Governor’s Commission on Community and Volunteer Service




Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

August 16, 2012—9:00 AM – 12:30 PM

CharlesDebnamBuilding—2nd Floor Conference Room

Present: Marianne Cinaglia, John Danzeisen, Jessica Feinberg, Rob Schroeder

Absent: Nancy Chirdon, Jeff Lank, Margarita Rodriguez-Duffy

DSSC Staff: Anne Farley, Ph.D., Director of State Service Centers

Erastus Mong’are, SOV Senior Administrator

Joanne Finnigan, Executive Assistant to Director

Kimberly Massey, Administrative Specialist II

Welcome-Rob Schroeder, Chair

Approval of Minutes of June 21, 2012 Executive Committee Meeting:

Commissioner Chair Schroeder opened the meeting at 9:10 AM and thanked everyone for attending the monthly meeting. Mr. Schroeder then excused the absence of Nancy Chirdon and Margarita Rodriguez-Duffy. Mr. Schroeder requested those present to review the Minutes from the June 21 Executive Committee meeting and either approve or note changes. A Motion was brought forth by Commissioner Danzeisen, seconded by Commissioner Feinberg and the minutes were approved as presented.

AmeriCorps & National Service Committee Update-John Danzeisen, Vice Chair:

Commissioner Danzeisen stated the Commission should be involved with America ServeCorps. He stated he was impressed with the training and programs that are offered. He mentioned possibly appointing a Commissioner to join the American Association of State Commission. Mr. Danzeisen stated they offer mentoring and best practices and that a Commissioner should link up with this organization. Mr. Mong’are stated he is a member and attended his 1st meeting in May for DE. He stated they hold conference calls once a week. Mr. Mong’are stated he has a meeting on Monday the 13th and that he is writing 3 grants for FY13. The Administration, Disability and PDAT grants will start January 1, 2013. Mr. Mong’are stated it’s important for the program liaisons to stay in touch with the organizations to keep them up to date with opportunities, hot topics and training’s. Mr. Danzeisen added that Elise Alexander asked for the Commission to tell the program stories. Mr. Schroeder asked how the stories will be incorporated with CNCS. Mr. Mong’are replied monthly reports are submitted with the stories included. Mr. Mong’are stated he will be meeting with Senator Coons and Senator Carper on August 27 at 1 pm.

Delaware Volunteerism Committee Update: Margarita Rodriguez-Duffy, Vice Chair

Commissioner Schroeder reported on behalf of Commissioner Rodriguez-Duffy absence. Commissioner Schroeder stated Ms. Rodriguez-Duffy is suggesting that each Commissioner commit to a Committee. Mr. Schroeder stated there are several initiatives going on and everyone needs to help. Commissioner Chirdon Forster is working on the 501 c 3 status as Commissioner Silverstein and Commissioner Funaiock are continuing background check information. He stated volunteering youths, seniors and businesses are the main focus now. He stated they need to be more concrete. Commissioner Feinberg added that non profits are looking to work with these 3 groups. Commissioner Danzeisen stated the Commission needs to better address volunteerism in Delaware and also provide technical support to those interested. He added to find an organization that can take on background checks. Also, get clarity on vision of where the Commission wants to go, confirm and partner to move forward. Commissioner Feinberg added that Commissioner Hines has contacts for business volunteers.

Program Oversight Committee Report-Marianne Cinaglia, Co-Chair

Commissioner Cinaglia prepared and handed out a sub-grantee liaison position description. She stated the purpose of these positions is to promote a closer relationship between the Commission and the sub-grantee program personnel. The position description and action items were reviewed and agreed upon. Recommendations for responsibilities 1-3 were made. The SOV staff will initiate a general combined informational meeting for all sub grantee program directors, Commissioner program liaisons and other key personnel and appropriate staff in September of each year to establish a communication network and to review annual goals. Also, each program liaison and program director team will establish a schedule of regular contacts/meetings and each will review grant objectives and discuss the liaison’s role in supporting implementation. Each of this action items will be initatiated at the September meeting. Commissioner Danzeisen stated the RFP process was disappointing was several organizations showed interest but only a few applied. Director Farley stated the RFP will be posted on the website in September and responses will be accepted until October. She stated to focus on funding for new programs. Commissioner Cinaglia stated more meetings need to be public and also attending DAVA and DANA meetings. Commissioner Danzeisen added the Commission did a great job this year with public records. Commissioner Feinberg stated the DAVA meetings are more focused more toward training. Mr. Mong’are stated that outreach for RFP sessions will be done and that organizations will be grouped by category. The RFP information sessions will be announced when determined. Ms. Cinaglia reintegrated that each program will have 2 liaisons and that each should stay informed to give a report if one is absent. Program liaisons can start recruiting for the October 1 program start date. Mr. Mong’are stated retention rates are getting better and that he has worked with the Emergency Service Corps program to build numbers up. Positions were converted from full time to either 2 half time or quarter time slots. Commissioner Cinaglia asked for an official copy of the liaisons.

Finance & Administration Committee Report-Jeff Lank, Chair

Commissioner Schroeder reported on behalf of Commissioner Lank absence. Mr. Schroeder stated Mr. Lank is requesting new applications from Lydia Prigg. All applications are needed by the October meeting so a slate of officers can be prepared. The Chair and two Vice Chair positions need to be filled as current terms will be expiring. The two Vice Chair positions are appointed by the Governor. The treasurer and secretary positions are good as they were just filled recently. Commissioner Danzeisen stated all positions will be filled by the November retreat. Also, a new Youth Commissioner is needed as well. Commissioner Schroeder stated he knows of one new application submitted and the individual is Glen Stubbolo. He stated he is requesting a list from Mrs. Prigg.

Ms. Battle stated the quarterly reports were submitted on July 30 for the Administration, Disability and PDAT grants and that the next report is due for PDAT on January 31, 2013. Disability close out will be January 31.

Old Business

Business Volunteer Council (Commission Training in Delaware)

Mr. Mong’are suggested that Sam Cipoletti attend the retreat but would also like him to conduct training at the September meeting. He stated he will have a proposal completed for the meeting which will be approximately 2-3 hours. The training will be held after the Commission meeting is adjourned. He stated he will start the meeting at 8:30am and condense the agenda to allow time for the training. The meeting will be at the CharlesDebnamBuilding, 1st floor training room from 8:30am – 1:30pm with lunch from 11am- 1pm followed by the training from 1:30pm – 4pm. The training will be held on the 2nd floor in the glass conference room.

Status of State Service Plan

Mr. Mong’are stated Janis Glenn emailed him on Monday, August 13 regarding a meeting she would like to have with Mr. Mong’are and Commissioner Schroeder. She also stated she wants to meet with the task force as well. Mr. Mong’are stated the State Service Plan is due to the SOV office in September and due to CNCS in October. Director Farley requested that Mr. Mong’are send her the dates via email.

New Business

Proposal: Commission Fixed Amount

Mr. Mong’are stated the Commission fixed amount is the fiscal agent fee paid to Serve Delaware for overseeing the AmeriCorps grant awards. He stated each program must allocate a minimum of 1% of the total CNCS award in their budgets to this line item. The Commission fixed amount must be paid from CNCS funds. Also, Serve Delaware will drawdown the Commission fixed amount from each program based on the amount expended monthly. This 1% will be used for trainings, award ceremonies, recognition events, conferences and service projects. Mr. Mong’are stated the proposal for funds should be approximately 6 to 7 thousand dollars. Director Farley asked Mr. Mong’are to prepare a proposal for review and to present it at the next Full Commission meeting on September 20. A Motion was brought forth by Commissioner Danzeisen, seconded by Commissioner Cinaglia and approved.

Commission Retreat-Planning & Deliverables

Mr. Mong’are stated the Commission retreat is coming up in November and planning needs to be done. He stated goals and achievements can be discussed by the Commission at the next Full Commission meeting on September 20. The retreat is scheduled for November 15 at Buena Vista. Director Farley added she would contact Carla Markell to see if she would like to attend as she did so last year. Commissioner Danzeisen added that every Commissioner needs to be on at least one committee this year and that an update can be given regarding last years goals and if they were met successfully. Mr. Mong’are stated he can extend an invitation to Tom Brennan from the American’s Service Commission and Thomas Howard from CNCS. He added the agenda for the retreat needs to be completed by September.

Public Information and Education Initiative

Mr. Mong’are reintegrated that it’s important to start educating the public and that Kate Fox’s is doing all marketing.

National Grantee Meeting & Peer Exchanges

Mr. Mong’are stated the National Grantee meeting for CNCS is September 17 – 21 in Washington, DC. He stated he will be attending and would like 2 Commissioners to attend as well. Commissioner Schroeder stated he would attend the meeting and would check to see if either Jaye Pedante or Nancy Chirdon Forster will like to attend as well.

The peer exchanges will allow the Commission and staff to learn what other Commissions are doing regarding Disability Inclusion.

Disability Inclusion’s Team Report

Mr. Mong’are gave a handout regarding the update on Disability Inclusion. He stated there last meeting was August 7 and it went well. He mentioned that approximately 25 AmeriCorps members participated in a Disability Awareness Workshop that was held in Middletown on March 15. This workshop was arranged by Daniel Madrid from the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. Jamie Wolfe, a person with a disability from the University of Delaware Center for Disability Studies led the session as well.

Mr. Schroeder then called for any further business to be brought forth the Commission. With none being brought forth, a Motion for adjournment was made, seconded, and the meeting was adjourned at 12:32 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kimberly Massey

Administrative Specialist II, State Office of Volunteerism