Adapted from


Name of the coastal State:

Information provided by:

Email address:


.1Is your countryaMember State of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO)?

.2Is your country a Member, or Associate Member State, of an IHO Regional Hydrographic Commission (RHC)?

If Yes, which RHC?

.3Is therean established nationalHydrographicOffice oranother governmental, or non-governmental, agency with responsibility for national hydrographic matters in your country?

Name of the agency if any:

.4Is the responsibility forprovidingnational hydrographicservicesformallyassignedto an organization within your countrybyyour government, throughdecree or any other legal text?

If Yes, what is the authoritative document?

.5Do you require Capacity-Building support to help you to further develop your national hydrographic services?

If Yes, in which areas do you require assistance? (Mark all that apply)

.6If your country providesa national hydrographic service, are theservices that are related to safety of navigation supported bya quality assurance certification (e.g. ISO 9001)?

If Yes, to which services does the certification apply? (Mark all that apply)



.1Doesyour governmentundertake or commissionhydrographicsurveys?

IfYes,dothe surveyscomplywiththeIHO Standards for Hydrographic Surveys (S-44)?

.2Does yourgovernment undertake hydrographic surveys in cooperation with other countries, through bilateral agreements or by other means?

If Yes, please provide details:

.3Does your government contract out its hydrographic surveying requirementsto commercial companies?

If Yes,do these surveys comply with the IHO Standards for Hydrographic Surveys (S-44)?

.4Please complete the following information onthe status of hydrographic surveys.Comments should be added wherever appropriate.

A1What is your estimate of the percentage of watersunder national jurisdiction0200 m in depth, thatareadequately surveyed?


A2What is your estimate of the percentage of watersunder national jurisdiction greater than 200 m in depth, thatareadequately surveyed?


B1What is your estimate of the percentage of watersunder national jurisdiction0200 m in depth, thatrequire resurveying at alarger scale or to modern standards?


B2What is your estimate of the percentage of watersunder national jurisdiction greater than 200 m in depth, thatrequire resurveying at alarger scale or to modern standards?


C1What is your estimate of the percentage of watersunder national jurisdiction 0200 m in depth, that havenever been systematically surveyed?


C2What is your estimate of the percentage of watersunder national jurisdiction greater than 200m in depth, that havenever been systematically surveyed?




.1Does your country produce official nautical paper charts, RNCs, ENCs, and nautical publications as defined in paragraph 2ofSOLAS regulation V/2? (Mark all that apply)

.2If the answer to question 3.1 is Yes, do you maintain these official products by issuing Notices to Mariners (NtM) and/or ENC Revisions (ER)?

.3Does your country have bilateral agreements with other countries for the production of official nautical charts?

If Yes, please provide details:

.4Are the official charts that your country produces available to worldwide shipping?

.5Do you have an agreement with a Regional ENC Coordinating Centre (RENC) for the distribution ofENCs?

If Yes, please provide details:

.6Please complete the following information relating to the status of official nautical charting for your country. Comments should be added wherever appropriate:

  1. Offshore passage and small-scale charts:

What is your estimate of thepercentage of waters under national jurisdiction that are covered by INT Charts?


What is your estimate of thepercentage of waters under national jurisdiction that are covered by ENCs?


What is your estimate of the percentage of waters under national jurisdiction that are covered by RNCs?


  1. Landfall, coastal passage and medium-scale charts:

What is your estimate of thepercentage of waters under national jurisdiction that are covered by INT Charts?


What is your estimate of thepercentage of waters under national jurisdiction that are covered by ENCs?


What is your estimate of the percentage of waters under national jurisdiction that are covered by RNCs?


  1. Approaches, ports and large-scale charts:

What is your estimate of thepercentage of waters under national jurisdiction that are covered by INT Charts?


What is your estimate of thepercentage of waters under national jurisdiction that are covered by ENCs?


What is your estimate of the percentage of waters under national jurisdiction that are covered by RNCs?




  1. INT =International Charts or national equivalent meeting the standards set out in IHO publication "Regulations of the IHO for International (INT) Charts and Chart Specifications of the IHO" (M-4).
  2. ENC =Electronic Navigational Charts meeting the standards set out in IHO Publication "IHO Transfer Standards forDigital Data" (S-57).
  3. RNC =Raster Navigational Chart meeting the standards set out in IHO Publication "Product Specification for Raster Navigational Charts (RNCs)" (S-61).

4MaritimeSafety Information (MSI)

.1Is your country aNAVAREA Coordinator?

If Yes, for which area?


.2Is your country aSub-Area Coordinator?

If Yes, for which sub-area?


.3Does your country have aNational Coordinator?

Who is your National Coordinator?

.4Please complete thefollowing information relating to thepromulgation of MSI.Answers may be Yes, No or Partial and comments should be added wherever appropriate.

  1. Navigational Warnings:

Does your country issue local area warnings?

Does your countryissue coastal warnings?

Does your countryissue port information?

Does your countryissue NAVAREA warnings?


  1. Has your country implemented GMDSS in accordance with the IMO GMDSS Handbook?

Master Plan?

A1 Area?

A2 Area?

A3 Area?


