Glen Alpine Board of Alderman
Regular Meeting: August 2, 2016
Present: Aldermen R. Cox, J. Falls, M. Pitts, M. Lewis. Mayor: J. Wakeford.
Clerk: S. Farris. Attorney: R. Denton.
-Call to order
-Moment of Silence – In honor of Alderman Eddie Peters
-Pledge of Allegiance
-Public Comments-
1. Betty Jordan – (lives on St. Paul Church Road) I am here to let the Board know that we have been misrepresented in the paper. I want to be a part of Glen Alpine.
2. Rik Craig – See attachment
3. Forrest Fleming – I want to let the Board know about the best kept secret in Burke County. I would like to tell you about Valdese Economic Development and Burke Business Loans. We provide loans to businesses that may not be able to go to the bank and borrow. I would like to ask for assistance from Glen Alpine in supporting this. I greatly appreciate you time. (See folder of information for details)
4. Wanda Fox – I live on Maloney Ave. and we are concerned about the potential Drug and Rehab Center that we have heard may be put in the vacant church building. Jerry Causby explained zoning issues and that at this point no one has come forward requesting anything.
5. Betty Tinney, J&B Ice Cream Shop – I am here to ask about the sign. When is it going to be done? Mayor Wakeford explained that Alderman Peters was a big part of this project and that he recently passed away. We are dealing with his loss and will proceed with the sign as we can.
6. Nancy Wallace – I think that all of my neighbors from East Shores should stand and show that we support Rick Craigs statement.
-Approval of Agenda:
Motion made by R Cox. Passed 4-0
-Approval of Departmental Reports:
Motion made by Falls. Passed 4-0
-Approval of Minutes:
Motion made by Falls. Passed 4-0
-Old Business:
1. Signs for Businesses – previously discussed in Public Comments
2. Lail Road De-Annexation – Letter from Planning Board – Mayor Wakeford stated that we will move forward with process.
-New Business:
1. Vacant Board Seat – Discussion of options, board will need to appoint someone, issue tabled for later time.
2. Bid for Powell Bill Paving – Tabled until next month.
3. Sink Hole at Greenwave Restaurant – Will look at options to fix.
-Items for Decision:
1. Oak Hill Annexation – Motion made by Falls to proceed with annexation, Passed 3-1.
2. ABC Store – Motion made by Falls to put on ballot in November, Passed 4-0.
3. Fonta Flora Trail – Motion made by Lewis for Glen Alpine to send Letter of Resolution in favor of trail, Passed 4-0.
4. Workshop date for Land Use Plan/WPCOG – Motion made by Falls to have meeting on 8/11/16 at 6:00PM, Passed 4-0.
5. Pre-Agenda Date – 8/30/16 - Motion made by Falls to have meeting on 8/30/16 at 6:30PM, Passed 4-0.
- Jerry Causby made a comment to the Mayor and Board that the Town should look at setting up a fund to purchase some AED units in memory of Alderman Eddie Peters.
-Motion made by Cox to adjourn, Passed 4-0.