During the past two hundred years, humans have increased the amount of pollution we produce. One of the biggest problems is the Greenhouse Effect.

What is the Greenhouse Effect? Why is it called the Greenhouse Effect?

What are the main causes? What are the main effects?

Scientists often use a model to help explain complex ideas.
Look at this model:


Use the instructions in the level ladder to explain the Greenhouse Effect and explain how the model helps show this.

You can do this by:

·  Writing a newspaper/magazine article to explain the Greenhouse Effect.

·  Drawing a poster or making a presentation.

·  Producing an informative leaflet for the general public about the Greenhouse Effect.

Key words

carbon dioxide, CFCs, climate change, energy transferred by heating, fossil fuels, global warming, Greenhouse Effect, greenhouse gases, methane, pollution,

rising sea levels





·  What is your target level? Use the level ladder to help you reach it.

·  To get level / ·  You might:
5 / Explain simply what the Greenhouse Effect is.
Explain why it is called the ‘Greenhouse Effect’.
Describe some of the causes and effects of the Greenhouse Effect.
Describe some actions people can take to help reduce the Greenhouse Effect.
6 / Use the model of the Greenhouse Effect provided to:
Explain what the Greenhouse Effect is.
Explain the causes and effects of the Greenhouse Effect.
Explain how some human actions can reduce the Greenhouse Effect.
Write an appropriate word equation to support your explanations.
7 / Use the model of the Greenhouse Effect provided to:
Explain what the Greenhouse Effect is and its causes and effects.
Identify and explain two limitations of the model.
Write appropriate symbol and word equations to support your explanations.

·  Which level have you achieved? Choose one improvement target and try it.


·  It is important that you can communicate your ideas clearly in science.

Use this checklist to help:

Literacy tips
Spell the key words correctly.
Write in sentences, using capital letters and full stops properly.
Write in paragraphs where appropriate.
Use apostrophes to show contraction and possession.
Use cause and effect connectives such as: as a result, since... then…, …because… where appropriate.
Use sequencing connectives such as: firstly/secondly, …then…, after this… where appropriate.
Demonstrate a sense of audience in your writing.
Numeracy Tips
Use the correct, metric units (e.g. m, s, kg).