NeptuneTownship ~ Zoning Board
Special Meeting Minutes
Wednesday May 21, 2014 at 7:30 PM
Municipal Complex, 2nd Floor, 25 Neptune Blvd.
Present :Paul Dunlap, William Frantz, James Gilligan, Dianna Harris, Thomas Healy, Carol J. Rizzo, Monica Kowalski, Esq. – Board Attorney, Matt Shafai - Board Engineer, Jennifer Beahm - Board Planner, and Torro Reporting, LLC.
Absent: Barbara Bascom, Joe Sears, Frances Keel, Charles Moore
Meeting called to order by Chairman Paul Dunlap at 7:40 PM. Chairman Dunlap advised the public of the fire exits and how the meeting will proceed.
- ZB12/21 & ZB13/14 (Use Variance, Preliminary Major Site Plan, & Minor Subdivision) – Hovsons, Inc. (Victoria Gardens) – Hovchild Boulevard – Block 1500, Lots 1, 2, 5, 20, 21, & 22 (312 apartment units & restaurant/retail building). Represented by Jennifer S. Krimko, Esq.
Jennifer S. Krimko, Esq. requests that if the opportunity to vote this evening presents itself that it be placed on hold until the next hearing and until Mr. Gasiorowski can be present.
Bernard Reilly, Esq. representing Friends of Neptune, LLC this evening on behalf of Ron Gasiorowski.
Ms. Krimko states Brian Murphy, PE is present to provide limited engineering testimony, the traffic engineer is present to provide testimony, as well as the professional planner to testify regarding the variances requested.
Exhibit A-48 – Sample board of proposed brick.
Exhibit A-49 – Photo of typical landscape block proposed for wet ponds.
Brian Murphy, PE – testifies will comply with handicap accessible spaces and all comments received from Mr. Doolittle.
Aerators will be placed in the ponds to prevent mosquitoes and enhance circulation.
Porous pavement is also proposed which allows water to perk. The pavement must be vacuumed twice a year. This does not propose an expense to the Township as a private service will be hired by the owner to maintain pavement.
The proposed commercial use on the property will be a use which complies with the requirements of the C-1 Zone District.
John Rea, PE – Traffic Expert – sworn in and accepted by the Board – Mr. Rea testified as to the traffic impact study that had been prepared for this project.
NJDOT – Certification will be provided that access permit meets/exceeds RSIS Requirements.
Mr. Rea is cross-examined by Mr. Reilly
Mr. Cusano – 27 Maplecrest – was a pre-application conference held with the NJDOT?
Mr. Rea – not required with NJDOT
Mr. Azzolini – 25 Maplecrest – questions the volume on Jumping Brook Road.
Blanche Dunbar – 40 Lynn Drive – questions the dates surrounding the traffic impact study. Why were the counts taken in November vs. higher traffic in the summer?
Mr. Rea – June vs. November of the same year, November counts were higher.
Tadd Adams - 17 Jeanne Drive – How many samples were there? Questions regarding statistics.
Natalie La Bron – 18 Lynn Drive – How many school buses were included in the count?
Mr. Rea – will check on the number of school buses that were included in the count.
Martha Applegate – 25 Roberts – questions why the counts were taken on a weekday and not a weekend?
Mr. Rea – there is clearly less impact on weekends.
Andrew Janiw, PP, AICP of Beacon Planning – sworn in and accepted by the Board. Mr.Janiw provided testimony with regard to the planning issues relative to this project and the Community Impact Statement prepared previously. Bulk variances were reviewed individually as well as the requested design waivers. Positive/Negative Criteria discussed as well as the Township’s Master Plan Objectives.
It is agreed to by the Board Members and the Applicant that this matter be carried to a Special Meeting on June 18th with no further notice being required. However, should there not be a quorum or if June 18th does not work for the professionals or Mr. Gasiorowski, another date will be requested and notice will be required for the new hearing date.
A motion was made by William Frantz and seconded by Thomas Healyto adjourn at 10:26 PM. The next scheduled hearing will be a Regularly Scheduled Meeting on Wednesday, June 4, 2014at 7:30 PM. All in favor.
Minutes submitted by Kristie Armour, Administrative Officer to the Board of Adjustment
ZBA Special Meeting Minutes May 21, 2014Page 1 of 2