Kentucky Fire Commission/State Fire Rescue Training
London, Kentucky
Mr. Marc Rudder is the Coordinator of Area 13 State Fire Rescue Training. The Kentucky Fire Commission is the certifying body for the fire service of Kentucky. It provides certification standards and works to set standards and enforce the set regulations. State Fire Rescue Training provides training to the fire departments and supports the regional associations within the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth is divided into 14 geographic areas, and each area has a coordinator assigned to provide the training and work with the fire service within the respective area. Each coordinator serves on one or more committees and contributes to the group an area of expertise that he/she is proficient in. Mr. Rudder’s organization resides in the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, where Fire/Rescue Science Technology and Paramedic Technology degree programs are offered.
Mr. Rudder serves on the Hazardous Materials Committee and the Degree Program Committee, and he is active in the Degree and Certificate International Fire Service Accreditation Congress accreditation programs. He has been in the fire service for 18 years in the volunteer community. He currently serves as a firefighter with the Bush Volunteer Fire Department in London, Kentucky. Mr. Rudder serves on the Board of Directors and as deputy team commander of Task Force 11 (a regional weapons of mass destruction response team); as a member of the Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools Committee for the Laurel County Board of Education (Emergency Preparedness Committee); and as a member of a regional preparedness group in southeastern Kentucky with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other responders.
Mr. Rudder would like to gain knowledge and information (from meetings and networking) to bring back to Kentucky to benefit the firefighters, the training program, and the college degree program that is operated through the Kentucky Community and Technical College System.
May 19, 2009