Artist Name:


Event Address:



1. Please give a complete description of your Artist Grant project. Describe the artistic work you created and include pertinent details on all components of the project. Please be specific.

2. Describe how this project has benefited you as an artist. How has this program affected your artistic career or goals? How did the project meet your expectations as outlined in your proposal? Have you gained any skills or insights during this process? Were there any unexpected benefits? Please be specific.

3. Describe the community you targeted with your project and the nature of your interaction with them. How did you involve community members in your creative process? What was their role in your project and their reaction/s to it? You may include specific comments from participants if you wish.

4. Please estimate the number of people who participated in your project as accurately as possible. Include everyone who actively participated in your program in any way, including workshop participants, audiences, viewers of exhibits, etc. For multiple events, please provide attendance figures for each event as well as totals for all events.

Event/Date / Senior Citizens / Children / Ethnic/Minorities / Special Populations / Adults / Total Attendees

5. How did you publicize your program? Did you include the required funding credit? Include copies of all publicity and printed materials you produced for this event (flyers, press releases, ads, brochures, programs, news articles, etc.).

6. Did you change your project as outlined in your application or agreement? If so, please list and explain all changes here. Were these changes approved by the Grants Administrator?

7. What kind of assistance would you like to have been provided in order to help you plan and/or execute an Artist Grant project? Did you find the grant application workshop to be helpful in planning your project? Did you find one-on-one discussions with the Grants Administrator helpful? How could the process be more effective?

8. Do you have any suggestions for improvement or changes in the Artist Grant program or application process? Would you consider applying again in the future?

The undersigned hereby certifies that, to the best of his/her knowledge, the information contained in this report and any attachments is accurate or represents a reasonable estimate based on information available at this time, and that there are no misstatements or misrepresentations in the information submitted herein or as a supplement to this report.

Name: ______



ARTIST Grant Final Report - Financial Statement

Project Income
Artist Grant / $
other (specific below) / $
Total Project Income / $
Project Expenses
Artist Fee / $
Materials (specify below) / $
other (specify below) / $
Total Project Expenses / $

NET GAIN or (LOSS) (e.g. Income minus Expenses):

In-Kind Donations / $ Value


-Photos, DVD, CD or other similar documentation if available

-Articles and/or Reviews about the project, if available/applicable

-Copies of all Publicity produced for the funded program

-Copies of Receipts, as described above