Distance Track 2015


The main page will tell you what you need to know.

Coach Huber Cell 913-485-1047 text


Keep an open communication with Coach Huber, Coach Bellville, Coach Owen and your head coach. We need to know when you will be gone or late. These must be valid reasons. If you have another event, you must communicate with that coach too and figure a way to be with both.


We always need to know if you are injured. I don’t want to hear it from someone else. If you are injured or hurting, use this time (spring break) to heal your body. Do not do the hard work outs or sprints, just do some easy runs or even cross train. You might need to see the trainer daily until you are no longer injured. She can help.

Spring Break

Dates, times and location of practices are on the back.. If you are in town, you are expected to come to practice. Work out 4-6 days during spring break even if you are gone. If you are injured, use this time to be easy on yourself and get healthy.

First Meet This will be the Thursday (frosh) & Friday (varsity) after spring break.

4x800 Relay

This will not always be the fastest 800 for the week, be prepared to be a part of this relay. This will could get switched often. The final decisions will be made at the end of the season as to who will run this during EKL, Regionals and who will the 2 alternates (Varsity only).

Positive thoughts daily

Work on positive thoughts and practice your mental preparation. Be

positive to your teammates too!! Mental preparation can make or break

your season. Prepare and let’s make it a great season. Luck goes to those who are prepared.

Distance Team

You are expected to be supportive to everyone on the track team, especially the distance runners. This can be shown at practice, meets and even at school. Think about how you want to be remembered on the team. Let’s support all events, not just our own. Watch other events (field events) at the meets.

Work Hard……Be Amazing.

This season’s success starts now.

Spring Break Guidelines

Practice Dates

Thursday March 12th 3:00pm-4:30pm BVHS

Mon & Tues March 16th & 17th 10:00am-11:30am BVHS

Wed-Fri March 18th-20th 9:00am-10:30am BVHS

Saturday March 21st 9:00am-10:30am *Quivira Park

SE Corner of 119th & Quivira

Every workout:

Warm up: 1 mile, Stretch, Dynamics, Abs, 2-4 buildups

Workout: Run/Cross train (see below)

Cool down: ½ to 1 mile & do 4 striders (on easy days only)

You can do core training every day

Core #1 2 sets of 20-25 Sit/twist/buttups/deadhorse/flutter/sides+pushups

#2 2 sets of 20-25 Crunch/bicycle/jackknife/up&outs+2 1 min hovers

Additional 8’s, side crunch, cross-over crunch. More push ups

Short distance (SD) =half and milers Long distance (LD) =mile & 2 milers

If you are gone during Spring Break then do the following

Run/workout 5-6 days If you can’t run then ride a bike or do the elliptical

Alternate hard easy days Easy days Road run 3-7 miles or 30-80 minutes

Hard days Pick the ones you want (warm up with an extra mile)

Fartlek is speed play. For example run 1 minute/rest walk 1 minute

1.  LD Fartlek 90sec,1min,2 ,3,3,2,1,90sec (run & rest same)

SD 1-2 sets of 10 sec,20,30,40,50,60,60 & down

2 LD 12x300 at 70-85% effort or (G=50sec, B=45sec)

SD 14x200 at 75-85% effort or (G=40sec, B=30sec)

(If you don’t have a track then do time instead)

3 LD 5x600 at 70-85% effort (G=2min, B=90sec)

SD 5x300 at 70-85% effort (G=1min, B=45sec)

4 Tempo Run 10-35 minutes

If you have other Events:

Tweeners/Sprinters: Monday, Tues with Distance, Wed, Thurs with Sprints….Friday you decide

Ask your other coach what their Spring Break plan is. *You can do your other event on these days

Usual warm up Hurdle drills (Monday, Wednesday & Friday)

Monday: Track Workout.

Effort & not time. The goal is to complete the workout.

800 only Tweens 30

4x300, 8x200, 2x100 Recovery is walk or jog 100 (3), walk across (2)

CD 800 & stretch


4x,400, 4x300, 4x200, 2x100 Recovery is walk or jog 100 (4 & 3) , walk across (2) 38

CD 800 & stretch


800, 4x400, 4x300, 4x200, 2x100 Recovery is same as above 46

Some of the not in shapers might need to do 1 less of everything

Tuesday: Road Run Wal-Mart, Ironhorse or Lamar/Horton + abs

Wednesday: Tempo on Wilderness 2.5-4 miles

Thursday: Road Run Same as Tuesday + abs

Friday: Option Road Run or Fartlek 800,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 36

Varsity jog equal distance not timng

Others recovery is when they are ready

Saturday: Long Run at Quivira Park

I’ll attach the sheet that says who is coming.