Macmillan English 6 – course planner - 160 sessions (45 minutes each)

Unit / Reading
(1 session) / Comprehension and vocabulary
(1 session) / Language building
(1 session) / Grammar
(1 session) / Fluency
(1 session) / Spelling and reading for enrichment
(1 session) / Class writing
(1 session)
7 sessions / Decision time (story with a moral dilemma) / Comprehension: literal comprehension
Vocabulary: synonyms and antonyms / first, second and third person pronouns / Present Simple and Continuous; Past Simple and Continuous / Back to school! / Spelling: doubling final consonant before suffixing e.g. stop-stopped
Reading for enrichment: Bird and Boy (poem) / choosing a way to complete a story as a class and on own
Test Unit 1 (1 session)
7 sessions / The Panama Canal (information / explanatory text with diagrams) / Comprehension: literal comprehension
Vocabulary: dictionary definitions / brackets for adding additional information / expressing future time / Through the canal / Spelling: magic e dropped before suffixing e.g operate-operating
Reading for enrichment: The crow and the water jug (fable) / explaining how something works, with diagrams
Test Unit 2 (1 session)
7 sessions / Journey to the centre of the Earth (narrative in diary form) / Comprehension: literal comprehension
Vocabulary: use of exciting adjectives / adjectival phrases / first conditional / Volcanoes! / Spelling: suffixing verbs ending consonant+y e.g. try-tried
Reading for enrichment: Journey to the South Pole (biography) / continuing a story; composing diary entry for next day
Test Unit 3 (1 session)
7 sessions / Tourism (discussion text) / Comprehension: literal comprehension
Vocabulary: small words in long words / adverbial phrases / Present Perfect and Past Simple / In the Himalayas / Spelling: suffix ment
Reading for enrichment: Loggerhead turtles (information) / discussion text
Revision units 1-4 (2 sessions)
Test Units 1-4 (1 session)
Project work (2 sessions)
7 sessions / Escape from the Castle of Doom (adventure story) / Comprehension: literal comprehension
Vocabulary: categorising words / compound sentences (revisions) / Past Perfect / Animax studios / Spelling: sion and ssion at end of words
Reading for enrichment: Finding Magic (poem) / story planning / writing next two chapters
Test Unit 5 (1 session)
7 sessions / Writing letters (different types of letters) / Comprehension: literal comprehension
Vocabulary: prefixes un and dis / reflexive pronouns / passive – present and past / Meet the author! / Spelling: suffix ery
Reading for enrichment: Roald Dahl (biography) / different kinds of letters
Test Unit 6 (1 session)
7 sessions / The Game Show (play) / Comprehension: literal comprehension
Vocabulary: alliteration / gender of nouns / future passives / Jungle survivor / Spelling: ate at end of words
Reading for enrichment: The English Language (information text with flow diagram) / scene for a play
Test Unit 7 (1 session)
7 sessions / The Hidden Persuaders (persuasive writing in advertisements) / Comprehension: literal comprehension
Vocabulary: rhyming / gerunds / relative clauses / The latest craze / Spelling: c after x and ce after s e.g. exciting, once
Reading for enrichment: Just Joking (wordplay) / design own posters / adverts
Test Unit 8 (1 session)
7 sessions / Reading poetry (choral poetry / conversation poems / rap) / Comprehension: literal comprehension
Vocabulary: homonyms / relative pronouns / second conditional / Children's Poetry Festival / Spelling: negative prefixes in and im
Reading for enrichment: I live in a city (poem) / choral poem / rap poem
Revision Units 5-9 (2 sessions)
Test Units 5-9 (1 session)
Project work (2 sessions)
7 sessions / Anwar and Ashraf (playscript) / Comprehension: literal comprehension
Vocabulary: adjectives / simple and compound sentences / Present Perfect – active and passive / past action – present result / An Indian market / Spelling: words ending ck/ic
Reading for enrichment: The Taj Mahal (information text) / playscript
Test Unit 10 (1 session)
7 sessions / All about tigers (information passage) / Comprehension: literal comprehension
Vocabulary: gender / subheading / paragraphing / modal verbs / Wildlife in India – Sariska Nature Reserve / Spelling: ory words
Reading for enrichment: Jazeera in the Sun (story extract) / information organised with paragraphs / subheadings
Test Unit 11 (1 session)
7 sessions / Black Beauty (classic fiction) / Comprehension: literal comprehension
Vocabulary: homophones / who/which clauses / may/might to show possibility + conditional / The National Horse Show / Spelling: suffix able
Reading for enrichment: The Bed and Breakfast Star (story extract) / first person narrative – changing viewpoint
Test Unit 12 (1 session)
7 sessions / Grace Darling (biography) / Comprehension: literal comprehension
Vocabulary: synonyms / abstract nouns / modals + passive infinitive / Sea Reascue! / Spelling: suffix ible
Reading for enrichment: The Lion and the Mouse (fable) / biography
Revision Units 10-13 (2 sessions)
Test Unit 10-13 (1 session)
Project work (2 sessions)
7 sessions / Stig of the dump (narrative) / Comprehension: literal comprehension
Vocabulary: regular and irregular past tenses / paragraphing / reported speech / It's rubbish! / Spelling: age words
Reading for enrichment: Don't Dump It – Re-use It (factual) / continuing a story - description
Test Unit 14 (1 session)
7 sessions / Where does our rubbish go? (information / flow diagram) / Comprehension: literal comprehension
Vocabulary: antonyms / adverbial clauses / question tags / Where can't our rubbish go? / Spelling: suffix y
Reading for enrichment: The Poet and the Trees (poem) / flow diagram
Test Unit 15 (1 session)
7 sessions / The One That Got Away (short story) / Comprehension: literal comprehension
Vocabulary: collective nouns / adverbial clauses / reported speech – have / had; will / would / The happiest days of your life? / Spelling: ary words
Reading for enrichment: Tanni Grey-Thompson (autobiography) / continuing a story
Test Unit 16 (1 session)
7 sessions / Interview with John Little (interview) / Comprehension: literal comprehension
Vocabulary: difficult words / positioning of clauses / reported questions / School stories / Spelling: suffix ous
Reading for enrichment: Impressions of a new boy (poem) / interview / reflective writing
Test Unit 17 (1 session)
7 sessions / Poetry (acrostic / list / rhyming poems) / Comprehension: literal comprehension
Vocabulary: contractions / apostrophes of possession (revision) / wish + past tense / Goodbye! / Spelling: au words
Reading for enrichment: The Model We're Making in Class with Miss (poem) / poetry
Revision Units 14-18 (2 sessions)
Final test (2 sessions)
Wrap-up (1 session)

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