Spartan Method-- Dr. Luis Arriaza
In English:
In Spanish:
To be successful in network marketing, you must make the decision to be a professional network marketer:
- You must learn what to do what professionals do (study, learn, master basics)
- Leadership is also important
- Duplication is the key, and we must keep it SIMPLE! PowerPoint, computers, iPads, etc. are useful, but a Sharpie and a pad of paper on an easel are all that is needed.
- There are 4 steps that must be mastered in the first 30-60 days:
Step One: The Invitation
- Connection-- simple but the most important
- People aren’t paying for a product; they are paying for the possibility/ hope that you can help them reach their dreams:
- Health
- Money
- Time
- The key to connection is to be INTERESTED, NOT TO BE INTERESTING!
- Listen more than you speak
- Ask questions and listen
- The mistake that most new network marketers make is to give too much information about the phenomenal products and how to make tons of money in the business, but you must first discover what the other person needs. Youngevity is a seed that you want to give to the other person, but you must first discover their needs. Seek to understand before being understood. They will have more interest in what you have to say if you discover their need first.
- Develop their WHY
- Money is NOT a need; it is a platform for them to reach what they want
- Better health is a need, weight loss, get in shape, raising your economic position, time with family
- Fortunately the time investment in this business is 2-3 years vs. 20-40 years at a traditional job. If you dedicate yourself for 2-3 years and become a professional, you will experience a radical change in your life.
- Emotionalize the WHY
- Give emotion to the WHY and make it hurt, like applying vinegar, lemon or salt to a wound
- Emotionalizing the WHY creates a sense of danger
- Quote statistics if that is their hot button: 81% of Americans will be overweight or obese by 2017 (precursor to cancer, diabetes, etc.). We have never seen such a low income for college graduates. Must introduce ourselves to entrepreneurism, and the best opportunity is in network marketing.
- If you don’t emotionalize the WHY, then you are only a very good salesman, and people don’t want to be sold anymore!
- I need to find SOMEBODY NOT SOMETHING to connect to
- Decisions are made on 100% emotion, not 80% emotion and 20% thought
- Example:
- “I want to have more time with my family.”
- How long have you been married?
- How many kids do you have?
- How do you FEEL having to get up early every single day, leave your house, and then spend 10, 12, 14 hours at work away from your family? Then you get home, your children are tired, you give them a kiss, send them to bed five days a week? How does that make you feel?
- “It’s horrible.”
- Edification-- super, super important!
- After bringing them to moment of need, then you build them up (edificar= building)
- In the network marketing industry, we always begin and end with edification, Alpha & Omega
- If you don’t edify, your business won’t work. If you don’t edify, you will not be able to raise up an organization. If you don’t edify, you won’t make a lot of money. If you don’t edify, it will be almost impossible to help a lot of people.
- In this game of multi-level marketing, you MUST edify another person in the eyes of your prospect. Edify leaders, presenters, top income earners, people who are active and moving.
- Edification is the ability to raise the image of a person in the presence of another.
- Don’t just introduce one person to another, edify the presenter to the prospect, and they will edify you in return.
- Arrive early to meetings, and introduce new people to your leaders by EDIFYING them to your prospect
- Make the invitation
- Does a weekday or weekend work better for you? Weekday
- Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday? Wednesday
- Morning or evening? Evening. I work during the day.
- Ok, perfect, let’s meet on Wednesday at 7pm then. They will say “yes” because they have already told you the day and time that works for them. They have the CONTROL. People like it when they feel like they have control. They will give you control, when in reality, you are controlling the conversation.
- Confirm the date
- Very important because a lot of people make a date, and then just leave it at that, then this is what happens: the person doesn’t show up, doesn’t call, you can’t reach them at home, if you do reach them they say they had other plans/ something came up, etc.
- I want to come get you so that I can introduce you to my mentor, a leader who is changing the lives of many people, it is in fact possible that this leader can help you get more time, money, health. If something comes up, please call me and let me know if the next Wednesday will work better for you because I want to let me leader know that I have a very special person for him to meet. If you don’t show up, it may not be a big deal to you, but it is possible that I will lose credibility with my leader if I tell him that you are coming and you don’t show up. It is possible that he won’t see me the same way that he does now. It’s possible that he may tell me that he doesn’t want to work with my anymore or help me anymore, and I don’t want to take that risk. Because this leader is helping me get what I want… I want to have more time with my family too, and this leader is helping to reach that goal. If we set this appointment, I can’t have you call me and tell me that something has happened and you can’t come. So are we confirmed-- yes or no?A “no” is better than the person saying that they will come then not show up. If they say “yes,” then they are more committed and prepared to come mentally, emotionally, psychologically, to the meeting, because the goal at the end of the day is that they come and register and purchase a Mega Pak which can possibly help them reach their dreams, improve their health, and definitely can change their economic situation, and definitely can help them own their time, giving them more time to spend with their family.
You must train 4 times as much as you do presentations! Look for the working poor people who are broke.
In Spanish:
Step Two: Edification-- the only reason that a person does not decide to edify another is due to pride, due to ego. A lot people don’t want to raise the image another person because they fear that they will look like less in the eyes of others. But that is not how it works-- you end up looking bigger in the eyes of others.Raise the image of one person in front of another-- presenters, top income earners, leaders. When you raise the image of one person in front of another, and they edify you back, then the third person will think: “Wow, this is a very friendly place, there are a lot of powerful people here, a lot of leaders here, I want to be a part of this movement.” We want to seem more attractive to them, more than physically (of course we should take care of our physical appearance), but internally (emotionally and spiritually) we will know with certainty where we are going and why we are going to succeed.
- Understand the personality of your prospect
- We are all a combination of four personalities:
- Dolphin-- party animal, loves to enjoy life, loves parties, enjoys themselves
- Shark-- lawyer, does what he says he will, if he says he will be there at 6, he arrives at 5:55, if he says that he will bring 3 people he brings 7, if he says that he will rank advance he does it rapidly
- Whale-- “tree hugger,” Mother Teresa, cries easily, compassionate, big-hearted, want to save the world
- Sea Urchin-- accountant, analytic, must read everything before signing, reads the small print, investigates and investigates, investigates the investigations
- To edify effectively, you must know the personality of your prospect, know your profile because you will edify your leader according to what is important to your prospect. You want the prospect to come feel comfortable and that he or she is like your leader. Dr. Arriaza is like a whale because he wants to help everyone and like a shark because he is fascinated with business. If you are introducing someone to him, you would emphasize that he loves helping others, has a big heart, loves spending time with his family and at the same time he is fascinated with business and making lots of money to help other people. Not only will the prospect feel comfortable, but he/ she will want to get to know Dr. Arriaza.
- Know the “triangle of edification”
- People fail but systems work, win, triumph
- Practice edification daily, and it will become a habit.
- Who doesn’t like to be edified?
- Psychology of the prospect
- Can I do this?
- I can learn how to invite
- I can learn how to edify
- I can learn how to present
- I can learn the components of a proper meeting
- The more simple we can keep it, the better for the prospect
- When a person talks about the chemistry of the products, how to rank advance
- Speak in simple terms
- Is what I am being told about the product true?
- Is what they are saying about this product true?
- Is it true what they are saying about this person?
- Do people really lose that much weight in such a short amount of time?
- This person really earned this much money in such a short amount of time?
- This is purpose of testimonies-- everything is calculated and organized, nothing is a surprise or left to chance: 1st speaker, 2nd speaker, 3rd speaker, testimonies, close
- We do testimonies so people can see that this is truly for real
- They need to see that since people have started this business, they are earning nice cars, dress nicely, their lives are improved, they are making more money and are helping a lot of people.
- It is easier to enroll one person when there are 50 people in the meeting vs. only 5. A large group says to the prospect that this is for real.
- Are you going to help me?
- A prospect will never ask these questions, but they are thinking them
- You seem busy and emotional
- Non-professionals think that once people sign up, they are done, got their commission and they never talk to their downline again
- Instead, when people enroll, it is the beginning of a long, healthy relationship
The desire is for you to be a professional in this industry, specifically in Youngevity. We have everything you are looking for have a better life: a spectacular compensation plan, products that change lives, and leadership that encourages the spirit of many people
In Spanish:
Step Three: The Presentation
I could not find his teaching video on this, but I have attached a link to a regular presentation given by Dr. Arriaza. It is all in Spanish, and he is the only presenter, but these are the components that I learned from EveliaArriaza in her Health & Beauty presentation at convention:
- MC-- edifies and introduces the product presenter/ speaker
- Product-- presents the product in simple terms, edifies and introduces the business presenter/ speaker
- Business-- presents the business in simple terms, Spartan system is 3X3 (not 4X4)-- they are the fastest growing team in Youngevity, but it is your call. The new Youngevity PowerPoint is 4X4. What I loved about this portion of the presentation is the emphasis on CHANGING LIVES!! The products can change lives on a single level: enhance beauty, improve health, etc. These are all important, but the business is what CHANGES PEOPLE’S LIVES and helps them to reach their dreams!
- Close-- At the end of the presentation, if the business presenter/ speaker has done a good job following the Spartan plan, he/ she can simply say, “Cash or credit?” and puts out his or her hand. The Spartan team uses PAPER applications to close the deal with people. They ONLY sell CEO Paks-- we are obligated to tell people about the $25 Distributor option, but as Evelia says, “This is not what I did, and I do not recommend doing it this way.” Dr. Arriaza often offers an incentive such as free product, or a bonus of some sort. Here is the link to the paper form:
In Spanish:
Step Four: Meeting Conduct-- professionals are ALWAYS training
- Dress for success
- You don’t have to wear a suit, but be presentable, clean, hair fixed, smell nice, don’t have to dress in designer clothing, nice clothing, ironed, etc. to send the message that you are a professional
- Pick up your invitee
- Too many things can happen if they have to get there on their own. Arrange to pick them up before the meeting: it starts at 7pm, I will be there to pick you up at 6:30 so you can be ready to meet my mentor. This increases the chances that they will be ready for the meeting. The main reason people don’t show up to meetings is because people don’t go pick up their prospects and give them a ride.
- Clean your car
- If you are going to talk about health and success, having to move leftover fast food wrappers and bags out of the way sends a mixed message to the prospect. Whether it is a new or old car doesn’t matter; keep it clean. Presentation (car, dress) is a very important part of the decision
- Arrive early
- You want your prospect to feel relaxed, and it is important that your prospect meets all of your leaders so that they can feel more comfortable.
- Introduce your prospect
- When you introduce, this is when you EDIFY all of your leaders to your prospect. Then your prospect will feel like part of the family, more comfortable, peaceful and will be able to make a better decision.
- Sit in front
- This is where all of the energy is, not in the back of the room. This is where all of the multi-millionaires always sit.
- Participate
- Dr. Arriaza has given thousands of presentations on the professional speaking circuit for over 17 years on personal development, motivation, inspiration, for multi-level marketing companies, etc. When people participate, comment, are engaged, etc. it encourages the speaker. Silent listeners make it seem like a very long night!
- Three things you can say: Wow! Yes! Mmm..hmm! Also applause
- These words create more emotion for your prospect about the presentation
- The more you participate, the more your prospect will participate, and the better the chances that they will join
- Close!!
- The close is the simplest step, very short.
- Turn in your chair toward your prospect, look at your prospect, touch their leg or shoulder, tell them that we are going to do this together, then put out your hand and say “Your credit card, please.”
- The biggest mistake you can make is to stand up or give the presentation a second time.
- Do this, and it will be duplicable, and you will succeed!