NewtonPrimary School : Presentation Policy

This Policy should be read in conjunction with the Newton Primary School Marking Policy and Subject Policy Documents.

Our Aims

At Newton Primary we aim to:

Engender a pride in the presentation of work which reflects high standards from all pupils.

To develop skills in the organisation and appropriate tidiness of work that assists the children in all areas of learning.

To have a consistent approach across the whole school to ensure the continuity that will aid both children and staff and save a considerable amount of time.

To ensure that all children and staff clearly understand the importance of excellence in the presentation of work and consistently demonstrate a high level of expectation regarding what is acceptable.

As a staff we will ensure that:

There is a consistent use of exercise books for each subject.

All books are clearly and neatly labelled with the child’s name, class and subject title.

All children are shown how to organise their work appropriately.

Handwriting is in line with School’s handwriting policy.

Spelling corrections are made in conjunction with School’s Literacy policy.

At Foundation Phase pupils should:

  • Write the date across the top line.

(Y1: start after Christmas; Y2 from September)

Write the date in full for Maths and Sentence Level work.

Begin to use numerical format at the teacher’s discretion in Maths in Year 2.

Leave a line after the date and write the title on the left of the following line.

Begin to underline the date and title in Year 2.

Ensure that each piece of work starts after neat underlining of previous work.

In Maths pupils should:

(In FP, pupils should aim to;)

re-write the correction next to the error.

Only write 1 digit in each square.


At Key Stage 2 pupils should:

Ensure that their books are kept clean and free from any sort of graffiti.

Ensure that all worksheets are stuck neatly into exercise books.

Use black handwriting pens when handwriting is of a competent standard

Use pencil crayons only to colour in exercise books.

Use a pencil for drawing margins and lines.

Write the date on the top left hand corner of each piece of work.

Underline the date and title in red or pencil only.

Use the Welsh form of date on alternate days

Use the numeral form of date in Maths.

  • Write the title of work on the left of the line immediately below the date.
  • Rule off completed work before commencing a new piece of work.
  • Not use tippex or ersaser pens

In Maths pupils should:

Write the book, page on the top left hand side of their exercise book.

Only write 1 digit in each box.

Write corrections neatly in an appropriate space.

Write mathematical words/explanations in normal size writing.

  • Work across the page using the centre fold of the page as a guide.
  • Use alternate pages as ‘messy maths’ to show thinking

Rules for presentation will be discussed with pupils at the start of the academic year. These guidelines must be followed consistently if standards of presentation are to be maintained.

Monitoring and Evaluation

The Headteacher and each subject co-ordinator will take responsibility to regularly and systematically monitor the implementation of this policy.

Policy Reviewed: October 2013