Wednesday 4th February 2015


Chas Taylor, Felicity Weston, David Kunzmann, Alison Dodd, Malcolm Allen, Linda Ellis, Ellen Conlon, Gill Ranson, Joe Rogan, Sally Minks

Apologies: Jan Bowman, Dawn Tang

1. Minutes of Previous Meeting

Read and agreed.

2. Matters Arising


3. Chairman’s Report - Chas:

Constitution Review: Robin Tremaine is currently reviewing a proforma constitution from British Athletics and 2 other club constitutions and considering the issues raised at the last TPRC AGM.

Snakes Lane: A meeting of the Cockfosters Ward was due to be held week commencing 9th February and the condition of Snakes Lane was an item on the agenda. The local MP and Michael Burman were in attendance.

Hockey Centre issues: Michael Berman confirmed that only club members are supposed to use the Club facilities but this is not policed, so agree to leave as it is. We have also voiced our opinion regarding recent price increases at the hockey centre and can do no more.

Paul’s retirement: Paul is due to retire at the end of February. There will be a £200 retirement gift from the Club.

Club Survey: Following a review by Mick Green it was agreed that this would now be uploaded to the club website. Chas has been acting on the outcomes e.g. the changes to the handicap.

4. Treasurer’s Report – Felicity & David

Felicity and David distributed the TPRC Finance Update. Agreed that budgets for individual sections of the committee be agreed (e.g. social and triathlon). We are still looking for someone to audit the end of year accounts.

5. Communications – Ellen

Ellen advised that James Joy is working on an upgrade to the website including allowing uploads and posts from committee members. She considering ways to better advertise the handicap and is discussion with Alan Collingbourne about ways to advertise the Triffic Trail. She is also exploring use of u-Tube.

6. Club Team Manager – Malcolm

Women’s Team Captain: Malcolm was pleased to confirm that Melissa O’Hare was the new Women’s Team Captain.

URN Cost: Cost is currently £10 per member and the Club currently pays for this to enable members to take part in Championship races. It was agreed that if the Club has paid for a URN but the individual has not raced (unless due to injury), then the individual should repay the cost. Jan confirmed that the juniors will continue to pay for their own URNs.

7. Membership –Ali

Membership numbers: 323 fully paid up seniors (includes 11 students) and 153 juniors.

Social membership: Social Membership of £25 per annum will be available from 1st April 2015. As agreed at the AGM qualification is: Previous 5 years must be of an unbroken, full paying membership; no pro-rata payments; no use of Club facilities. Ali will obtain approval for each membership application from the Committee and will create a Social Membership application form for uploading to the website.

8. Social - Sally

Draft social calendar with proposals for events was circulated before the meeting and discussed.

9. Triathlon update – Joe

Joe confirmed that spinning sessions were now taking place on Fridays but swimming was now on a back burner due to cost increases at Furzefield so looking at Borehamwood as a replacement venue.

Triathletes will be encouraged to join in the Club running sessions on a Tuesday but cycling sessions had been difficult this year so far due to the poor weather conditions. Joe also confirm that he has applied for Iron Club recognition with 12 club members undertaking either a Half or Full Ironman this year.

Tri-Kit: After a review of kit design and cost, the Committee agreed to place an order for kit from new suppliers – Shadow.

10. AOB

Aquathlon date will be 25th July 2015.

Volunteers required to support at the Velo Park on 24th May and 18th August.

There will be a link to the Tri newsletter in TP News.

11. Date and venue of next meeting

Date: Wednesday 1st April 2015

Venue: Chas’s: 20 Myddleton Park, Whetstone, N20 0JG; Phone 0208 445 5423