Simple Machines Test

1. A fork is an example of a(n) _____ .

A. pulley B. wedge C. wheel and axle D. inclined plane

2. A roller skate is an example of a(n) _____ .

A. wheel and axle B. wedge C. lever D. inclined plane

3. Which of the following is not a compound machine?

A. stapler B. can opener C. fork D. computer

4. A seesaw on the playground is an example of

A. a first class lever B. a second class lever C. a third class lever

5. Someonone would most likely use a pulley to

A. cut food B. hold pieces of wood together C. help guide the sail on a boat

6. The groove on a screw is an example of a(n) _____ .

A. inclined plane B. wedge C. wheel and axle D. bolt

7. Which of the following is an example of a simple machine?

A. bookshelf B. intercom speaker C. basketball hoop D. tape dispenser

8. An object was moved a distance of 10m with 2N of force. What amount of work was being done?

A. 0J B. 5J C. 7J D. 20J

9. The unit for measuring work is the _____ .

A. joule B. newton C. meter D. the Ruth

10. A machine which is made of two or more simple machines is known as:

A. a compound machine B. a complex machine C. high maintainance

11. An example of a wheel and axle is:

A. flagpole B. a doorknob C. a screwdriver D. both b and c

12. The wheelbarrow is an example of a second class lever. The wheel is the _____ .

A. load B. effort C. fulcrum D. none of the above

13. This type of simple machine is found on cars, bikes, and wheelbarrows.

A. gear B. wheel and axle C. wedge D. the Evan

14. You can use this type of simple machine by pulling on a rope, chain or string to lift weight.

A. wedge B. gear C. pulley D. the Jamal

15. This type of a simple machine has a fulcrum that can be located at different places.

A. lever B. gear C. cheeseburger D. wedge

16. This simple machine is used to split things apart.

A. lever B. pulley C. wedge D. inclined plane

Write the type of simple machine each example represents.

17. push pin 18. stairs 19. lightbulb 20. crane 21. door knob

Draw each of the following.

22. wedge 23. inclined plane 24. screw 25. wheel and axle 26. lever

27. pulley

28. Which simple machine do you think is most important to you? Write three sentences to justify your answer.