Phone: 928-453-6759 Website:

Annual Meeting Information

The annual meeting was held on Thursday, February 18, for the purpose of electing officers, discussing accomplishments for 2015, and reviewing goals for 2016. Five candidates ran for the two open positions. Congratulations to new Board member Connie Vergine and Incumbent Kathy Yager and thank you to those who volunteered to help our complex by running for the Board. New officers for 2016include Steve Brooks,President;Kathy Yager,Vice President;Connie Vergine,Secretary; Dale Edington,Treasurer; and Wayne Jones,Architectural chair.Priorities for the Board include in-depth research and action on repairing/replacing roofs, parapets, and fascia and water conservation and beautification throughout the complex.

A special thanks to Steve Gissendanner for his years of service as a Board member.

As always, thanks to Dan and Tony for who continue to keep the complex in outstanding condition.

The new Board has selected a committee to assist in updating the CC&Rs. These changes will be made to accommodate the best interest of our owners and residents. Members of the committee include Connie Vergine, Steve Gissendanner, Jack Iversen, Jim Durham, and Joanne Seip. Thank you to all who volunteered.

Owners: Please notify Marcy of any change in your mailing address for the summer

You will find a small form at the bottom of the last page of this newsletter. If you have changes, please fill in your changes, cut off the form, and mail it with your April dues. Thanks for your help.

Insurance Information

The Association has received our new insurance policy for 2016. A Certificate of Liability Insurance along with guidelines of what should be included in your owner’s policy is enclosed with this newsletter and can be found on our website under Rules and Forms. Please take time to review this information.Also note you are responsible for insuring everything from the paint in, which includes the whole inside of your unit,also including kitchen cabinets, bathtubs, sinks, and all appliances. Below are some recommended guidelines for maintaining your condo to help prevent water leaks, damage, and insurance claims.

  1. Shut off your water if you vacate your condo for more than a few days. If you are gonefor more than two weeks, you should have a person perform weekly inspections to ensure that no water leaks or other damage has occurred.
  1. Each Owner should provide the Association with an emergency contact person with appropriate contact information, including telephone number.
  1. Each Owner should install steel-braided toilet tank fill hoses with steel connectors and ball valve shutoffs at the wall.
  1. Each Owner should install steel-braided washer hoses to replace plain rubber hoses.
  1. Each Owner should install copper, steel-braided, or nylon mesh tubing on ice maker refrigerators to replace plain plastic tubing.
  1. Each Owner should install steel-braided hoses with steel connectors and ball valve shutoffs at the wall connecting any and all bathroom or kitchen sink(s) to its water supply.
  1. Each Owner should install copper or steel-braided hoses with steel connectors on any and all dishwasher water connections and any and all water heater connections.

Upcoming Events:Watch the circle bulletin boards for the monthly calendar and updates.

March 19:Wine tasting at the pool, 4 p.m.Features include a tasting table with a $5 donation and drawing for a gift basket. Bring your favorite wine and an appetizer.

March 27:Easter dinner at the pool, 2 p.m. Sign-up sheets will be available at potlucks or contact Judy if you want to attend.

April 2:Coffee at the pool, 10 a.m.

April 6:Potluck at the pool, 4:30 p.m. Potlucks will continue every Wednesday in April.

A special thanks to the Social committee and helpers for making this a fun-filled winter!!

Pool/Recreation Project Fund Committee

In January 2016 a group of owners and renters removed and replaced the ceiling at the building in the recreation area, painted the entire building, installed metal on thefascia, andupdated the bulletin board.Two new lights have been installed in the restrooms and the trim on the storage building has been painted to match.A total of 279 man hours were donated by these owners and renters. Thanks to all who helped. Our committee also is working with the Tree and Shrub committee to trim bushes and trees in and outside nearthe recreation area. More projects are in the works. This committee would welcome any suggestions, volunteers to help with projects, or monetary donations so that we can continue to update and improve this facility which is enjoyed by all owners. Contact either co-chair, Rosie Weston at or Ann Will at with questions.

Cook Book Fundraiser

Dean and Kathy Fortain are still looking for more recipes for the Association cook book fundraiser—appetizers, salads, desserts, main dishes—all are accepted. Please email for favorite recipes to or drop the recipe(s) in the drop box in front of the pool. We will see that the Fortains get them. Thanks.

The last scheduled Board meeting for the season will be held on Thursday, April 7, at 7 p.m. at the Aquatic Center.

Safe travels to our residents heading home. Enjoy your summer!!



Name:______Unit #:______

Mailing Address:______

Late fees will be assessed for payments received after the 10th of the month