January 13, 2016

Sweet Pea Board Meeting

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January 13, 2016

Pursuant to notice duly given, a meeting of the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Sweet Pea, a Festival of the Arts (the “Festival”) was held on Wednesday, January 13th, 2016 in the basement of the organization’s office located at 424 E. Main Street, Bozeman, Montana.


Glenniss Indreland, the President, called the meeting to order at approximately 6:06 pm and invited everyone to introduce himself or herself. Erin Sullivan, Secretary of the meeting, confirmed that the following members were present, constituting a quorum of the Board: Rachel Anderson, Mike Babcock, Larry Bratke, Elizabeth Brock, Gina Byrnes, Chelsey Clayton, Jim Cole, Lacey Egelus, Christina Gauron, Grant Gilmore, Cheryl Holm, Glenniss Indreland, Robyn Miller, Travis Miller, Sharon Muldoon, Kris Olenicki, Rob Pertzborn, Melanie Ross, Cassidy Seymour, Matt Sloan, Erin Sullivan, and Kevin Thane.

Music volunteer Steve Marty was also in attendance.

Katy Taylor was excused; Robyn Miller served as proxy for Pre-Festival Exhibitions. In the absence of an Admissions DC, Chelsey Clayton served as proxy for Admissions. Until Cassidy Seymour was voted in as Merchandising DC, Melanie Ross served as proxy for Merchandising. Lauren Patti was absent; Festival Exhibitions was unrepresented.


Glenniss acknowledged Kris and Larry for their efforts in hosting the Christmas Stroll’s annual gingerbread house-building contest.

Sweet Pea was voted Bozeman Magazine’s “Most Memorable Event” and placed 3rd in “Best Annual Event” (after Music on Main and the Christmas Stroll). Also of note is that Moods of the Madison won “Best Music Festival.”

Kris congratulated Larry as he celebrates his 21st birthday this Saturday.

Kris announced that Anderson East, the 2015 Saturday night headliner, is now dating Miranda Lambert and receiving heightened attention in the media. His latest album Delilah is now #2 on the Billboard Heat Seeker’s chart.

Following the Special Recognitions portion, Glenniss took a moment to review some meeting expectations and courtesies. She presented the Sweet Pea Handbook and its policy manual, calling particular attention to the conflict of interest policy. Glenniss proceeded to summarize shared responsibilities of all Board members. Among the items discussed were e-mail correspondence, executive approval of mass-communications, Board member recruiting, job descriptions and timelines, budgeting, name branding and logo usage, confidentiality, storage, and evaluation. This and other general information was distributed in a packet to be included in committee binders. Robyn asked where the Boardsite login information can be found. Kris responded that it should be in the binders. Additionally, Larry will include the web page URL on an upcoming Board e-mail.


Glenniss asked if there were any changes or corrections to the November 11, 2015 minutes. Kevin moved to approve the November minutes; Travis seconded the motion. The November minutes were approved without revision.


Kris announced three nominations: Lacey Egelus for PR, Cassidy Seymour for Merchandising DC, and Chris Seymour for Beer Garden. Kris noted the remaining vacancies: Admissions DC, Children’s Activities, Festival Sales, Dance, Theatre, Hospitality, and a Food Concessions co-chair. Glenniss reminded committees to convene with their division coordinators for voting. As the ballots were circulating, Rob suggested that some shorter, more concise job descriptions be written for recruitment use. Lacey, Cassidy, and Chris were subsequently voted in by unanimous vote. Rob reminded everyone who hasn’t already done so to sign their 2016 Board Commitment Form.


Distributed by e-mail prior to the meeting were three documents detailing 2015 profit and loss, 4th quarter income and expense, and yearend balance. Erin first summarized the Profit and Loss Report, announcing a gross profit of $303,091.05 and $299,508.37 in total expenses for a net income of $3,582.68. At its meeting last week, the Finance Committee decided to allocate the net income to permanent supplies with any unused portion to be kept in the Net Funds account. Erin passed around the Permanent Supply List for any additions; all requests must be made by January 29th. Kris noted that some items that have been requested are being moved from the list to budget lines. Erin proceeded to briefly summarize the 4th Quarter Income and Expense Report, followed by the 2015 Balance Sheet. As of December 31st, Sweet Pea’s total assets stand at $318,846.67. Erin reported that the $51,000 yield from a CD which matured this past summer has been reinvested into a 2-year CD at Rocky Mountain Credit Union at 1.09% interest.

Among the items distributed for inclusion in committee binders was the Proposed 2016 Budget. Any suggested changes should be brought to the attention of division coordinators and Kris. Erin explained its major changes from last year, including an increase in expected partnership income, lower insurance costs, savings arising from the discontinuation of the annual Thank You Dinner in October, and the addition of grants as a budget line item. Kris further explained that the grants line item was added to try to help reinstate grants as a consistent yearly expenditure. Mike inquired about the change to the Thank You Dinner; Glenniss and Larry recalled a lengthy discussion about the matter at last September’s meeting and the reasons why that decision was made. Erin reminded the Board that no expenditures may begin until one’s committee budget outline is submitted. All are asked to have this done by March 1st. To allow the Board time to scrutinize the Proposed 2016 Budget in more detail, a vote to approve it will be called for at February’s meeting.


Committee binders that were turned in to the office have been updated and are ready for reclamation. She urged everyone to make sure they have received the packet of new information that she added along with any mail that has been collected. Kris reported that Rocky Mountain Rigging has rented the stage that Sweet Pea usually uses to someone else for the weekend of the Festival. After investigating other options, Kris agreed to rent RMR’s bigger stage this year at a higher cost but will thereafter enter into a three-year contract to prevent a similar situation from arising again. Kris continued that S.L.A.M. has booked the US Bank pagoda ahead of Sweet Pea and warned that competition is growing for the services on which Sweet Pea depends. She urged everyone to look through their job description timelines for things that would be of interest to “bump up” in light of such competition. Division Coordinators are required to arrange division planning sessions, the first of which must be attended by the Executive Director. On Monday Kris held an orientation session for new members; another will be held in February. Kris has arranged for Sweet Pea to once again be the beneficiary of Bozeman Brewing Company's Sunday FUNDay on April 24th. 50 cents for every pint of beer sold will be donated to Sweet Pea. The annual Mission, Vision, and Values Meeting for DCs and Executive Board members is planned for January 23rd from 9am to 4pm, location TBD. Kris continues to hear positive feedback pertaining to the Gingerbread house-building competition and plans to do it again next year. Upon coming across a “Sweet Pea backpack” on the website of Mystery Ranch, Kris contacted the outdoor gear maker and has been exploring possible opportunities for partnership. She has also been in contact with the new Element Hotel about partnership options. Gina suggested that she also reach out to the Lark Hotel, and Kris responded that she intends to. Grant added that he has connections with that hotel’s manager. Kris reported that Gregg Harris, the new Family Entertainment chair, has volunteered IT service to the office, discovered a bad switch, and donated an old firewall. Additionally, Kris has purchased a new version of QuickBooks, on which payroll is substantially simpler, and secured permission from the Executive Board to purchase a new desktop computer. After recording data on office traffic and phone calls, Kris has decided to experiment with the office hours in an effort to better serve those who have regular work schedules. New office hours shall be as follows for January-April: Tuesday through Thursday 12:00-5:00 pm and Friday 8:00 am-12:00 pm. Kris announced a surprise $500 donation from Western CPE and passed around a thank-you card. Lastly, there are numerous copies of the Gallatin Valley Life issue featuring the history of the Sweet Pea poster for anyone who would like to take one home.


Kris reported that an inside source is confident that US Bank will renew its partnership in the amount of $5000 for 2016. Ressler Motors has come forward with $2500. Cassidy asked whether Lehrkind’s Coca-Cola has recommitted; Kris has spoken with Carl Lehrkind and expects the partnership to continue.


Children’s Activities: Children’s Activities is in the supply-gathering stage; Kevin displayed one of many tennis ball tubes he has acquired and plans to repurpose.

Festival Exhibitions: No report.

Marketing/PR: Rachel reported that she has been brainstorming with Kris about some new advertising methods, events, and approaches.

Merchandising: Cassidy expressed excitement about being on the Merchandising team. There will be a planning meeting soon. Help in finding a Festival Sales chair would be appreciated.

Performing Arts: Matt voiced the need to fill openings at Theatre and Dance. He and Grant have been discussing possible adjustments to the performance schedule, namely a later start time on Saturday and Sunday. It was confirmed that the main stage Dance time allotment has been approved for Saturday afternoon in place of Friday.

Dance. Kris reported that, in the absence of a Dance chair, she has been in touch with some of Elizabeth’s contacts from last year.

Music. Grant distributed a document detailing Music’s vision for this year’s Festival. It is subject to change but is meant to provide a general sense of how the main stage schedule is being designed. After summarizing the envisioned schedule, Grant opened the question of how and when to proceed in choosing individual acts. It was noted that early action is preferable for marketing purposes, so Grant proceeded to discuss a number of potential music acts and presented music video segments plus rationales for each. The following names were presented: Bridger Mountain Big Band, Ethan Tucker, Joshua James, Pah Kow, Taj Mahal, Sonny Knight and the Lakers, Cloud Cult, Woods Brothers, Asleep at the Wheel, Langhorn Slim, Lone Bellow, and Shook Twins. After extensive discussion, ballots were cast for each division’s top 3 preferences to guide Grant’s booking decisions. The results, although non-binding, were as follows: Sonny Knight and the Lakers received 8 votes, Asleep at the Wheel and Langhorn Slim each received 6 votes, Shook Twins and Lone Bellow each received 4 votes. Kris reminded the Board that decisions about the aforementioned bands are not final until Grant secures the appropriate contracts; this information is yet confidential.

Physical Arrangements: Travis gave an entertaining report about paintball sniper training and Mike’s black eye.

Pre-Festival Exhibitions:

Chalk on the Walk. Robyn announced that more chalk will be needed this year. Kris shared an idea from a conversation with Ellie (of the Downtown Bozeman Association) about extending Chalk on the Walk and selling chalk to businesses.

Admissions: Glenniss informed the Board that wristband prices are usually evaluated at this time of year, but that discussion will be tabled until after the Mission, Vision, and Values Meeting. It is hoped that an Admissions DC will be located soon and contribute to the task.


Wedding at Hollow Stage. Grant has requested permission to have his wedding at 9:00am on Sunday of Festival weekend in the Hollow. According to Kris, Montana Shakespeare in the Parks has given permission to use its stage. Grant promised that all guests will have admission bands. Kris noted the Marketing/PR potential of the wedding. Travis moved to approve the proposed use of the stage; Robyn seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.


Website Update. Kris reported that Engine Eight has sent her a proposal for making the website mobile-friendly. She has also requested a full website redesign proposal from Engine Eight and both equivalent proposals from Rachel’s company Markouture. The Executive Board has asked Kris to also obtain bids from a third company, which has yet to be selected.


Pursuant to the previously adopted annual calendar of regular Board meetings, the next meeting was confirmed for February 10th, 2016. Travis motioned to adjourn the meeting; Kevin seconded the motion. Glenniss adjourned the meeting at approximately 8:28 pm.

Approved by:

______Date: ______

Erin Sullivan, Secretary/Treasurer