Manuscript template: Full title must be in sentence case [Times New Roman 14 pt (bold), small caps, left alignment]

First Author1,*, Second Author1,2 [Times New Roman 12 pt (normal), small caps, left alignment]

1Department, Faculty, University, City, Country [Times New Roman 10 pt (normal), small caps, left alignment]

2Department, Faculty, University, City, Country


Abstract [Times New Roman 11 pt (bold), small caps, left alignment]

Must be a single unstructured paragraph of no more than 300 words. It should be a concise summary of the contentsof the article. The abstract should not contain any undefined abbreviations or unspecified references. [11 pt (normal), small caps, justified alignment].

Keywords: Review, instructions for authors, manuscript template [Times New Roman 11 pt (normal), small caps, left alignment].

Introduction [Times New Roman 11 pt (bold), small caps, left alignment]

Introduction should succinctly provide the importance and significance of the topic, background information, existing gaps in the knowledge or conflicting data associated with the manuscript topic. The introduction should include only a few background references. It should not contain subheadings. [Times New Roman 11 pt (normal), small caps, justified alignment].

Manuscript structure [Primary headings, Times New Roman 11 pt (bold), small caps, left alignment]

The submittedmanuscriptmustinclude the following sections: Title page, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, main body of the text, Conclusions, Acknowledgments (optional), References, Figures and Figure legends (if applicable), Tables (if applicable). [Times New Roman 11 pt (normal), small caps, justified alignment].

Main body of the text [Subheadings, Times New Roman 11 pt (italic, bold) small caps, left alignment]

Main body of the text can be organized into different sections with appropriate primary headings. Primary headings may be further categorized under subheadings. Primary headings and subheadings should be concise, informative and provide clear links between sections. All subordinate subheadings should be on a separate line. Distinguish primary headings and subheadings from the main body text with spacing above and below.

Acronymsand abbreviations shouldbe defined at first mention, followed by the acronym or abbreviation in parentheses. Thereafter use only the abbreviation/acronym. Use an abbreviation/acronym only if the term occurs 4 or more times in the manuscript. Do not begin a sentence, heading, or title with an abbreviation.

Taxonomic nomenclature: All scientific names, from the level of genus downward, should be made italics (e.g., Danio rerio). After first mention, the first letter of the genus name followed by the full species name may be used (e.g.,D. rerio).

Genes, mutations, genotypes, and alleles should be indicated in italics. It is sometimes advisable to indicate the synonyms for the gene the first time it appears in the text. Use the recommended name by consulting the appropriate genetic nomenclature database.Genes of animals should be presented in italics with capital letter initials (e.g.,Foxc1). Human genes shouldbe written in uppercaseletters anditalicized (e.g., FOXC1).

Protein designations are the same as the gene symbol, but are not italicized.

Units of measurement should be given in SI system, g. ml s-1rather than ml/s. Type a space between a digit and a unit, e.g. 1 mm (except 1%, 1oC).

Inorganic, organic, and biochemical nomenclature: authors should use systematic nomenclature as recommended by IUPAC and IUBMB for chemical compounds and biomolecules.


Tables should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals by order of citation in the text. Single tables should not be numbered. All tables should be created in a Microsoft Word document using the table tools. Do not format tables as columns or tabs. Do not use picture tools to create tables. Tables must be editable and not embedded as an image. Each column in a table must have a heading. For each table, please supply a table caption (title) explaining the components of the table. Table titles (max 15 words) should be included above the table, and legends (max 300 words) should be included underneath the table.

Table Single tables should not be numbered.

Page setup / Margins
(cm) / Margins
Top / 2 / 0.8
Bottom / 2 / 0.8
Left / 2 / 0.8
Right / 2 / 0.8

If a table or any data therein have been previously published, a footnote must give full credit to the original source. Units should be given in parentheses at the top of each column (do not repeat in the table). Abbreviations, when necessary, should be defined in the legend. For the review process, tables must be embedded in the manuscript with the legends directly below the table.

Figures and Illustrations

All figures are cited in the text in sequential order. For the review process, figures should be embedded in the manuscript with the legends directly below the figure. Upon acceptance of the manuscript, Rev. Biol. Biomed. Sci. will require the figures to be uploaded as separate files for preparation. The figures quality is the author’s responsibility.

No specific feature within an image may be enhanced, obscured, moved, removed, or introduced. File format: JPEG or TIFF (save with LZW compression) File size: Each file must be no larger than 10 MB. Dimensions: Submitted figures should not exceed the print area of 174 X 234 mm (approx. 7 X 9.4 inches). Images must be final size, preferably one column width (8.7 cm). Figures wider than one column should be sized to 11.4 cm or 17.8 cm wide. Figures may not span more than one journal page. Resolution: Halftone (color or black & white): 300 dpi; Grayscale and color combination images: 300-500 dpi Color mode: RGB (8 bit/channel) or grayscale only. Text within figures: All text should be in a sans-serif typeface, preferably Arial, not smaller than 10-point. Make sure that the visual information is readable at column width (8.7 cm). Multi-panel figures should be submitted as a single file that contains all parts of the figure. For example, if Fig.1. contains four parts (A, B, C, D), then all parts should be combined in a single file for Fig. 1 A-D. Minimize white space within and between panels. Figure label: Figure label begin with the term Fig. in bold type, followed by the figure number, also in bold type (e.g., Fig. 1.). Figure panels should be labelled with uppercase letters (A, B, C, D, etc.) on the lower left hand corner of each multi-panel figure. Each panel should be described in the legend. Figure title: The title should beconcise anddescriptive (max 15 words). This sentence should be in boldfaced font. Figure legend: Place the legend (max 300 words) directly after the title of the figure to which it belongs.For figures with 2 or more panels, describe each panel in the legend, beginning with the panel letter. Place any figure credits in the last sentence of the legend. Use of Previously Published Illustrations: Previously published illustrations may be included in Review articles if scientifically appropriate and permission is obtained from both the original author and publisher.Authors are responsible for: Obtaining and including permission letterswith their accepted manuscript in advance of publication, and Providing publication-quality electronic files of the previously published illustrations. Previously published images downloaded from the Internet are not acceptable for publication.

Fig. 1A-D. All figures are cited in the text in sequential order. [Times New Roman 10 pt (bold), small caps, justified alignment]. A: For the review process, figures should be embedded in the manuscript with the legends directly below the figure. B: Upon acceptance of the manuscript, Rev. Biol. Biomed. Sci. will require the figures to be uploaded as separate files for preparation. C: The figures quality is the author’s responsibility. D: Images must not be manipulated in any way that misrepresents the originaldata. [Times New Roman 10 pt (normal), small caps, justified alignment]

Conclusions [Times New Roman 11 pt (bold), small caps, left alignment]

Conclusions should summarise the topics discussed and describe future directions for research. [11 pt (normal), small caps, justified alignment]

Acknowledgments [Times New Roman 10 pt (bold), small caps, left alignment]

Acknowledgments (optional) of people, sources of funding and support etc should be brief. Acknowledgments to people should precede those of financial support. [10 pt (normal), small caps, justified alignment]

References [Times New Roman 11 pt (bold), small caps, left alignment]

[Times New Roman 11 pt (normal), small caps, justified alignment, hanging indent 0.5 cm, no blank line between each reference]

Bouquet J.M., Spriet E., Troedsson C., Ottera H., Churrout D., Thompson E.M. 2009. Culture optimization for the emergent zooplanktonic model organism Oikopleura dioica. J. Plankton. Res. 31, 359–370.

Muñoz N., Liu A., Kan L., Li M.W., Lam H.M. 2017. Potential uses of wild germplasms of grain legumes for crop improvement.Int. J. Mol. Sci. 18, 328. doi:10.3390/ijms18020328

Majno G.,Joris I. 2004. Cells, Tissues, and Disease. Principles of General Pathology (ed 2.) New York: Oxford University Press.

Christ B., Scaal M. 2007. Embryogenesis and development. In: Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Birds, Part B, Jamieson B.G.M. (Ed.), Enfield, New Hampshire, Science Publishers Inc, 401-478.

Khandhar A.P.,Krishnan K.M., Ferguson R.M., Kemp S. 2017. Coated magnetic nanoparticles. U.S. Patent No 9259492.

Cristescu S. 2016. Title of thesis.PhD thesis, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania.