opportunities
Arts Council: ‘Drama in Schools’
Ofsted inspection findings
I have taught episodes / I have taught topics/SOW / I have designed creative topics/SOW / Evidence from prior study or experience and/or
school teaching experience
Texts used in KS3
Texts used in GCSE
Texts used in AS/A2

ICT in Drama

Knowledge of stage technology / I know how to use the technology / I have used in my teaching / I have planned and taught students how to use the technology / Evidence from prior study or experience and/or
school teaching experience
Controls, Making sound CD's, Preparing sound cues
Controls, Lighting plots, Luminaries, Design, Preparing lighting cues
Video recording
Digital cameras, Editing
Design, Making
Design, Making
I know how to use the technology / I have used in my teaching / I have planned and taught students how to use the technology / Evidence from prior study or experience and/or
school teaching experience
Set Design
Construction, Design, Model boxes
Plickers, Kahoot / .
Moodle, Pebblepad


Plymouth University Drama SKP 2017-18