LRP Update DSEIS Comments

  • The justification for avoiding study of alternative technologies such as Heavy Rail and Sky Train needs to be revisited considering the current needs of Seattle, the region, and of an infrastructure investment that will be used by generations to come.
  • Driverless technology for new rail routes must be studied as part of Sound Transit’s efforts to improve their financial sustainability in operations.
  • Update the ridership and population projections in the corridor studies to more accurately represent growth in Seattle and the region, the PSRC numbers for Seattle are clearly off.
  • Study the Sand Point Crossing – it will provide a better rail connection than SR 520 and the Trans Lake Study does not exclude it from consideration as Sound Transit first thought.
  • ST needs to complete the analysis on a floating rail bridge, floating tunnel, and suspension bridge from Sand Point to Kirkland to complete the analysis of the UW to Kirkland to Redmond study.
  • Building the best line possible is the most important consideration in this corridor.
  • Study a better option for Ballard to UW.I want The Ballard Spur “A4!” – A3 is the best option presented, but ST needs to add stations at East Ballard and Aurora and move the Wallingford station east.
  • ST needs to study a fully grade separated version of Level 2 Alternative C1 in case it is not possible to build Corridor D from the Ballard to Downtown Study.
  • Building the best line possible is the most important consideration in this corridor as it is the highest value transit corridor that does not already have rail planned in Washington State.
  • Design the Ballard to UW line so that it can be extended both east and west in the future.
  • Study a better Eastside Corridor.
  • I want rail Sound Transit to study Seattle Subway’s “C4” proposal for rail to Issaquah with a connection to East Link at I-90.
  • Direct and fast connections to Downtown Bellevue and Downtown Seattle are crucial for this corridor as destinations along I-90 continue to grow in regional significance.
  • More stations please! LRP studies should include stations at Factoria, Bellevue College, Eastgate, Lakemont Boulevard and Historic Issaquah.
  • Present a better option to the board for rail to West Seattle.
  • I want rail to West Seattle! Study Seattle Subway’s “A6” to North Delridge and the West Seattle Junction as its own separate expansion phase.
  • Building a high quality line is the most important consideration in this corridor as it is a high value corridor with possibilities of future expansion and would significantly improve the transportation options for West Seattle.