DC GOVT 2305 Campaigns/Elections/Parties/IG Exam Review

1.  Are children politically influenced by their parents? How?

2.  How do schools influence children politically?

3.  What is political socialization?

4.  What factor is the most reliable predictor of voting behavior? What is second?

5.  How do older Americans vote? Young Americans? Middle – aged?

6.  Who votes more, younger or older Americans?

7.  What are exit polls?

8.  What are public opinion polls?

9.  Who is the father of political polling?

10.  What are straw polls?

11.  What are tracking polls?

12.  What are push polls?

13.  What is Random Sampling?

14.  What is a Quota Sample?

15.  What is Stratified Sampling?

16.  What do conservatives favor (support)? What do liberals favor?

17.  Which groups of people typically vote conservative? Which groups typically vote liberal?

18.  What is the Gender Gap when it comes to voting?

19.  What is the Generational Effect?

20.  What are political parties?

21.  How and why did the Republican and Democratic Parties form?

22.  What is a direct primary?

23.  What is a closed primary?

24.  What is front-loading and how does it affect the election process?

25.  Which states usually have early primaries/caucuses?

26.  What is a caucus?

27.  What is Party Raiding?

28.  What is crossover voting?

29.  What is ticket-splitting?

30.  Who ran as a Bull Moose candidate?

31.  Who ran as a Reform Party candidate?

32.  What is the purpose of the National Convention and who plans it?

33.  What is a Party Platform?

34.  Which groups are most likely to vote Democrat? Which usually vote Republican?

35.  Why do they usually vote that way?

36.  Which groups vote more or less than others?

37.  What are the functions of the party system?

38.  Why do third parties rise in American politics? Why can’t they win?

39.  What are Superdelegates?

40.  How does a candidate have to position himself to win the party’s nomination? Why might this be a mistake?

41.  What does the campaign manager do?

42.  What is an Interest Group?

43.  What are the functions of Interest Groups?

44.  Who is more likely to join an Interest Group?

45.  What is a political action committee (PAC)?

46.  How much money can a corporation or labor union spend on ads?

47.  How much can people/companies/candidates contribute to a campaign?

48.  What is Pluralist Theory?

49.  What is Elite Theory in government?