SNC1D Biology Exam Review

1. Fill in the following table about the parts of a cell. Put an A beside organelles found only in animals and a P beside organelles found only in plants.

A/P / Organelle or part / Function
Nucleus, nucleolus, nuclear membrane
Cell membrane
Cell wall /
Golgi apparatus
Rough & Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

2. State the Cell Theory:

3. Mitosis

Mitosis produces ____ daughter cells with ______genetic information.

Body cells (sometimes called ______are made through the process of ______.

Describe each phase of mitosis. Include the cell parts that are involved (nuclear membrane, chromatin, chromatid, centriole, spindle fibre, etc). Reminder that only animals have centrioles. Label a cell cycle diagram.





4. What is cytokinesis?

5. Atypical Meiosis: What is non-disjunction? What are some consequences of chromosomal abnormalities?

STUDY TIP: Go back to the WEBSITE: manual pg. 17-20

6. List types and general examples of asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction.

7. Meiosis

Meiosis involves ___ divisions with ___ cells resulting.

Meiosis has the purpose of ______.

Human eggs cells have _____ chromosomes with 1 of them being the _____ chromosomes, while human sperm cells have _____ chromosomes with 1 of them being the ____ or ______chromosome.

8. Compare mitosis and meiosis

Mitosis / Meiosis

9. Flower Parts

10. Sexual Reproduction and Fertilization

Body cells contain ____ chromosomes called ______.

Gametes (______and ______) contain ______chromosomes called ______.

A zygote contains ______chromosomes and is therefore diploid.

Sexual reproduction requires ____ parent(s). ______energy is required for sexual reproduction compared to asexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction ______genetic variation.

How does sex give variation?

Variation is beneficial because…

10. DNA, codons and base pairs

DNA is a ______helix and it has the function of …

List the 3 components of a nucleotide




List the bases and how they pair.

11. How is RNA different?

12. What are amino acids? How are they important?

13. List the process in how proteins are created.

14. Menstrual Cycle: List each hormone of the female menstrual cycle and describe what its function is.

15. Microscope

Can you describe the function of each component of the microscope?

List the calculation to find the total magnification of an image and give a sample calculation using low, medium and high objective lenses.

What is the field of view of an object at medium power, if its field of view is 2mm using the high powered lens?

FOV (X power) = FOV (Y power) x magnification (Y power) magnification (X power)