B&DSCB Early Help Committee

Terms of Reference

Written September 2013

Core Functions

  • To ensure that B&DSCB discharges its duties under Working Together to Safeguard Children (2013): Chapter 1 and Chapter 3
  • Function as the feeder group to the main B&D Local Safeguarding Board on matters pertaining to Early Help and Integrated Working.

Main Responsibilities

The Early Help Committeewill:

  • Proactively work to recognise and focus on hard to reach families through joint working across the partnership.
  • Ensure the borough’s preventative strategiesare achieving positive outcomes for families
  • Provide an outlet for working analysis of themed early intervention issues as identified by any B&DSCB group.
  • Identify gaps in service provision for wider commissioning review.

Key Scrutiny and Improvement Performance Frameworks:

  • Local Safeguarding Dataset
  • CAF quarterly report
  • MASH KPI’s
  • Quality Assurance Framework
  • Safeguarding Multi Agency Audits
  • Early Help Audits


Agency Name / Representing / Named officer
Adult Services LBBD / Senior Parenting Practitioner, YOS Community Safety, LBBD / Helen Harding
BHRUHT / Named Nurse for Safeguarding / Stephen Hynes
CAMHS / Primary Mental Health, Tier 2 CAMHS / Katalin Sierra-Vincent
CCG / Designated Nurse Safeguarding Children / Sue Newton (paper circulation only)
Chair / Lead Evaluator for Early Help,strategic Commissioning, Safeguarding & Early Help, LBBD / Damien Cole
Complex Needs and Social Care / MASH Manager, LBBD / Christina Cotterell
Deputy Chair(s) / Strategic Lead Early Intervention, Targeted Support, LBBD / Shaun Childs/Penny Pyke
Early Years LBBD / Portage Manager/Area SEN Lead / Rosie Herbert
Education / Primary School representative
Secondary School representative / Mark Austin, Monteagle Primary
Phil Heath, Eastbrook Comp
Education Inclusion LBBD / Education Inclusion Team Manager / Jason Hatherill
Housing LBBD / Housing Strategy, Strategic Delivery Manager
Area Support Service Manager, Neighbourhood Services. / Terrie Handley
Andrew Walkinshaw
Met Police / Sargeant Public Protection Desk / Rolf Shamberger
NELFT Adult Mental Health / BDAAT Team Manager / Jenny Page
Strategic Commissioning & Safeguarding LBBD / Senior Integrated Early Help Evaluator, Integrated Early Help QA Service
Business Manager, B&DSCB / Craig Fitt-Cook /Lynsey Flowers / Meka Locke/Nicky Gates/Rebecca Worley
Liz Winnett
Targeted Support LBBD / Early Intervention & Safeguarding Mng
Strategic Lead Early Intervention
Targeted Youth Support Manager / Francesca Hamilton
Shaun Childs/Penny Pyke
Universal Health services / Operations Manager, Health Visiting, Family Nurse Partnership / Joy Coutts
Voluntary Community Sector / Subwize, Hidden Harm Practitioner
Carers of Barking and Dagenham / Micaela Sharpley
Stacey Towler

Representatives from other organisations to be invited to attend when, agency specific issues/projects emerge.

Continuity of Representation

The individual members of Early Help Committee have a duty as members to contribute to the effective work of the group.

In the event that the nominated member is unable to attend it is expected that a representative would attend in their place.

Should any members post cease to exist; the post holder’s organisation should nominate a successor prior to the resignation of the member from the Committee.

The nominated member should be of equal or similar standing to the preceding member.

The Chair of the Committee will report on agency representation/attendance to the Safeguarding Children Board Chair and Board, as required.

Frequency of meetings

The Early Help Committeewill meet on a Quarterly basis, until further notice. This group will advise the Chair of the significant issues for the quarterly meeting.


All relevant organisations should ensure that there is a representative from their respective agency at all Early Help Committeemeetings. At least 50% of members should be present to allow any meeting to go ahead.

Administrative Arrangements

The BDSCB Board will facilitate the Early Help Committeemeetings. All papers will be circulated to members 5 working days before the meeting.

The minutes from the meeting will be circulated to members within 3 weeks.

Members will submit papers for presentation, to the BDSCB Board Manager, at least 10 working days, before the meeting.


1 / Early Help Committee - ToR |LBBD